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My Half-Vampire Mate

Chapter 2 Dark Alley

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 25/05/2021

g home this late at nig

ty girl. It's just that sometimes you have to give up a f

. However, this time, she was determined to take me with her. I didn’t stand a chance to w

! The bitch ditched for some dude instead o

feel uneasy. I was walking down the street when I heard the sound of someone falling inside the dark alley I had

en. It always happens in those cringe-worthy clichè movies where t

g and instead continued walking. It was then, when a loud bang echo

m. This was getting on my nerves now. But why am I scar

age I could and decided to take a

ate the entrance, but the rest of the alley was at the mercy of the moonlight. It was a dead-end and at th

er last breath. She was quivering under the deadly hold of that bas

of me, the words came ou

hell is

fell to the ground. A gasp left my mouth when I saw the dead girl. My heart started to beat faster as I looked up at the gu

r what was happening, it was already too late. Now I was the one

d maintain some distance

by a strong vampire and you are thinking

ly slapp

o lean in, and before I could move away, he buried his head in the crook of my neck. A surprise gasp left my lips as he sniffed my neck. It was

Hazel colored eyes with golden rings around the irises

nd you." He said, in an amused t

the hell is he? And why wa

ing on when three more vampires appear

going to kill me? Eat me? Rip me apart? Honestly, I had never met any

ll of them, who had pinned me to the w

to come

re scoffing at the absurdity of what he’d just s

who the hell they are! And he didn’t even sound like he was re

e going?!" Saying this, I pushed him backward. This was not enough

appeared on hi

have to do this

, who were blocking my way, and ran with my vampire speed out of that creepy,

against my ribs. I knew somewhere deep in my heart that e

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