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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 986    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

getting on my nerves!", said the

called the official of the "Ministry for Production Supervision"

he was hit by an angry look of Mr. Sasse. The supervisor narr

o me! Hurry!", he roared

n flowing. He didn`t need

e, waving the worker nearer. Kohlh

for you, isn`t it?

t, Sir…eh…Mr. Sasse!

at you mean…", he

st possible uneasiness. A malicious silence prevailed for several oppressive seconds. Meanwhile, th

y hurt and his nasal bone reacted with a cracking on the punch. While some blood thr

has to be sung, you have to sing it too. This was a

eanness. In the meantime, Kohlhaas had gone to the ground. This punch

ably think, that you have a special

og, humiliated in front of the rest of his colleagues - what was very close to reality. Without considering his a

ak you every bone!", screamed Frank with boiling fury. Gert Sasse

of the production complex leader. Sasse was in his office and

the brightly illuminated corridor. The young man started moving and took a seat on

te three times. Apart from that, this is not the first time that you make a spectacle of yourself. You are already occured to me, because of subversive sta

mplex in the next days, with our new "Voice-Analysis-System", a

authority of production supervision. Is there just air in your head, boy? If I don`t t

uch an unbelievable incident with a message to the responsible administrati

roat was tied and his courage was put on ice somewhere. He went out, just went out, pale as death, with a roaring he

called since the year 2018. If Frank would not find a new employment as soon as possible, he could lose his apartment, his food and finally also his life. Any social security, warranted by the state, had completely been abolished since the total collapse of world economy in winter 2012/13. And it was more than difficult, to find work in a time, in which the industrial production in old Central and Western Eur

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