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My Half-Vampire Mate

Chapter 4 Taken Away

Word Count: 990    |    Released on: 25/05/2021

g in the chilly atmosphere. My heart was aching.




The voice was echoing in my mind. Urging me to wake up f

my head. The flashes of past night flicke

more important things to do than to worry about it. There seemed to be a pool of blood dried on the floor where I had been lyin

they taken her? What would they do to her?

I should go back to that dark alley whe

nding in that alley. It was a bright morning, so, the alley wasn't

could find anything related to those vampires. When

rival. This sudden action caused black dots to appear in my vision but I didn't let

o the wall. I looked into those bright haze

I will rip you apart rib to rib!"

uld ever speak in that tone to anyone.

as he stared at me from head to toe. "You

ingly handsome fuck of a face. Suddenly, rage hit my head and

his cheek, he caught my hand and pinn


e from his grip but his

e but you ran away. You also disobeyed my men and now you are in a dangerous situation princess, just because of

in his hazel eyes but then I remembered that I was trapped in between a wall and a handsome, stron

e! He's also kidnapp

rom whatever trance I was in and

t this sick bastard wanted from me, but I could do anything for my Epic. She was the only family

e shook his head in agreement. He pointed

You should better get in it if

turned to face me. "If you try anything stupid, I will make sure you regret

ace on his face after seeing me grit my teeth in anger. Smirking, he headed towards the car, and at that mo

and sat on the back seat.

ason. To avoid the annoying stare I turned my head to look ou

ng at the thought of my sister getting hurt. I just wanted this to be a nightmare so th



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