The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Genre: LiteratureThe Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
arth, beneath th
ast the varnishe
current, as it
channels of th
g hyacinth re
nshine with he
oda with its
willow twines h
ves that sweep
elm, sole empre
shadow speaks a
he clouds her
ving on a s
poet; though
ed titles, such
eye in ecs
ature tracked
f, whate'er ma
oil or surfei
ancies, with t
tness, from the
onder o'er the
he idyls of a
instinct which
essay and her
these her narro
impulse movin
aken by the t
Labor tills his
anges of the
oil or dialled
rests and the
os and the blu
guardians, who, w
Chloes, melt i
uses from their
dias in the
visit only wi
alleys and E
aried of his
Edens of the
-crowned cliff, th
liage or the
pphire or the
sunset or the
eart whom ever
re, forgetfu
ildhood! how a
nd thee with h
s, though clad
ummits which t
agrance of thy
ia breathes a
ale wafts home t
s temple is it
y, whose early
ed, and friends
anderings, still
friendship, cen
village! as
iving and ab
playmates guard w
own holy with th
ust some reverend
mile-stone marks
the changing
glance of morn
g onward as th
ilac or the
follow, till the
ow-drifts of t
k, long tossin
port her tempe
give thee? Ca
bosom like a
deck thee for
eded, fading l
d, with footste
eaves beneath y
ay or dripping
e visions of
rles, along th
oze and fringed w
ndered in th
sandal and su
ancy whispere
Avon of her fl
foliage, frett
arches on the
song with holi
ne and forest-
beauty each
classic on my
untain, filled wi
naked of its g
oon the promis
choking, and t
lay of one wh
e brightest whe
own pallid with
welcome of hi
lands sought b
eaflets gather