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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 897    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

again and the fog of despair in his head swelled so str

bered shotgun which would completely spread his brain over the yellowed wallpaper behind hi

is night and not even the smallest glimmer of hope seemed to shine somewhere. Nothing. Outside it was dark. In front of the house, Frank could recognize a

was no more work at all, in the periphery of several kilometers. Furthermore, a inquiry at the local administration had pro

at, I will visit this Sasse!", grumbled Frank on Friday, when the short

ed apartment, in the dark block of flats, in a much darker time. His fate and his pain was not noticed by anyone else. Just like Frank Koh

the corridor on his floor, and it would probably not even been noticed by his nei

erate people a good sleep. No concern could be so big, that it couldn`t be drowned in a wave of the good

'clock in the morning from the kitchen, where the dru

oman`s voice al

78843! You have a message of prior

78843! You have a message of prior

tizen 1-564398B-2

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, still a bit dazed f

nd rolled out of his bed whi

he grunted and walked with a ba

remembered the pin code and had found his wa


8B-278843. He had to read it twice, in order

is that?", he c

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officially cited to an automated t


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ex. In the case of nonappearance, you will be punished with the deletion of you

: 257789000-0100567-23

umber: 31

for your c

to hurt and to rotate. ?Citat

nd couldn`t remember any

I finally did not touch him. I have just lost control for some seconds. I don`t und

the kindergarten, back then, as he had given this stupid Kevin a little slap and his parents had been called to the authorithies. The local education officials had briefly beco

"sins" in front of a committee of psychologists and social pedagogues, and his parents had insured, that

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