The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Genre: LiteratureThe Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
of the bright c
se shadows, vague
sts, wan streaks
of the upward
the downward-
pictures of th
e midnight still
und upon this
vulture of a
on my life. I
ment's freedom
lons and the sh
alse enchantress
ot lay thy fore
rd that feeds an
arlands that I
as the belt
wels of the seve
stream of Ber
es the fetters
ing limbs, and
quarry,-then t
unger I must
-drenched, pois
reshness from m
hadows round my
e in some unh
e that tells t
estless wretch
he jealous nig
at him who sc
t sadly of th
ulk we tread s
der drifting
ew of fools! W
are not co
ould that cove
t stand like be
grievous wound
books to teach
ongs that tell
our lives, an
emory with th
seasons while th
ers, ere its c
fe of all that b
orn seer, perch
deem, before i
-dust, stoned wi
hammered anvi
ks and all that
otion, in th
laming vapor
n for earths th
d as Egypt
em that squar
ars I watch. I
etter is a gl
ked from Shinar's
anderer of th
fallen sister
aces vague, r
lent few, who,
nion with thei
f in that et
red my wings a
denser air, t
raised above
nwalled, sol
e the myriad l
ine own for
spheroid and
rd or deed to
nt's dungeon
t's fetter for
deadly poison
mingles for the
willing vict
mingles, for h