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Behind The Bars Of Your Heart

Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 28/05/2021

had clenched over the sharp spikes of the boulder’s surface as my thoughts drifted into poignant memories

ip of blood with a smirk as it glided into my wrist. I

g pain inside my heart. It was nothing compared to how my heart bled for her. No

lace on the hilltop, only Alexa and I knew about this shortcut. Wild, thorny shrubs had already grown tall along th

of my mind again. She was catching her breath,

it?” I asked, pull

would be taking. Even my sense of hearing seemed to fail from trying to keep it sharp for the signs of danger Alexa might encounter. Although we had

. And of course, my father is there with them to suppo

t I love, would be wed to the mayor’s son after three days. My arms loosened

ot my heart," she tried to assure m

ould only be me inside her heart, it could never change the truth that she wouldn’t be mine anymore. Memories from our childhood friendship until s

a could somehow be proud of me. I worked and studied hard, burning my midnight candles to maintain it to the top. I worked i

highest honors. A few years later, after working part-time in a company and taki

income, I had been able to apply for a loan until I was able to run my shoe repair shop. I even started the shoe-making

ft voice broke into m

r that only she could fill. She’s so soft and tender-- a fragile t

anywhere with you. I won't mind living in

llow her to be in danger. I knew how cruel and powerful the mayor was. For many years, this town h

n who could dare to defy their power was not born yet. Anyone who would be identified as a non-supporter to their cause would soo

you with him than to

could never accept h

er eyes. “Forget me, Alexa, so that you would go in pe

How can you

ell that I was her daughter’s happiness, but she sold her daughter to Jaime Cortes, her long-time suitor, because of greed. All because of the parcel of land he wanted to sell to the local government. The property was a plain fi

a. Trust me!” I comforted he

my mouth. I ran my hands on her weak areas, igniting another emotion to stop her crying spell.

red territories. And on that day, with nature’s splendid backdrop as our

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