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Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 844    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

orrowful and restless night, but by the disgusting stench which came from the stai

p for a while, because of his constant brooding and the u

n his head and the face of citizen 1-564398B-278843 changed to a hatef

e of that guy, then I will smash the skull of this bastar

d stared down at the dirty street

w job, otherwise they will close the account on my Scanchip

elling, tried not to inhale too deeply on the corridor

t about repairing it. The only one, Frank could imagine as a potential empl

ock. He hit the road, walked down the ugly street, which was covered with garbage, an

the mountains of scrap iron. He was very tall, thick, bearded

u?", welcomed him Frank q

n?", answered the thick junkdealer

trade still run, Stefan?", asked Frank. ?You have here… e

junkdealers do. Why do you ask me this,

at man looked at him quizzically. Then, Meise stroke wi

nk! And now?", asked St

temporary job, you know? Perhaps, you still need

with his yellowish, bulging eyes. Then he looked around and

d. We all know this, my friend. I almost run everything alone here and only Ralf hel

good actor and who saw him now

r two months

he thick, filthy man and turned away. ?I'm sorry, but I have to do some

ilities of employment and checked all production complexes around Berlin in his mind. But the problem was, that his boss had given him

his apartment in this rotted estate of prefabricated houses. Time pressed now, with each day a little bit more

and tried to sleep. But it was only 23, 00 o'clock and regrettably the exhaustion had not a

he dark ceiling, cursing the production complex 42-

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