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My Half-Vampire Mate

Chapter 3 Kidnapped

Word Count: 828    |    Released on: 25/05/2021

rushed to pack my stuff as fast as possible. To a human eye, I was like a blur, moving arou

I was nervous and anxious. My heart was beating frantically in anticipation. I didn't want to meddle in vampire affa

ecessary stuff, I raced down the flight of st

he hell is she doing here? Isn'

re? And why didn't you

a shocked expression as if she thought I had gone

Anyways, you are the one who called me and said there's an emergency and I have to com

id I call her? I was about to ask her when someone’

s towards the source of that dark voice together. There, three

e in the alley. I pushed Epic behind me in a protective stance and glared at them. Although my heart was

nd more possessive for the safety of my sister. My voice was confident as if I was a

on his face as he stared at Epic. She was standing behind me silently, but the trembling of

help but let out a sigh in helplessness. The truth I wanted to hi

just as fiercely. I wasn't going to show any sign of weakness to them. I knew better than what happened to weakl

angrily at them. His playful expression morp

with us or pay the consequences.

t out of here, I will kick your bloody asses out!" I yelled at them. I acted to


g badly. I wanted to comfort her but I wasn't going

, and in a blink of an eye, he threw me at the wall behind me.

ight-headed. I blinked several times to clear my vision and keep myself conscious. But



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