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Behind The Bars Of Your Heart

Chapter 4 04

Word Count: 1067    |    Released on: 28/05/2021

use I knew I had to leave the memories behind if I wanted to move on and start over. The sun had slowly hidden beneath the neigh

my eyes on the rocky cradle, I gave it a final glimpse. I would never co

e invisible under the tall shrubs, and without a lamp or a flashlight, I could not possibly grope in the dark. I still had to swipe away their bending s

the labored sound of my chest as it rose and fell; yet, a sense of fulfillment overwhelmed me. A fe

clearing to rest, my m


onfirm the moment a woman’

owever, the one who answered the phone was not her. I even stared at the number,

ne, please? This is Miss Be

s for a while. Miss

hop lately, Katrina Reyes left a lasting impression on me. Not as somebody in the society, but as an amazing stranger. Per

e shoemaker,” I replied with a smile, too ex

ur firm had hired you to solve o

as a freelance accountant right after I got my license, jumping from one firm to another. That may b

ou, Miss

inform her th

iss Reyes appeared at my place. Her beautiful large eyes glowed

awkwardly, “I have fin

t the boxes of ready-for-pickup items. I even forgot t

y in seeing her discomfort from wearing a pair of stilettos. I

e covered it that way as they were easier to clean when a cloud

e box of shoes. I looked straight into her eyes, a

ehand, confident that she would love the result. I just gave her worn-out shoes

smile; her eyes sat larger on her tiny face. She then ran her fingers into her shoes' oute

worth. Just like life, and some people who lost their sense of pride.”

on me as she pursed a smile. I

re ri

seem in a hurry to leave. She placed back the sho

around. “You can turn this area into a showroom. Then

y .” I smiled, admitti

come?” She fixed her gaze at me, and I gue

t, excludin

head, hinting at a concealed hatr

ke of her brilliance and resourcefulness. I found our discussion so fascinating that I even forgot I had lots of deadlines to catch up. She toppled down my defens

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