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Behind The Bars Of Your Heart

Chapter 2 02

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 28/05/2021

fore sunset. Yet, I did not wish to hurry up—ev

rday evening, so I worked late into the night. Weekends were the only days I could spend long hours in the shop since I did not have to worry about school projects

as I lifted the sewing machine's presser foot an

ide the half-door of our shop entrance, her slender figure accentuated her elegant demeanor. She

up, smiling back at her. “Good

, pl

xcept for shoe repair transactions. And because this lady came in at this late h

er hand, and my eyes were drawn to the famous brand name printed on the surface of the wr

, and examined it. It wasn’t new, but due to the type of leather m

ff lift,” I said, smiling

nt to give it up,” she chuckled, and

n’t mind working until dawn if my eyes

s, leg, and back. If you won’t let this go, tiny cobbler’s

iled. “Some good

ed as I hit the correct guess, fo

that worn-out s

sorry for her. It only proves that wealth and beauty

ixed.” I was merely stating some facts, but it

iful on the outside; yet underneath, the

if we were not, she was someone from the upper class, and I was only a cobbler. I was lost for w

ir of shoes, love is lovel

dn’t fool me. I felt the pain her laughter couldn’t h

d, and we laughed toge

I wouldn’t dare to

yebrow and held

materials for expen

ial, I can pay ahead,” she offe

ale requirement, and most of the people i

her down. When she turned to go after thanking me

hurry, I will find ways t

nk you so much! I will leave my number

ictated her phone number. “Okay,

e and replied,

om my sight, I still couldn’t take her out of my mind. I knew I had met her somewhere because she looke

owd's loud shouts from across the streets pulled m

t went on. Seeing the large throng surrounding the improvised stage at the center of the town plaza,

cting more investors and will turn our beautiful beaches into global tourist destinations. There will be more colleges, more

romises. Why wait for his son to take over hi

e Cortes! Long live

his ears, emphasizing his arrogant aura. Everyone who knew the mayor co

With his apparent support for the coming mayor of our town, I had already predic

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