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Behind The Bars Of Your Heart

Chapter 7 07

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 28/05/2021

ut those last five years she invested in finding justice for me caused me to develop a special feeling for her. Every time my he

and I am just a cobbler. I may have earned the title of a certified public accountant and had be

d from our home. And I didn’t understand why my heart pounded louder than the drumming cicadas.

continuing the replay of how my


across the chestnut-colored desk of the new officer. The black swivel chair was still empty when we entered the room. And the sudden

l and sturdy man asked as he


tes who tried to escape that morning. My heart ached for them. I learned later that it was o

I answered softly w

reason why you did not

fense, sir. Aside from the fact that it is wrong,

you murder R

r’s seat in that same year that his father first endorsed Jaime. I then realized why Jaime wanted to kill him. For

overed my mouth to conceal the m

n? You looked so surprised upon hearin

lor to light red. I suddenly felt the urge to lament at the loss of

o confess, but I broke i

granted me the scholarship program. If it were not because of him, my inco

ang against the four walls of the room. I need not

was there to confess to a truth that would remain unheard for a lifetime? Bu

r a few days, he appointed me as an auditor of the jail’s finances. My life was then more

ely because I had a constant visitor. On some days, she came to visit me as a f

started sipping from my cup. Every time she came to see me, sh

fee affogato,” she laughe

eans for our hot chocolate drink or t

ard to that,”

forward to, but her. I did not mind anymore if the arraignment got p

ur second-to-the-last witness. He ho

Atty. Reyes had tried to talk to our neighbors, but

yewitness,” I dismissed another ray of hop

I can to prove your innocence. Can you

sy would end the moment I get my freedom. I would no longer have reasons to see her, and she would then have no reason to

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