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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 878    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

nwhile, only two minutes remained, till his hearing would start. He began to run and wit

ice: ?Welcome citizen 1-564398B-278843, to your automated trail

ssage menu, and tried to enter his culprit number. A rarely known

I didn`t do anything!", he whispered, but the door was already

tallic hole had opened itself, whic

e ceiling of the halfdark chamber. Frank Kohlhaas knew that he had no chance to refuse the order. It was n

assing second. Then a screen flashed. The "automated trial" aga

ers, the reproaches coul


urbation at

l aggravat

iced virus, began with some remarks. A detailed description of the progression of events, the listing of wi

besides, nobody had asked him for his point of view, only

fact, that the young man had refused the singing of the "One-World-Song"

abulary" during the argument in the factory, would be an evidence for Frank`s tendency of

followed: legal regulations and regulations for extended and deeper instruc

re my superior, otherwise I

s relatively small, according to the modern understanding of law which was oriented towards psychology and statistics. Further, the probability to commit this act one day in reality, had also enormously

was not able to think that fast, how this computer programme made him to a potential interferen

eared on the screen. The woman`s voice with the electronic taste kind

e charges, plea

e charges, pleas

ted, perked his eyebrows up and

hole crap is a bad joke!", yelled Frank through the court cell. For

ent! No! I click NO! No ques

w he had to wait. The computer hummed. ?Loading" could be seen on th

e smiled, a bit exhausted, while the inner tension started to die down. Shortly afterwards, he got the ans

ic principles, not to consider these! Unfortunately, we must tell you that the selection of the menu option NO

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