The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Genre: LiteratureThe Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Muse the robe o
poet lives i
hisel of the s
one to mock the
painter bade
ne the forms
iris of the
f its own ce
s the breath of
shapes that lat
cience how to
gates of Natu
aith, who, with
e labyrinth with
ering round he
s bars like Danae
ea-nymph answer
naiad left he
beauty; lo, am
ored in the bre
ste empress, in
the foliage wh
pled, as the
d lip of Cyth
ona swept the
allas shook her
aves their mighti
bled to the
that plastic
poets its pe
ords to simplest
olished in the
ir edge, imag
ainbows, shoo
ul, from soul to
ll nature lin
right will ra
oet than h
e which cold,
ay, as fungous
ast, yet sprin
urps an unsubs
languid for the
down with act
ld whose joys
ived, yet think
out, and less t
life before it
which drains the
some hectic th
e which, like th
k years the fr
nius! Say, doe
, for health, f
inews, rack the
cheek and drain
mind with more
truggling in d
aid, too rea
notes, the pale e
ius, though it
e morn beneath
ource whose su
owers and dark,
ght the dear i
partner of thy
pture on his b
Raphael, in h
thy blessed
oom or Chatter
ey whom, wanderi
t, but only fou
smile, the bet
song the only
ld greet me wit
and more kindl
uld Memory, as
lowers that bloss
lips, now closed
pulses hushed
te scholar! I c
g laurels on t
t figure float
folds the ac
ip the classic
that sculptured
stening in the
live,-but oh,
iend, whom Scienc
mourns, on ocea
forest twice ha
laid its buddi
ngles with my
ndered by the
opes, which revelle
ged or all we
aranth and the
d to breathe th
re one in unr
till, who spurns
dewy from Cas
, yet scorn to t
senate with t
indus might hav
been? Remember
ve? Let "Alaric'
! where'er t
cradle where th
arth, their her
echo to the vo
Ocean scatte
ulwarks of the
arth dissolves
leaves that van
lows, and citi
plintering in t
ne, scarce whisp
shore the blas
which oft, perc
ckery and the c
dust of earth's
ng through the
n, round whose
whirlpool of the
r of twili
im sire l
of the "blo
ed all ro
met's pic
ot's whoop
y's limbs w
ather's arms
as a freez
for the h
thatched with
at served f
with an a
e was gent
log where
e dreary
went to
all clad i
s that did
ought flash
of lon
his leath
ured, "E
er, God-be
upon m
e dream u
I spak
ter's hear
the sto
e dream's
its end
n the na
ered remn
f shiverin
hem and t
as falling
ng fell
to see th
the visio
e eyes wer
e had wax
ad grown to
ant was
lake and win
the shor
demons qua
tian's go
, the villa
, lake,
down the s
on rose
ng the wi
ral col
ove their b
ed flag
der rode b
ng calm
f Heaven's
in his a
a Nation'
d appeal
e right! I
he train
;-the stri
emn iss
Hosts, his
d our Isr
e and gra
e our mar
ul smiles
less flow
when some s
er the ta
side, and s
ing decks
George's bl
tress of
she whose st
before th
er iron rib
ders striv
throats, the
d the Arma
cleared,-a wr
the crimso
g from its h
s of Eng
Faith! though
ly torch
ler races
er orbs
the fiery
y pathwa
chosen trib
stern P
living ti
with fla
capes of
d's 'land o
eyond the sp
the north
rn rock to
he grim old
tly bent
child, whose
ly turne
toil-worn s
h the m
that never c
crossed, his li
was o'er
soil, the mou
e sod we
has melted
ory liv
t live u
ory of
the pale
e their tear
g in the s
s of bur
sprinkles wi
here once
the frowni
d this ho
neath the tr
of spark
the waste
rock sha
ts latest
flaming he
d and rol
o'er their
her sur
efore and f
the clin
before the
her hiss
pray, like se
and gliste
er fast, in r
y wave th
o'er the mi
gems of o
r flashi
g wheel and
ing torc
re loud and
ders foa
are silent
n beam s
glimmering th
s her glea
wild, nymp
her shad
of her res
ing through
, like a co
ening su
scarf of spa
os of th
n pilot sha
his narr
frigate sca
breast t
esail, scooped
k from yar
smoky wreath
ing mis
hear yon whi
n quiver
roat of the
g forth t
whirled like w
surge sh
o'er yon p
the sea-b
e wanderers
nor wave
ss arms, whos
ds of liv
d, when the
'er the s
those for wh
ver wake
o'er the meado
dewy buds glis
h, while his child
rebel and shou
her gol
e silen
he morning on c
s his par
om his n
st sparkle of
en where the fres
rst-born of g
-volley around
life-blood the
the feebl
ng low
ns how their fa
s the ir
r its nat
apon that glea
des the wild kn
r hamlets the
rm-clouds the thun
eat of the mu
the sold
e waves o
athered and loud
the muske
s the rifl
anging from th
e of the horse
dow his cold
ing the war-ste
nting he droop
the lip
the trum
ken-fringed red
he turf
nters the herd
s where the hoars
weary floods m
fern by the fu
echoes that ro
he tempe
shine streams
y the ty
the mig
ttle, from mo
ves where her ma
ombless they sun
r ashes the sta
eagle they rouse
her North
the foam
ad banner to s
eep her
o'er lan
r emblem her h
ive piece of silver, its cherubs and other ornaments of coarse repousse work, and ha
bowl of mine, it tel
jolly nights, and m
jovial race, but ho
e in the punch when t
ought the bar,-so ru
Antwerp smith, whose
the strokes, for fear h
d quaffed a cup of g
n English squire to p
, and conceived a l
ancient stock anot
dle spiced and hot, an
, it reached at len
w Timothy, and ta
nd prelacy; and s
here he found conven
u know what's next: it
e Mayflower came,-a h
furniture, to fil
still on hand, at le
inter's eve, the nig
ish took the bowl, and
ood and stirred the p
men-at-arms were ra
Hollands in,-the man
olemn draught, and w
usketeers-the men th
their mother's milk,
d from his nest, the
ringing whoop, the s
learned the rule he t
n when you find he sm
ifty more, had spread
flattened down each
bowl was filled, but
mother's hand to c
aid, 't will do yo
l nev
dismal trench, out
you were hurt, 't wou
well he wrought that
generous warmth in g
pleasant thought to b
at loves excess; hast
shallow skull, no
the past,-its pressed
s its broken walls,
it bequeathed,-my ey
vanished joys that d
honest cup, and bea
all it holds, wha
s on its face prot
dreadful words,-"My de
o be printed with the official account of the celebration. It was written at the suggestion of Dr. Jacob Bigelow, who thought the popular tune "The P
and swamps
ere full of
ans red
wks and sca
olks' heads
from England
ed wigs
me cawing th
the Pilgr
me snuffing
a babe
nakes were
t of the ol
blew at m
knocked the
tree trun
prout amon
of stee
ittle wharves
he ocea
little scho
the boys
length the C
em cocke
tutor's m
t-tails w
e Greek and
ling from
-colored c
ming to t
as on the
llege w
ws of the
ed a littl
n as an
he seniors
hman cla
t then the
mons now
otash an
king on
t rattle ro
n long-ta
on Commen
blacked t
the ancien
t was ha
hearts make
r maids a
faith have f
born Yank
he kernel
sh found
in, Esq., commonly known as "the Governor," was the proprietor of it at the time when this song was written. Mr. John M. Forbes is his worthy successor in terr
summer flo
s will so
folds his j
the dyi
e waning s
ess grove
wine and g
own our l
the merry
he antle
d loud the
he hunte
he woods, and
horn is sou
tsmen, a
steel or wa
le empir
ng with his
uns foami
g wave, the
and lif
heir dim and
e horiz
l leave the
es the sm
id our isl
our oak-l
ll be awhi
our wood
e vulgar pac
ing trac
shares in toi
h not to
ath the broad
s of mirt
he dust of n
aws of
hrough his g
ble Rob
eparted, ch
ory's han
light, your
s gray urn
is restless h
ning eye m
r fainting
fair pha
child in o
farther fr
s young fou
fainter wave
r rolls
s dark,-the s
s,-and wh
strike the i
my sum
unbeams from
my aut
to me their
t were
s of boy
not that I
kness in
around my
s for gen
I had not
s grown tam
is lone and
es the mi
h every y
es leave
or wisdom's
for garl
he dewy brea
er the ti
and fans eac
t soon sh
e opening yea
e look l
when the
hese lids
bear this
my heart
e lips that
he strange
yond the d
hose roy
the lilacs
the chestn
like a we
ning task
e little ha
teness to
the bright
tre spark
ringe of So
ed in Sa
heard anot
some tru
! which I lon
and lis
gentle hands,
lets of
on the fait
he breathe
clinging a
ing lips
veils the b
ths and to
t leaves a s
parting plum
them fol
rocks besid
now change
s in the mo
at loves
! I have do
this dest
hat asked
r my tea
memory shoul
e taught thine
ery's voi
u fledgling
eart may fa
on change
se sculptured
s now da
n of thy g
thee, too
heir early
nt hours
ng eyes for
l we lin
e passing c
such wondr
orgets his
his promi
arp no long
es a fain
last from Sco
o more
's burning
ld's was
ng o'er the d
of Englan
t o'er its br
its soul
lark at heaven
o'er Avo
summer shed
y bloss
's namele
ous island
de the wa
ur distant l
thy gener
hy far hor
owed sta
, like an a
rn skies
r mother, ye chi
d like truants f
her face, and a
o feast from he
alleys, your cour
young eagles, the
our fields, and yo
s all nonsense in
law, who can tal
the moon will al
ld lady, that ne
er handkerchief
men, for a m
the rhubarb an
your turnpike, you
out road to the
hose ears are a
s an ant-hill of
nies you, we we
s biped, in spi
the city! how
his legs and the
ind, his band
mbling, "You mus
en meadow, to
squito and br
g round him on bl
ne sigh for his y
d school-house, har
s side had the
the days of his
e of youth had so
on river he weep
ith water, as if
h rapture, he s
is heart and a c
is dreaming,-
eturns as by
is damp with a
his fingers an
chill gust is
a rose from his
conscious of sp
uper. Ah, is
the prizes we
tle "shiner" we
earth is so d
irst stirred in
ll parties and p
e "Astor," we'll
apple, a seat
old-water-at n
h my microscope,
vy quarto and a
een organized with
copperplate would ha
Dr. Faustus, of th
t for the whole, and
y footstep that was
entered, exclaimi
my visitor, but so
to hat, his weigh
xpand their brims as
eached its noon it wa
opped my book,-the
, and commenced
n heartiness that
gentlemen in s
olloquial ways,-the v
Thursday next,-you m
roaring time, with l
, et cetera, the JUD
temporal bones are
ust look and see that
ore than spent,-and,
ilver hairs, I'm ge
-don't you know that
his manliness by l
ure blossom that u
potato could not fl
lection, when you 'r
faces that would str
from enemies and cheape
the earnings that a
prospect, when you're
year's income is d
trips barefoot th
is watered that yo
a good one,-but I'm
deviations from m
go with you to hear th
gomery Place, and hav
Shut your mouth, and h
ls of a feast are
the planets round deli
ake t' other day was g
hilosopher, if all
eir sinciputs in str
mahogany, I'd beat
twenty fools, and
hould be there, th
tle trick of his o
would give in, and
e a bore, and Fra
"patronage" of all
ittle narrow eyes a
prosier friends,-suc
so very scarce a
Lochinvar, to trea
loaf of bread a sug
p of glass that's r
a single spar
s and cuts
delusion comes,-a g
iaphragms revolved
promises without th
't compromise the o
ative shades, besid
seems a friend, and e
ivial glow (unaided
the old-particular
vius flings the scori
volleying rain back to
volcanic stones, ou
ing in again to see
ast night, as I
est prospect of c
s-bless me!-how
bal president
on earth that h
seed to a fres
gray, and no yo
o plump, though you
arge on the boil
w clergyman up
doctor, quite
ists on a bit
epared for his
of praise and
your collar and
your legs, and yo
friends,-they a
are thought so
ack Horners o
fingering to pi
, like chickens, wil
the heat of t
hatched from th
d the glow of
then, if I m
mall flash of
l kindle your
not follow the p
are listening so
uble-reefed in a
fables, both dra
n drop, but the p
. . .
he FLOUNDER, perh
or use and ano
he public, a d
white, which he
ounder, the fla
e of them thicker
ore freely tha
elation that just
posure! just se
race,-he is s
small to res
e cobbler with ho
up,-but just wait
t all flounders are
. . .
near the PICKERE
leaves off and
, survivor of fis
his family, n
tions; he feels t
ittle tidbit h
be swallowed, n
next fish with a
rvivor, whose
xt hook with the
you snatch from t
rent from this
me,-early morning, dear to simple souls Who love its sunshine and its fresh-baked rolls; P
e! where smilin
ets, nor anxiou
nia I were
table in this
e,-Virtue ha
ountains taste
cup and lift t
imple holds a
ne by Maine's am
gers pierce its
no spiked and
ath, the postma
where peace and
ulness verebr
letter from h
g on a fo
matter I fo
m you in a
ext our purpo
eeding, as y
ction of the
alf is that
ll 'the intel
toasts, around
juice the Colle
flanks our kn
at, we swim wit
rt, by native
eloquence the
skill its mus
t effluence of m
t trick to cram
crisply over
ss your various
and all your n
ou-your singl
ong, excuse m
aggle on so s
h, or severa
urs, most tr
ight mus
Judas on the
oots? my pant
loves? as well
lady, is it gr
oddy, if perha
ailor, though
dy, 't ain't fo
grog to finish
toddy while yo
. .
he speaker, ri
d, because so
se-with una
louder!-who the
d-with undis
feelings as
d to face this
d with eloque
w are ranged
isdom, virtue
rod of empire mi
elbow stir t
Homer learn to
oaning with its
aturalist wh
species in a d
aster in a st
iphering takes
linguist, who
urseries tracks o
children reared t
cattered through t
hought of all t
ancy down the
lory of the
izon shoot its
near the radia
stre (raptur
est the blazin
chariot of the
ong vista of
endor (three tre
tic, as the d
dvent of the
scene new gen
e the coming t
mer's, who, we
orks and never
to Marlborough
savage, anti
er in the past
rticles, the
igh the blazin
ight on Harva
ensigns ever
ocus of the n
s, and, tramplin
he hall the thu
ust of long-
d chaos of i
. .
this demands a
, and not the
nswers for a
metre does n
eneath the
ts peacef
rom her an
ed cross,
ook of lig
her worl
own shadows
spread t
he savage u
ng mart
laden winds
wers of g
precious glea
's amid t
on gathered
he base
ankles re
ad white w
thee the gl
thine az
lift those s
in gilded
he gems my c
ely dame
he gentle, a
red at
ill your b
their ri
melt their
a hundr
. .
ell me, ye who
ture for a t
thos if one
ment for an o
b to launch th
ngerous as t
current of som
object that yo
missile which the
omerang slaps
tion spoils the
etter ruins a
choke a fel
ve him, spelt
ord has some u
urks in i wi
illes, who had
nds, died of a
who, when in ch
bacon had his
l that kille
other known th
entered at the
ies the small
bunions,-not th
book we all ha
ions, bound i
Progress" un
. .
gled with the r
title is in
s watchman on he
brightest when th
ll with what a
watches of h
et the hoarse a
wreck and bursts
faded, when th
ands embrace the
pleads with u
ht, O wanderer
Themis! Would t
n tendrils round
adiance fill th
ine streams throug
irsty, and the
st, if memory
unals, famed f
ustice ere they br
tch, to solve a
n that comes fro
art whose gl
on that makes i
e;-the rock whe
chen, last of
agrant with the
asmine to the
stress o'er th
tribute to her w
stening the u
fering tracks t
anguish of his
nger points to
t felon steal
waves before h
isery finds hi
aper shows her
ide that men a
lwark that prot
ll its happiest
servants, man's
ymph that Heaven
umper let us
ave thee,
l waste bef
ir and sails
ave their
hining day
gird my sh
y tears, O
over's par
rst sad sun
tear thy lo
rning star
wake with w
econd sun
ranquil sha
well that w
yes and spoi
first un
wear a smil
st month's
once attemp
ckwick tho
ckering rou
st, in sor
s thee laug
rst seven mo
h shall fum
irl, she's
econd week
l they ring
hird week
et the cre
re the flat
lock with sm
ps, unwean
, how can
evils bot
catching g
ed, and Hel
ow can yo
careful o
not to yo
illed a pi
h its per
kerchief m
ch when ker
ll than m
ce from ha
uch as talk
stols, dag
mp that Ru
answer love
ad was spu
er stretch
hold the l
really sw
e shall stor
asts in bla
urmur wi
elt, or th
ords on e
wings like
ie, and we
better cou
well: if y
rt love's bu
eep that h
read of vu
ue lips o
h icy ki
hine forg
often, Lo
oft the Al
fe's desert s
of friend
re'er the
n or dew
s law that wi
e lips of
again, bef
glass s
has the wa
dest laug
were not b
haired sa
e moderate
ly live
tribes the
not wine
ut little d
that lit
ce agai
ht drop is
s a monar
et holds
es melt
Caesar's b
the Egyp
ty lips
ce agai
s mound, the
nt when
he purple g
ter on
right Immo
led with
ir best and
d the dark
ce agai
er every sp
s waves h
o'er its
g round its
ks of flo
nt dance an
he nymph
ce agai
then to jo
ts as fre
o'er the du
tly mingle
's self the
of Foll
from her vin
her life-
again, bef
glass s
has the wa
dest laug
ar woman! She
encircles, the f
its crystal with
bloom in the br
et woman! The d
or her lord till t
hite pillow, and b
cold lips on his
ved one! too sp
banquet to cha
light that his go
er cheek was diss
fountain, health f
of silver unwin
the mist of the b
f innocence floa
nd a welcome to
passport that la
crimson,-its le
ed Nature.-So, ro
riendship! it i
ods have quenched
the sacred d
shell, the cup
im the hand o
ter than the b
lushes of the vi
sunshine of An
ories gild the
Sidney peris
s current lends
tain whence the d
drops sparkling
e Arab in his
reamlet oozing
crouch the shudd
eam that, ere
pavement, gliste
silent from it
alleys with its
aught if genero
let friend shall
ituate every h
ature still
red before the Bosto
n, October
rfumed by the
-flavored shed th
oots invade the
crystals from
s flow with an
dmit no mirth
t mocker, the
e real, not th
misses warble
ecreant to th
ning, but in h
ment from the
more thy cons
eet my old al
ill, and loyal
nce explores t
n to hope the
ience. All th
antics of a p
embering some
ose among the
ience till th
witty shamfi
least, if not
riate for an e
ell what alde
anna tight a
ther, who, a
aughter with su
rchief brough
plosions of he
or, once a fr
doings in th
cussions rip th
stitches in a
nce,-these shal
them ere my s
. Not servile
its no depre
in, she will
ession due to
nows the droop
oldness from the
ice the Heaven
ecrets of our
liant, captive,
loring at the
sed in thought's
ms with rhyme's
the music of
harm,-her lips
me, in manhood
aurels from th
ath the harleq
tar upon my
t critic pass
s have drained
nza pleased the
n was tuned to
rms, in other c
the ponderous m
ence to a scho
and or laughter'
und with satire
hearts that bid
der through the
eat and play with
meaning fill t
udgment; will y
. . .
ths what crowded
asp, the last and
painted on t
darkness of the
hadows for
ant on the e
y from one unc
st and stillness
hy, our tremblin
m visions their
when first the
's musings found
. The myster
uestion, WHAT HA
fe's twilight, a
thunders of th
aces, silen
nflicts of thi
e efforts, whos
preludes to
s summer see
being moulderi
oet vaguely
tioned in his
mockery reach o
araohs' or the A
is a Heaven of
ports, the Mos
eing's only
ories to our
ect, shrivellin
sparkle to its
d upward to th
scords of her
anthem, while
guish from its s
s the immorta
, throbbing, ag
ul whose sulle
these the all
bigot, thou do
selfish, yet
yrant throned
lf, and cares f
summoned from
ws, and not a
and quivering n
rong, the deat
enses with thi
ories and its
lf, unworthy
victim of a
im, unchangin
centre of thy
teacher with h
harter of thy s
, who gave the
st in all its
tribute of a
easure of his
life through all
ed with unexh
eraph had no
ed thee from the
e; a larger g
pose swelled h
e,-will,-to make t
lar from the
mage, thou mu
own of sovere
fted, it is t
entre, Heaven's
heart a beami
blot, no hypo
bs one cheering
ar it bears the
en where his
welfare, true
meanly of th
oice; to choos
e the sacred
thee when thy
, a judge of
e Sodom if sh
reedom which t
hat Heaven can t
de thee to be
love thee,-ay,
ced thee on a
aves, but not w
eedle will fo
fury of the
urrent it wil
s axis by a fr
SCIENCE lose it
ightning fall
fluence quit i
o deeply with
er, where bus
nae, feeling t
rnier on whose
taper tremble
x, tracks the
derings through
mist where dazzl
spot where U
rong or negli
dex which thy
ine each star
de circuit of
nchanged the e
shadows of te
ed, forgets the
andering o'er the
reed?" a hundr
d beneath what C
idly, for u
on the smoke
t incense rose
altars one wa
bt, our earlies
ecepts for the
sons which the
tainless on the
blossom owes
tear-drops of a
ght that led o
perfume of our
question chills
fs, we dread t
Reason waver
emory be thy
place, and, if
er's creed, thy
lean on Time's
istance, lends
als, dark with
invests the
l bow, and anxi
avarice come
eep, the impi
t glimmerings on
set sheds his
int halos of t
raves, whose ru
footprints where
verdure has not
wild-flower has n
g tenants, dead
cord shall at
holiest in t
mitred, or
air; some pictu
shadows shall
es that crowd the
own amidst th
bbath brings it
lumbering on th
ed, the street
bells renew th
awakes each
rret whence its
last of subl
echoes with the
glistening from t
d requiem for t
elling, as of
wind its deep,
le, that, mind
llery shook its
bosom, as a b
tpin which the
echoes with the
tions, tremul
ded in the mo
cymbals from th
nding by the e
lifted o'er th
ir his brazen
brim the swollen
h memories of
ower the Northern
es, that spell th
follow as they
il, whom fortun
ature, faith an
memory, each
winds that sig
ps thee with her
rm billows of
shadow blend
hy mast the e
g midnight to
lling with the
shrouds the wil
-bird folds her
sion o'er thy
oes ring the
grateful tear
town, the isla
miling board, it
welcome of the
ss, and, still
earts shall aid
eamer o'er the
eded, and to
pic's dews, the
warm among hi
path by this d
ncy half forg
streets that slu
urrent of de
rms in one ha
ildhood by its
robe whose fa
gs beneath th
ilks that, flutt
borders of the
briefly, sorro
eeks beneath th
ers where with
y her, but sh
ublets deviate
ndcuff binds t
ple! pressing
bonnet that re
kcloth, with its
, the Sabbath
leless, he tha
sciple of Ge
ow, behold hi
rs through yon
earing of th
gloves, the u
sed or half pro
twinkle from the
n story; yes, t
istian from th
reet that curves
etray yon so
rose that speaks
that shades h
ssal in her k
ile from Kill
though blanched
r azure in her
garet, Labor's
om home, the nur
ahdin o'er the
scot dashes thr
astes, her care
hymn-book in i
dgery's heavy w
t morning folds
ffering, thou ma
d the Sabbath
cture faithful
e noisy tribu
ow such barren
line that asks
listener, I w
eatures of the
ntle thou mus
able and its
lining of the
ilence what I
soul, this tr
stillness, bu
se, the breathi
toil's exhau
th music to th
anthems to a
ntly, with the
rother strayin
bid thee trembl
verdict is f
champions of t
fountain or ba
passions in
weapons o'er th
soul, expand
cheme the thou
dogma shall m
faith my ang
cy's milder c
risen from thy
founders of th
ith, the trust
raking in the
fagots in her
ashes of He
skull of old
heart thy "Rom
ibres, strengthe
ce may call them
yers, her dan
is blessed her
ross her dyin
angel looks w
ee, the simpl
fault against t
ear with ever
must, o'er histo
ongs that stain
wanderer from
essage meekly
il that err, the
aith,-but hope a
ce; Love. A mea
hts must creep in
onest? Ask the
ll thee knaves
strious? Let
Richard's" fe
constant el
olid old Teu
t; it felt the ea
e, and greets th
m: the mongrel's
ars loose the
oks, the jaw t
bellowing monar
ons look not
othing, mind t
ve done for wha
istent," but b
fidgets; you hav
focus of a n
ange and rabi
tements, alw
atriarchs; the
ed maniacs of th
e, but try to k
, but don't be
tions,-let me c
e iron till it
r set; our feeb
s, the countena
object settl
metal and you
teps of such as
ze, though good
uine, no-mista
ple fed on gre
llowers of tha
ngles with its
tile, which,
recious jewel
y, "Progress," t
mpanions ever
tride the stanch o
ers, though they
nge through afte
l write, "Bewa
utes, never
easures which t
pocket of its
ight,-it holds
ght thee? Choose
recipe, and
le, congress
okesman, only
rfeit which thy
els the poor r
h epithets th
flattery pain
MANNERS are no
ue may drop a
inking, every
wordy fabric
emptying your
mbago jumps
eatures with th
ks, if haply
bject for his
ffice that ins
e, to meet thy
arments, to
ve" is what t
sex, Miss Har
ecious book t
ervers what the
-'t were better
rick that eve
habit, and it
cks, how hard i
eople, both di
others, every
ssing with a
do?" or "How 's
elings in thei
weak and some
other, make a
k, expatiate
radiant, seems
so was such a
other thinks he
e in which they
alk, in dust, o
death, and bot
lifted, do not
Ajax, fightin
castor on your
mounted your
dly, though they
hings; a scale
d grammar, sweari
heaster's icy
reedom of th
peasant of the
ssions play ab
ature that tran
ive, palsied b
ckles of the p
uscles when he
umice of the
roughness of t
titled, he be
rk,-he's awkwa
impress, long
et that holds
ed, though, if w
reedom of the
d college oft
adlock of our
rd will prove t
ustic can en
tanzas may be
errors we ca
mns beyond the
ps that speak o
iles from he
ice that utters
im who calls hi
boat, believi
ne, our classi
mbridge mo'st
ows and stamped
acher call a
k clearly, if y
ord before yo
lecturer or
d to roll th
ccents in the
you,-don't say "
tick on conver
pathway with th
atters let us
ouch the myst
orms the inne
pulp before w
dcloth,-coats an
stcoat, called by
d "pants" in ce
e for gentleme
cept might the
tailor is a
ttle care, a
err upon th
boots one pair
aily by the o
nial's visit s
umber,-for he 'l
critics of
nstep's clingi
ight; the Galli
ss between a
sy, strong, sub
t compile the
ns, and let you
e relics of a
owhide, reekin
tchoue, no de
apering outlin
rrents gurgle th
es; not black, n
l the pair that
arty where you
its dead bouqu
goat, if so y
nt,-don't neg
at; the secre
e beaver in C
lourish in a
ture scorn the
ight you from
llo, you must t
castor,-ice it
ay fail; the hat
tpins; plain, w
buttons,-two of
ine, while you
iamonds, for
se paltry Cis
breast the shab
name profaned
undress blushes
race, averse
yoke of Europ
prairie to th
nation turns it
ck is manhood'
e-blood freshest
d ringlets close
trong it lifts
rechtheus of
athlete of the
pillar flash
arena where thy
d that clasps t
he winding an
ontrast; it w
le, nay, int
self: I know it
nts will somet
ften, like th
rised with half
eatures to the
standing and t
end! my favori
de you on he
nder with your
Eden ripening
ead-stalk, that
ollars, were th
kcloth-by the
funnel of a
lesson narrow
slow, the dwindl
ipples on its
Muse unfolds h
h, with this un
dangers, I perc
sing, in bru
entials of the
, prairie, fores
orous must de
mmits and the
ompass with its
unders, where
nce the tropic
rms of earth, f
ace, his birthp
patriot, havin
e that goes in W
arnest what wa
oxen"-please t
notion that t
tio of his hil
ted that the af
uture, fancy'
ature in the
rse her bigges
th the expected
de, to strike t
ce exclaims in
te, and he's be
untains clap th
racts thunder, "
m the reign of
eclare its f
other! whose im
alley watere
ncio, dribbli
e epics of t
arnest by the
ir nonsense,-n
poets feeds h
resides, on
let, by a na
ustics used to
ng William's f
akespeare talked
le, with its c
r mortals the
ature have fo
thy of the s
y save the go
oaring through hi
ers from their
them but the R
ridge, by the
ment on the fi
ciers found at
s vocal, and
alth or want,
en, and all the
e their outwar
ine,-the scene
hectic in thy
life-blood ebbi
e thy strength a
pulses of the
t effluence pol
n crystals in th
ean, nor the p
iffs, nor rayles
oung poet, to i
signet stamps
where silvery st
rainbow for it
ndscapes wear
glance of thy
d thee in su
inmost Aret
er's living dep
starred Osiri
es; they touch
leap to hear th
arring bugle-b
shall breathe it
roudly may thy
irthright by it
ies, but, ever
ia stains thi
eds invade th
loughshares of u
octrines by th
arries where their
nite of thy roc
ear, as obdu
that leaves t
ce alcohol in t
ctrines of th
heories of thy
pling on her
eachery or inf
olves" or with d
areus of di
ngland! by your
torches of th
earthstone till i
Sachem fanned
st, her fadi
forfeit what t
Ocean! roll th
lymouth's des
shaft degenerate
alor stained the
de her spires a
irge above Mon
e; the Pilgrim's
th weeds, is gra
st that He who
rue as long as
ngering through
chantress, one
ating o'er th
Western dese
r spirit who,
r along the Ma
t herald of th
arth a resting
flight along th
pwards, when his
bay enclosed
ance stood thre
: "This threefo
rts, the nurs
mmit from its
laze along the
hts that, kindl
ght shall be a
rest the citad
tions black wit
that tread its
g arms for man a
eep along the
atriarch's and t
orch, when o'er
ortress smiles
ith, the anchor
ternal on its
l time shall fai
oiled, and Pat
d fathers slum
ved, or perish
Dinner of the Phi B
, August
girdle, O r
rock and Cin
ot-lights for t
ep, and then
. . .
ace that gods a
brother when sh
water every
roes did thei
rs! Know in str
ce, the real h
iluted to the t
mple might have
r Fancy's man
rockets with thei
truggling vai
tor's tear-
se finger with
m key of many
mptying his c
olly's gas-e
un, the moral,
hrust, the pug
these, so presse
matron, known to
ey,-scarce he
infants weep t
oom to rip t
arlequin, has st
oment to unloo
aybeard shuts hi
ap of motley
bundles of su
rustic on so
he concourse in
cake a throng
ether like a
bait of some
ink with most
ision, wander
oose, but knows n
authors, husks
lothes, the offic
feasts, where c
y toasts to o
ngs a listenin
throats of bel
iters played such
siarchs called
term such distant
s copper and the
uffle with su
minuet over
syllables th
ns, have cuts a
k Champollion
mummy of a tho
glish, striped wi
zebra in a pa
cut our dinner
keys) men should
or, as at tr
pes will cert
lets, which to
lippery as a f
ads, whose hie
ves that discoun
hese, with heaps
fs and homoeo
ll-crowns with
ideous with e
memory turns t
apering like a
pread them to
luttering like t
ight or sorrow'
f minutes lengt
ents fit like
ap, how quickly
aps from out hi
ste, and let th
UST that Cerberu
corner) "Pickw
sters, raised by
f, and helped
ke the glitteri
ld with laughter
welcome wets th
isdom,-for the
gue the evenin
merry, lean a
otals warm to
Tullys, new to
crop of youth's
d ready for i
arrels and pe
tering through
nions to the tr
Feasted views
limbs in Yan
ne where genial
ame of interch
imalkin of th
ant to the
word, she peace
n velvet her o
hand that smooth
tremor of her
music fills t
ack a felin
oises shake th
terest cheats
ntry, hast thy
r at every str
anger touch th
elvet and out
strious! but t
Pickwick for th
he echoes labor
ap denied thy
s our jealous
lfourd or the
, which Heaven
ight of kindly
ollars that a
shillings on a
lt, be more di
all wide extr
tes the dainty
gardens of th
ed Luxury weaves
d Labor swings
urrows he must
ure and the pr
nk his destined
promise of
depths the panti
ging in their st
iad flings he
sea-nymph in h
these employ hi
fields are not e
as silver the
crystal of thine
k the mighty w
r Andes and di
impress speaks
ign the solemn
broadly an e
romise! Look, t
s when Caution
th has laid her
stice knit h
is stained with
tter crusted
eason has d
alt, the Ind
hat bears the wa
shaft and turns
senates stop t
tatesmen legis
ottering with t
eye to Freedo
ehead, wreathed w
arland of her d
s, that wrap t
d ensign round
ld that wears
t through every
only,-- we mus
here? A GERMA
nsil, which
dabblers in
ric, somewhat
metal, chiefly
allow, and the
letters with the
its powers are
e it show a wo
act to make th
ssar for the
youngsters who
ss grazed with
crop a dangli
spoonies tur
e its magic p
gely all their
ds they tire the
hrases on their
ges" in their
edlamite is c
the "earnest"
re! their "ma
ic, groping v
ngle is a hal
ole and curi
tle, which he c
estions asked i
ngueless and th
Insight" shouts
drum on the or
ection sucks it
I?" and "Where
nts! will th
t darken o'er t
Platos of the
f glory" at the
couplets their
r author the P
e, that, spurni
abored with
ura! From th
smothered with e
hadow, spect
eye across the
eamer treads th
obwebs hang thy
rotchets of th
ery scrawls his
one, with all t
oughts in amber
ecincts of th
erse-wright hamm
zephyr, wast
pinions of a
oebus on his b
hrough ether a
Laura, was a
ng Orpheus, is
rembles,-be i
argon slumbers
. .
goddess! From t
eather softly
lero grows a
schief in thy k
s thee, with
ze tunic for a
fortune if th
om with its f
happier if t
ps and dangero
hamber, though
presence of a
im, amidst its
allenged to pr
tenant is den
launch his sen
sels, locked fr
s from off thei
sit,-not till
circles of your
rob and pain's
helpless on yo
lay the patien
sit's mystery
atter in your n
fee for showing
rs, inquire, ins
leave, and off
th, by fate's tr
r becomes
ed, it pulls a
d, and that's a
sick: phlegma
ur recipe an
tand the shive
e, with which your
k your knowing
apae ana
some tender m
duos pulve
patient to his q
tsman banging
time, the perso
lf "the inter
knowledge which i
tice it may se
ess you,-don't y
ister for the
lf the sitter
statement, yo
aughtsmen is yo
sy ordering wh
ae capiat u
fferent when y
ounces of the
ats receive the
lattery can di
lp which sends it
, though Art's
andling of her
ady," but be
s that sufferi
action liberal
ning, 't is th
efforts of j
ndness, kneel
illow for the
raught to cool t
ow, the weary
utored by our
duate, when she
ufferers with he
umpery in the d
quiet: comin
softly on th
chamber ere you
es there may g
oks proclaim th
business by yo
patient does n
optics with co
se your privi
yes may probe
urther how you
his carpus in
ingers ere you
ctim needs mus
anvil of his
st within a
orax as they'd
isten to his
ntials, and ig
sufferer want
er by, not a f
estions: don'
patient abs
llusk squirmi
assiz; and he
east, in each p
et magic of a
iling, but at
anguish cloud t
movement, ever
r patient you a
artist, purch
ready, self-fo
visit in it
ordials, toni
visit that f
chamber its
lth, who never
omage from the
ise, he stands
blest, wisest,
unending c
lled hosts
on the tram
flows bla
to the drum-
outhed cla
upon a cri
ory is
n silence b
yet watc
patient pl
s the clo
front no s
-red pen
bears the s
ty is t
death-bed's l
's trump
d brow and
's arms
clashing falc
ring ba
s stabber ca
wers, "H
sculptor's l
er's marb
pealing o'
ng cathedr
e blossom-sp
ds the lo
olls in her s
ead upward
els wai
h burning lif
ling tea
the Hero's b
es Freed
hite lilies
m that sca
s haughty ch
heir scars
challenged th
eside th
young man in
a stethoscop
d finished and
y cap and a
a spider wit
m a web of
e chanced on
very impru
a bottle-fly
smaller, and
a concert bet
e flute and a
rom Paris b
ng man would
gave him, hi
patient ext
his liver was
t his heart
pt arguing, a
with tubercles
ng man then u
doctors ma
e man must
-seventh of
e case is a
is chest it
ld die and it
autopsy wou
s stethosco
laced his c
d he, with a
sound that 's
nement is v
uzzing, as
took their
zing, said a
pyema beyo
e a trocar
osis was
the patient;
hate new-f
look extr
rattles were
t his buzzing
old lady had
the matter
ow, though her t
knowing yo
he nice ol
and boxes
young doctor w
and tumble he
he stethosc
began to b
atter is cle
sm there
rape and the
de diable ar
e like this
are had bee
day her rib
f twenty; s
g damsels, sl
kind young d
e getting sl
breath on mou
hymes with "sig
ir puddings and
ch to their fr
pencils and c
r little hea
d insects buz
their ches
flant and th
ead. There's g
fear you a
t-mortem, if
friends wo
ng damsels
evailed on
is honest l
ey all got
oung man wa
was redu
e in a cou
rs being
cope they
ammer to cle
t the end to
ears, all y
orget to mi
cheated, like
of silly, ab
-birds, blinde
hthouse dash the
anite scatters
sits that were m
fabric in th
onscious of th
beacon pours i
pilot with as
radiance, o'er th
oobies brainle
ate, though co
ind by such u
ashness bid yo
doom, ye simp
ft its hoary
ide of twice a
ow the vast
y rock from ar
urses, circlin
waves to mingle
arry lends its
ages blend th
Roman, reared i
ab arched its
che, by countle
lines that Sy
t that breasts th
ponderous sledg
uttress look whe
warm from his
ce, shall thy li
folly flaps on w
youth, but not
old, and cheerf
atter and too
t when seemi
lending cou
seemed borrowing
sorrows that h
rials to for
r his lengthen
ance lingered
ips that spoke
voices of his
ccents dwelt o
ewing kept h
us,-life is
n,-art is wo
se her paths
iles, though Ge
wledge, though
il with moments
accents cheer o
planet lend it
shall wear an
lengthen with t
letter in
letter, mor
triving jun
per order o
every tende
tic predi
songs, my ki
feast on T
make the fea
're something
han for por
e men of-(wo
ill come with
blankets o
out and show
hat papers
musty kind
exactly m
rying to t
s-you know
for their-what
g the dews
e on the f
d story: tha
birds that si
ul, it mak
e letters fr
so loving
sake such kin
your carriag
wheels with s
m I, to li
learned fol
mile, or c
e stoic lids
ht some art
frame to fee
ng fierce fro
rtic tide w
hair-like ner
special str
the myriad-c
lood of thoug
g fibre str
haunches gat
urged racer,
through the l
take the bu
your poor gar
t to the s
breed for, a
ou,-it was k
, not worth t
g; and your
ea-leaves use
o, kind hear
now are roun
e bud I o
d for the hou
its outer le
all its in
arm life we
love that ga
om regions
m distant moun
on Franci
ke the lighth
r girds the
bloom, her
ees the sky
bracelet y
bears the s
r russet-m
ith burning
and white mag
founts her
y sunlight
lain and f
ds and field
Home! its c
one gold
every day
growing to
bears a hu
ring, with l
with white an
treason da
, home may
ction's livi
angel might
ool of selfi
where the da
he evening
eagle sprea
n pines to s
h to Friendshi
hands that own
rn the others'
ason strong to
nd service, in t
face, and lets
stop to reaso
finger on the
memory fails t
ifts the flamb
ir equal impo
ighs, and Skill
ENDSHIP pours i
he pang no an
1, 1
inkle had a g
nal block a
py, curious
randsire, took
story I pr
cantos, if yo
hard when Rip t
ll be when the
rming,-found i
aching-what he
anging round t
oddies and lo
Winkle, out of
homilies, havin
stick, aught t
moral or ad
have it! Now
st; the youngs
shirts and stock
tudied it wer
ough Wistar, n
h Cooper, snore
stener, for h
ame on every b
years; at last
Winkle found
title! in a
eepskin with
SSE-to do
fice; soon its
ma and his st
senal to su
mes, whereof
gies, great and
nna, Snakeroot
olch., Pil. Cochia
pium, Gentian,
cuanhae, wh
o utter men
Kino, Turp
vy," Vitriol,-
seed, Slippery
assafras, and
lmer of hyst
oetida, the
odor,-well, it
rks not wisely
f Bark and s
riefs he had
ars and galli
me, and call i
alve" of many
ras, also S
akes the water
t spread upon
water, only
ermin! don't the
laster-how it
erri-ditto P
ders, Brimston
sora, is thy
goose-quill scratc
source of ever
ecific is a m
cience, with
Acarus, craw
abored and have b
theory hatched
said them-words
precincts and f
t may chance a
th it proved w
bottle stood
medicine that h
reason, it mu
bottle oftene
eld I don't pr
label said
octor found t
irsty, took a
ixir" where 't w
bin saddled and
old-time rhuba
octors and the
s! they stopped
e shut-knew ever
thought-The ba
ong-he'll soon be
heads before t
d lady told t
stream of tr
riefs and per
antern led him
ed him, it wer
andering many
e mountain sheep
elings such as
freely with "
ounted, sligh
scuous, lapped
night, and da
ill the slumbe
arving, thought
homeward, sadd
people hunte
ssing,-never c
guessed;-for more
eels did taste
g flavor of N
llow hear the
ow when a fe
ctors-so the p
ing while his
untry, bounteo
emperate, sober
husbands! ec
cap to catch
Canto-if it's
here and say w
Rip to sleep fo
rgan-if you l
second Cant
ound the monke
rs had passed
ime of Rip wa
ed on-it never
n was now th
. was reignin
ears had passed
rebel held his
morning-who f
cloud of war
ings spread o'
for! Grant ha
ff sprang the St
Extras wild wit
orer's hod, the s
ried, "the reb
e! the folks a
e mother think
fathers meeting-
hoke-and not
oise between a
nking how she 'l
ke for Johnny
t; rheumatics
oving they cou
g! from every
loud at last th
picture, how
eep a score or
seen it to pe
ink-I mean R
s; old Rip at
d wife-the pre
sign regilde
hysic on the
t by-it was no
all" grew freque
t, an ancient,
rd, a plenteous
ok that alwa
Doctor to his
science! aft
g like a bare
races that are
Doctors mouldy, l
to look at pe
skets (called it "s
knowledge smart
Cullen and i
healthy; for
sexton littl
e when dog-da
s usual mal
evenings dys
oid lit his sm
ailed, the carp
hildren sicken
ace grew short
ife a brand-ne
ite serious-Deat
ung, in spite
uire was taken
drops"-at night
ad-began to r
nt for-double
an. duo, and
ra. Third day
orax till 't was
ancet-let him
xt-then bliste
calomel; jus
t required the
sitting in a
back, but wha
ear,-wife calls
flannel-gives h
eacon, "that goe
igor-"Run, m
eacon sends f
nging till his
flattest"-then m
d will ease the
xt will help t
lister on the
grains of An
dose of clea
al system-(that
elfsame remedi
age knew, the S
hinted. "This
Squire-he'll kil
tor's patients
ion comes i
that is? In
doctors to
ers, such as w
pkins, lager-
use?-there 's l
en your man's a
k (the secret
guess and someti
ummoned came
een and shrewd
tory-"Bleed!" sa
t murder! cut hi
eptiles! Why,
adder or a
ess you, they 'r
ult and batter
Antimony! sh
ale at thought
stem! What's
nsense! Calome
leep-you'd bet
e one ca
says Doc
you slept fo
Green, I own
slumbered most
ore till thirty
e lancet in it
isters rescued
med from fashion
fe to give to
Rip, M. M. S
rious, sadden
Deacon's house
ne bumper of
faltered, "Mrs
leep, but wake
leaching in th
barn, if all t
Winkle! time f
eek in May when
octors meet, a
ear the Docto
n and shouts he
Winkle!" (giv
Winkle! time f
ossom! 't is t
meeting is th
ill, you know I
ss it, but be
as every yea
inkle here is
know him by h
inkled through
growing on h
adstool sprout
ie? Does any
eat? He moves
l find him,-he
track him by a
lavor of "E
ive you-as you
asts without a
mighty sleeper
Rip, M. M. S
our slender,
d for while the
ir; our hearts
to the tread of
mighty van tha
standard flam
pavement where
r lessons than
breasts, brave hear
t sing the ravis
he loud rever
rairied West, th
nded Future s
lms. Behold, w
idle leaves. S
ht for, as, in
our lotus-fe
r fancies in
ttle if they
ely, while the
stering clouds wh
old its lightnin
ull of passion
olving moons t
hs to years, the
s rest, the no
hee through thes
nds that all a
1, 1
the Rev. Mr. Webster, of Hopkinton, in company with whom I visited the Frankland Mansion in that town, then standing; from a very interesting Memoir, by the Rev. Elias
rescued Sir Harry from the ruins after the earthquake, and their subsequent marriage as related, may be accepted as literal truth. So with regard to most of the trifling details which are given; they are taken from the record. It is greatly to be regretted that the Frankland Mansion no longer exists. It was accidentally burned on the 23d of January, 1858,
, has been made the subject of a carefully stud
tell is g
he bookm
who have st
still lef
-and not
tell, with sh
with down
s err and
the cold
amid the ta
he bear
ld dream ou
the old wo
ir hearths wit
y's homes
ome poet's p
w England-b
and the
o all the co
e is stan
ut's thre
e rumble o
hour guid
last, o'er h
age on t
ing wall and
ed and war
mansion st
its hau
r portal ma
ks the ga
h arches op
he second G
ht the fo
trunks they
ve beams
he rock-hewn
ed the terr
the marble-p
d the mans
d beyond the
er's bro
d valet, hor
a good
midland cou
hman stop
s chariot s
he shini
eisance, gra
by nod
e way with
er Conco
courtly ci
the three-
splendors o
rings from
who held the
rley ov
whose press-gan
Street mo
rave, and co
s and sta
people of
" of there
no Chloe's "b
' celesti
n of the Wes
his Hea
e wooed as
ting love
fettered, fr
ok no bri
fairest o
ed alike
roving foot
his hand
e knight tha
the Bay
is wayward co
its vil
lls; whate'
lies deaf
rules to bli
us where
r Harry's co
ed grooms
he ferry, to
e wash on Ch
l marsh
on miles the
with bitt
horses foa
the smel
ampscott, s
r left, the s
ring vanes
Salem's fr
o'er the
hrough rock
the tempest-
s on eit
ween their ou
s of Mar
f ocean's w
the waves
e ancient
ading el
ng sign thes
awed to
e azure fie
he low-b
billows fri
ent shore
s outward thr
of yel
e roaring sur
tlet on
g whirl the
ess mound
ed sea-fowl's
s the Spou
white-sailed s
the oce
rd bent, his
bare Mis
's silent
ried ca
n reins his
he elm-tr
on the vil
d-hats cr
n ancient
kles at
g round the
-toed vil
, as their gr
world co
at the "Fou
great an
ng servants
ming matr
with her w
ght her
, like a p
t upon t
steps, with
, but not
ands must ke
their sta
ankle, bare
sh shapes
d Graces!" spo
my beaut
a reddening
x half w
fire with d
od's glow
features throu
al lov
aidens, wh
the ring
Fair one! He
hee, look
shoe those
d a silv
leness stru
r blush
r cheek; it
her gold
, but the g
ght the l
What, and w
such men
phan by
he fleet of
ester thi
lonely ho
he Esse
its goodman o
his fac
e matron whi
an girl
e folk are
ward lef
with her gr
k enoug
children clo
as, John,
f Mary's, gr
d her sixte
bread and he
as housem
with her g
wayside wi
a garden
't was sad,-so
y's voic
an angel's s
heard whi
ld see in Ge
in late
d shape, in p
ed breath
woo! The tr
the sun
fore the nig
,-street and s
the whispe
e piers ben
k with anci
leep! thy ha
y couch
y poppies f
's throbb
-the orange
ough the f
nd loud th
the glist
t is day!" W
the morni
win, or go
en shall
is hussy wh
he wench,
r. "Agnes-i
t has sh
ids parley
ions on t
footmen's g
r deigns
, stolen wh
on Bost
service, pet
the coac
his househol
are yet
, and more se
young ma
ne servant!"
f coach a
o fair, she s
with gol
you may fre
her what
d my Lady i
ress in h
aidens, free
t you ne
hisper, loud
the world
lordly flat
the maide
g of the frig
the smile
ere the sa
y languag
wind, the y
eam and
e gown of
ed to fai
ed hem, and
r of silk
around her b
d bracele
tresses' m
ring net
g with thei
d chain
gift her m
are all
s at the ma
side the man
e in all
gues have ce
in soft
us in her
l light
t kindness
her hear
g of a rag
her palfr
ul calm, a
moulded f
not call
hat on her
ods a sha
sealed wit
he land
es foaming
e pier s
r furrow
mounts a
post Haste!" th
y Frankla
tell the l
must cros
rt!"-the lip
their r
crystal cu
its wine
t thus,-where'
y land
life, my j
e is sti
and city, f
ring feet h
e lake to
hey see the
n mirrors i
of ancien
orange on
's sun sh
a's hazel-
h of Apr
are loud wit
ce on ev
's dial mar
ath their p
d courtie
idores have
er lords
dreams not
th her pai
towers shal
ese canva
s passed, the
they lin
s rustling lea
of Cintr
learned the
d their En
doubt nor
er sea
the first
ed with f
like heavy c
he darke
he muffled
k! a holl
e chariots
the soli
lifts, the
s its ba
ntain bill
hes o'er
lean, the
s on ocea
long disco
doomed cit
bursts, the e
he stagge
crack-the ca
s come ru
e lurid mo
ge unearth
k abysses
e in jagg
over. Stree
d heaps
she, so fra
e tumul
treads the wrec
rrow gap
for her bl
her abse
broken wa
and wande
shattered po
hat living
less block
footsteps w
es her wo
marble shaf
the ponder
er fainting fo
has bough
starless ni
g's brie
g heart and f
hed the fa
as folded l
e a thous
dless, in thei
shall se
What guerdo
of rans
charm all w
ed name
t won her gi
ld her ma
neath the Fr
age beau
e priest! n
m the sa
at change th
ing hour,
e holy al
els a goo
man, of hi
, passi
end the bli
ner beau
bosom hea
of gold
poke,-the pr
h a gen
gnes lifts
faithful hea
fs so meek
sneer, the f
look o
hty lips s
hissing w
New Eng
s mother's h
of ancie
ed faith, a
her fon
knew the sa
no vow h
his blushing
d his knig
is Northern
ar Agnes m
d, ances
fore the st
she calm
pity, nor
hed no si
love,-her fa
with tea
orgive the
d in cold
heart, he t
hty eyel
deeds she l
red, "It
told that
her feet
tombed in l
hing with
bruised her
he crushi
can lif
frozen spri
he wept an
s!" so the
ss my an
ee from the j
e to right
-I, who gave
hy life
won her n
ess love
y maiden
in th
done; it l
their a
again the g
s uncoun
the fair an
New Englan
s is the co
ho frown
h Lisbon's o
h the riv
as her sha
he trembli
t length the
, alas! g
t trampling de
less shaf
change the h
nd's clou
he air his b
then bu
terraced h
ling stre
ng with their
ers of t
gnes raise
s his hon
Sir Harry
hire Avo
f early lo
its peace
r state for
e to mak
e evil day
the red c
e rebels' ra
to Frankl
u, as my
is standi
d listener,
it if
listening hu
s the lil
gh-arching st
ies stret
rough with v
the latt
mossy ridge
hewn chim
on mighty
sive bol
the night
chosen ro
o fast a
s chill Nove
al earth
he rapier bl
ts flatte
e shrieking
her clench
th tarnishe
ed at as
on her deat
e huge cof
terrace y
s turf y
long the w
tch on ei
forest wa
he far hori
is vista
story you s
or livin
Julia, bo
Sir Harr
half that
n as it lo
ts glori
round the te
sy wall
vines, the sn
es on t
ays, with t
n her wri
own black ha
with si
hold the s
ou like,
was, the wo
l from th
ways;-I ne
al of m
and maidens,
e of old
path, to meet hi
es, behind hi
ht dew-drops on
rth, the hero
ield before th
hadows when t
ne, along the
acres where hi
treads, the stub
sh furrow opens
se the tangled
k the ridgy co
llside, where t
track that score
valley, clogged
nvoy breaks it
the loosening
ughshare circles
ield one billow
nds unbind the
ands whose stur
ood, the golden
e, whose letter
sun to words
cholar, whose
t lesson hunger
ines which heav
eed,-the chart
ther, whose b
fe, and lulls
features, kind
smile the wrinkl
wers,-they bloss
osom, and it
ld that tramplin
plumage of thy
onflicts sear t
answer is the
ther, while u
hearts in thin
virtues in t
eetness waste o
lls, whose bann
ohorts Autum
mits, on whose
mlocks hold th
ains the mountai
treamlets from i
me, these faithf
eace their own
God, to freed
bandogs Facti
forms, that be
ng manhood to th
ct, the guardi
iron in the s
hills the shouts
escued what the
t; the heart
recks of unre
rst, suspected
pes are fringed
nks, beneath th
nurslings spread t
hues from wide
olden,-drift, o
bearing on her
phy torn from
gazing on th
iris wears it
crocus, bursting
vering with h
life, the darke
k buds against
hs the stately
d that wraps he
stealing from h
he opiate that
t wing against
acious, o'er i
inks of lichen
es, the gliding
harper, thawin
note and tries a
ls that face th
rtles range thei
less o'er the m
e grass their te
April, ever
laymate with t
margin of re
adows starred wi
blushes sighs
heek beneath th
tulip lights he
curls the hya
lades the crest
Pallas, towers
mes the lengthene
are the passion
lake, along i
ily hastens
ders glistening
sultan of her
e song from ev
season's br
wings returni
p arches of her
reathing from h
orrowed where t
wanderer, dropp
remnant of a
rifting like
rlwind from a
rking his spa
erious, his
d bobolink court
lrush tipsy wi
age the lone
air, and spread
re within thes
ce, while bloom
azing with in
g lenses, or in
ectres of the
aves that fill
ence, whose re
ides within the
cavern, while i
iddy in the m
rksome crypt
ltar is its
ayless, joyle
lare of May's r
sons dragged thei
ndors were not
bars the cheerfu
the casement o'er
ight-wind wreaked
cean and the r
topsail from it
k a thousand sto
walls the peac
th to slant its
st the mild i
rtain spread it
task the lonely
evening only
ir its leathern
lcome to som
ts bosom with
plastic, to its
lging, if of g
alter's dream-
ll, the evening
table its e
-bowl's sounding de
rubs smiling a
ld open, as at
primrose frees
ife this dim re
ted when its gu
h friends, an u
alls and cards
wer, never k
rvice, prompt
elves no housewi
iles the monarc
the wreck of c
ngues and breath
lace, and each m
corner of his
tal, won from
s-cornered, ribbed
patriarch of t
century narrow
d, but glorious
letters wrought
tagira's all-e
nchor on his
births of Plato'
mb by jealous
is" (dare I
Head and Killi
sheets the son
es of smooth-le
, in close, c
wealth the Elz
ions of the
e volumes of a
rgeons all their
ctures, or in
ler, fresh fro
dreamers of a
ber, and the
talk of all th
est,-those name
e, and all ag
itles, where a
lines of par
ance, the chose
re and none can
eatures, whose
copy, or a s
udy,-on the
osaic portra
months the tranq
ads of these min
offspring of
table with its
ve each dull
miss it from the
ok, along whose
eb our wild r
d Hester's fier
IA must be st
treet the morni
belfry with th
ations, wafte
stener tell a
ooping to the
caldron spills
axle, countin
ussion, till h
daughter, when
e silence from th
e unit, to the
ssing whom she
ponsive to he
te repeats he
ant of the nei
earing lest he
accents, as th
urden one de
ild, whom many a
reezes swept h
echo as it c
ories kindling
orite's unfor
itials stain
ell, the flappi
treamers crac
mother, not a
s bridal with t
father stood w
oking with his
e, whose spread
impulse, every
ount the varied
surge of that
h! If floating
lf their power t
re thy changin
odiac shifts it
t, and when its
other's, judgin
isdom to the n
andards are the
s rebels wh
th that holds th
ar in these c
carried her s
ught us to be
ow, and turn t
itten what a
aitiff smite
thers, in thin
guarded by th
grim trusts to
forest rings the
lleon trusts h
corsair slants
asant, with his
eathers, shinin
plumage with t
dowy from its s
ds, whose babbling
bre from thy
eady for the
fort and thunde
brother, who
of ill-cond
sort that in
reely into s
ture, lax of
urbance whitens
armless specta
k of Protest
question if the
ices of mate
edient to his
orious, up to
istening with l
e ivories like
ow and bilious
linen flowers
nual, in their
h-lows which they
shun that ding
nger, him thou
dge, and slow
shoulders a
ithing from t
untain where th
hantom, whose
e text of un
ster that can
vassal of his
oat against th
ngue against th
LY, though he
uders down his
plants his backw
tance ties hi
k broadcloth gl
ight with Shyl
passion to his
cuirass on the
hell-hounds yel
m port the mad
comfort while
milk of kindn
logic prove,
ve is worthies
ruffian of th
ivel rakes the s
s all! Is eve
tronger free t
recrow, whose
om Bedlam, air
carries but a
sits on his
marrow or the
ome vices in
ick us with his
milies with his
naming ever
rished on the
ite may live s
ilton till he
ndie proves b
it, that thei
atures find it
e diet, on a
eballs while it sp
heart to feed
larvae on the
tches, like its
ober shakes t
liage, change the
ower a bluer f
o pluck it-'t
tree-toads so
o find as Ethi
stiffening to
sportsman thirsti
living on a
th, will creatu
n, they take thei
bbling turns the
ear, we questi
threads a trembli
eb that misty
ed awnings gli
enturies spell t
nquer spreads th
summit was Je
ophet knew hi
all that awful
Captive answe
! beyond our
orbits of thy
, while History
ck the flaming
swayings of o
een surround th
se; in thunder
rung; the vete
e the telltale
brow the aut
waves amid his
dows, prints of
circle glanced
eak,-his voice
had seen its s
enes and others
mpter watched h
flaunted on the
onarchs of th
rnest and were
heeks such roseat
footlights in
ly through suc
as, foils of
st the melting
throbs the stu
pranos shook t
breathless, qui
tood,-the man
esent's full, u
k a faded le
il spreads its
rows that soare
sun the flashi
that sought wi
ile it still mig
hearts! his own
ghts that long-dr
tered on his tr
the crashing g
ardsman at th
train the echo
dits rolled and
ories startle
,-the page of
fee and parsim
g Romeo-hark th
th lips-alas! t
Moor, with all
e tale of midni
Hamlet, with his
royal ghost, h
h, his youthful
ht hues of eva
immer's in the
bubble rises th
old, whose vi
e past its un
in the enviou
ernal summer
strel's song,
birds, or childr
ile, or heaven
e-drops creeping
ord where his y
hairs,-they can
er has changed
memory on th
indow in the
inster totteri
ssing crowd its
c, yellow, g
ithin, a radi
pictured screen t
pilgrims on i
ow in every s
vision through
plendors of h
opes his eager
ancies riper ye
hispered words,
song, from Hour
ift, and Flattery
lence when her
de, her lashes
uets, wreaths and
joy that peris
oets dream, bu
some viewless
lsides where the
eatures of th
emory leaves it
rdens left b
sins tell of
dust, and overg
jets the passe
venges break t
ainbow light,
d dreamer! let
stage, and we
sal! Kings witho
lords, and jewe
ds that mock their
ompter! spells th
hero whom we
actor in a t
ildren when a
r simple eyes
reling, who has
eerless home h
ouble lives mo
solid fact or
,-the footlights,
short hours, o
h Heaven may wo
osed lids we loo
her worlds, and
ture lends the
ng shade, with
hantoms over
spectre on a
ching palms an
that mock life
s he strives t
asps; to live
's nothing but
h! extend thy
k sceptre o'er
r along the
earth its unr
und has rise
slumberer folds
ams to bid hi
nes that hurryi
er! from thy s
t; this realm i
ne; its sweetne
paths the child
maiden loved i
rrior claimed it
opes the plough
ints that left
gh art and slow
cks that strews
elds that heaped t
arms of Labor
oad meadow with
arvest with it
maize, her silk
iance, on her
wells beneath he
t that rolls in
s and milk-whi
murmurs of the
apple with the
inted on its
necklace strung
banian, o'er it
owths that paid t
uxuries wealth c
healing herbs wh
red them from the
aried charms,
tribute, Labor
April sheds he
d shall cast it
utumn strews th
d shall gird its
e the circlin
blossoms heave
lod below the
il the springin
t beneath the
lower shall drop i
nced in thy un
sowest mighti
auty! let th
Nature all th
ers where Summer'
lips of June's
hues, the loving
ature owns no
orest where the
moonbeam with it
e that bares the
ound That dries t
tream whose sil
asping bracelets
am, beneath the
glitter of a h
teeps where loo
thrones the Gi
s, that, crouchin
d shoulders, rough
e waste of ethe
aze shall reach
e mourner turns
nds that print
whisper that
rief may wear
sdom! let th
lesson, new
ve, not grudgi
inds that waft
lmly every pu
gently every
e! in heaven'
l around the
hands the pillow
hold us in its
isper,-Who shal
amber's yet un
radiance shine
erish grow mo
es of Death's o
ndness for our
ngs beneath thi
hearts to Mer
in Death's re
mercy by its
ower that decks
ory in its na
ssons that aff
urves of thy e
gh that sets o
e that calls u
ed street, along
ture leads its
shadows of u
e lips and woman
l burden, roll
kindness can p
e that, called
eyes and drops
ild who prays i
help its pare
eauty stricken
f manhood brok
kness, bowed b
ines beneath it
, and heaven's re
turf unhallowe
on the evening
light around the
Father, in im
es, dust to
angel rolls
rning brings
R, if my ski
hat lift th
tream that loo
ad meadow's ch
me on from b
e River wed
ould give me
Bay, the B
be; too lon
down or st
s set on f
western bl
disk is ro
ound your sw
he yellow s
t scarfs my sp
r wakes you
barnyard c
are soaring
e sparks of g
be; oh, wou
o'er that g
hours would
feats of pea
hat, drained
nk of langu
that Laughte
es in his b
ught fast in p
goblet snap
th half in e
g full,-but
be; I str
slender hous
of little cl
at whispers,
my spirit
s of elem
long my thre
ws black, the
s mingle wit
nado scoops
t robber pr
ng every li
knot and h
ly netted
e rooted t
oaring wis
r Governor, f
at wasteful
on its st
he wintry d
germ has
he weary tem
kindling ra
g from its d
air its per
by the ro
springs from
a single s
smiles to bu
slumbering li
shore, from
r's falling
aves of Pon
he lichen
reaths of wh
sun and sti
he fair ance
hills, no s
d drawn from
ng wheresoe
t with its f
space, unwr
age, from cl
our wings, as
e the cr
e eyes of tw
ing's wes
pleasant Ber
h its le
eir sides a t
ging swe
ills; they l
rough the s
in many a ga
l a hundr
ooks, and st
e, shade,
ing all their
w a sing
spun from m
ry sash
curve and
to reach
bark,-a p
a child
one body m
a thousa
e grassy ba
an oar w
, drest in
on eith
he book we l
us read
te'er its
an Englis
ouds the lar
lling as
sings as th
en cucko
strew the
ow kingc
s, and a pri
ble cel
ream! when N
hter in
drained that
her othe
g planet's
ng hand s
the broad me
ed the su
gives, her pin
ith hangi
her moun
her own p
forests' a
ck's towe
d thrice a h
at Nature sa
ts our gr
ears her cou
ts broide
th the spri
the noon
, and the bl
le in th
wounded eag
bing o'er
ts airy pa
of scar
hark! the wo
led the thr
at flash of
en-hawk swim
the brigh
robin hops,
cing, In
s virgin i
her rus
onging thou
might h
finger's e
th some g
Nature d
ild home
t so; Old En
in Engli
d o'er th
er life
know each w
erry and
does not k
oo old t
On the bre
ts our hu
soldier, sai
comes t
the lark-voic
has know
ush of the W
ast sweet
e trembling t
the mourn
he silent d
p of Er
er thousand y
s only he
those gol
s mound, ye s
est wreat
s lent your ear
own ambro
of night, th
wy grove
l soothe us
was sweet
g Time, thy
thee swif
ine enviou
his glor
cheek un
r one you
the flushin
s a milk-w
nd mother, t
thy smil
thy mantle
and as
sailed the
ts parting s
to thee, T
ng lingering
hued stream
age, with tr
the sile
no, the ra
ging as t
gh earth's im
es sweet
in happier r
s of byg
learn those
ished mo
s spargam
at star-crown
on thy Ro
turf youn
of slend
Gods their ga
ring one pu
blossom sha
in my North
beds have a
en I was y
ins and uns
across the
re dead, lo
buds no l
pon its m
lume-bound f
the tulips
g tufts the
quenched my wh
ng "Star of
ong blade of
tripe may st
treads her
ir birthright
r base-born
rden's queen
t flower of
the old fam
ere melting
unlaced he
is stormy t
reen came pe
e earliest
he soil with
e trembling
the column
earth! thou
dead poet's
music gave
the crimson-
ing his you
air Hyaci
nth my ga
upon that
sail in Spezzia
ast; too daring
lasped her; to!
waters, but no
oman looking
lamps the lon
ail, they watch,
go, alas! no
hronging on th
laring in the
waters lay
ifted from the
eek; the idle
women, with the
children gather
hovels bedded
prayed, with
look, ye heavin
lashing in hi
e burden on hi
shore the sull
obler elemen
zed him in e
crown him with a
semblance, ne
ange within thy
e ashes in th
risen in yon
thy gentle A
ge lay on thy
le of those blu
st dome of al
wandering soul o
ian, while thine
nsions of the
Mercy has not
the watch to the
f Spring on the i
oft footstep, a
s over,-the
the threshold of
arf of April is h
ht hillside that
rm panting of
fore Summer has
June swells the
the season lies
e of Nature runs
rd, and the ch
teel drops unclas
lace it,-it rests
ord that we all
h the wildness u
tares round ere he
no longer his f
moment and loo
not as the frie
e blessing it speak
n a garden, and,
w leaves from the
gate of the g
as come for uncl
like lead, and
rushed forms from
moment,-the las
kindness, and
ugh the doorway i
om Nature is stam
of smiles is the
nd the lips is a r
tear from its fou
bright spring wit
f childhood that
at covered life's
e tale when the s
soft lullaby br
r stream by the hi
r boy as he la
h margin thy fat
waters their a
r from the lan
rivers, renown
painted that wid
ued pencil of i
banks of the cas
ink the moonlight a
Avon, whose wav
s glory who slee
still yearn for the
y flow by my for
honors my che
sees it,-no blu
deep-bosomed str
se blossom to fl
love of its chi
is dry where its
the parting
the rugged
tracked the P
rom many a ro
grass, the
as English
sun and fr
e fiery day
brought his
ing in the
gleamed with
scant, the fr
glistening he
statelier p
old Purit
aste, and to
nting bulk
n the Pilg
summer swee
lot, to fro
heart and
till his e
m life's aut
on the bl
brightest b
pon the tho
st roses l
rude and w
kindling f
e tropic's b
Nature's ice
softening Mo
y loving L
housand dimp
he flushing
its first a
the rounded
dahlias dri
e only gifts
e laboring or
ts beryl-thr
burs and he
the shadow
till the whi
the heavy r
od flung its
s boyhood lear
e early gra
was ripe ere
Fleming's p
drops and dr
plashed with s
breasted, sl
s painted g
of the tre
t bosom scarf
see, and fi
. . . .
ovoked his
sighed their
waved their l
crept benea
s wafted o'
tained his tr
he garden,-t
er many a
of Eden sti
that Paradi
n earthly g
r own unst
ite apple-b
young Euphr
circling wa
ambrosial p
ts arching b
a hundred
mingling fi
re beauty's c
's earliest
painted pea
its celes
. . .
in some unmo
eaf grow bro
our star of
half the ro
salt with b
s green with
right with e
shade the st
nd leaf and
y noontide's
veins of N
er swelling
ed Sister i
Empire rou
s wampum on
August su
y, with bloo
e mountains
aths from the
e hot Siro
old the with
nsealed its h
leap in flas
Ishmael's t
of the Sov
e fountain's
e harvest o
swords of w
Garden of
beyond its
vada's glitt
e tempter f
e children, l
ern fathers'
n is its
e love thee; n
thy children the
s fond look of af
fair son to the a
fresher in beau
he jewels she brin
chill in Time's
st loved us will
dear land of the
its waters will ta
y whisper, "your
hes softly, "W
y splendors are
flown back o'er the
brown home where the
heir way through the
you remember,-th
the churchyard,-on
there are ruins, a
spot like that
s, and-never mind-
rm nothing,-we
o Maine, in the j
he good people,
n the shade of t
eaves, and its bl
care of the fenc
talk big; it's a
got loose and the wa
iss Prudence rem
of compost no bi
are gentlemen
o mine as the flo
old mother w
r children! Good
R. L
e bark has her b
of Ocean are stre
he mountain stre
he hand, then
mast as it rock
clining, I se
blade in a thi
pike on a Highl
cloud pours its t
all round her who
e breeze that is
aided to strive
play round her, lik
e dark hour till i
t will plead with the
still!" to the
at Friendship has
ir ring ere we
n its circle,-you l
till chain it, th
health in the j
vineyard shall
drain the last d
hearts of the bl
ns glitter
d leagues
mid the ban
ir voice o
ice-bound g
stream i
to Ben Nev
k to Ben
ave clipped th
the chiefta
l sees the h
r mists l
n kilt and
de was ev
o showed th
he plaide
leep on Chev
d the bug
ir sides the
ed blood w
re gallant he
ing on th
swooped with s
to "law a
he rocking
ght tocsin
e crashing w
his poets
s silent i
s a cry o
ing round the
im greet t
Scotia's m
may sing h
s own sunlig
among th
the cloud of
to field
s land her
her sadd
e forts the
the earth
rowns, the s
gh at suc
hought, the th
the pulse
r than the
y armies
ithin the ba
he wild wi
triple heal
ock, and
ed hues sha
as hushed
as ocean-cu
the Clyde,
o the day
till as
rch of Faith
eedom's al
ero whom
on a moth
he stretched
orn fore
ale of you
ritain's r
foe repea
fame o'er s
cross, proud
e the frig
olden lilie
shadow o
our of dead
rror, year
nation i
uth, becom
ffled tyra
rm the Lord h
on the ten
pire's mad
im an ear
ord hath fr
offered sc
neless Conqu
a people'
riot's task
ather's dy
me that yo
he frater
country fi
t to idle
ands may
atriot whos
nation to
whose ears
es their bloo
tle's thun
while this
land from
unsel, heed
while we h
RY 18
th run its l
triumph, j
storied pa
all its o
ed sailor tir
rent, his
t voyages s
rom life's e
ithin the
oul hath live
t was open
realms of deed
en by the fr
living pi
storied pag
whisper, c
ifts its f
marble chea
ese pictured
image p
ath the mou
rs of a hil
life's emba
side the h
e scenes: a
round dial
ift arc of s
dust; his t
pon the noo
clining su
g rays on ma
pon the mi
t stately sh
crown its br
rge-fronted, l
o double fr
he fields
smoke had r
e blood-red
ere opened
s but a she
e strife that
o see its
es in the W
prairies lea
he mountain
n breezes s
lake to w
lived; in p
full cycle w
robes of pow
em at his M
by the storm
wild tempest
as like the s
white hand is
on the fur
he broken
he summit br
envious tong
ation's hear
's latest su
e tablet o
e broken ly
et wailing si
ir silent si
rs who will st
ouch the ma
me is proud
hose that
all their m
not for th
told their hear
thout the cr
eucadian br
s memory-hau
glistening n
orrow's churc
t break and
ng lip and f
urs out his l
om Misery's cru
breath or e
idden pang
s melodies
rth, as swee
the roc
its slop
ain-drops, blendi
ing riv
m, whose
y a pebb
, rolling to
cleft moun
er rill h
he slanti
cean, with the
he height
ting strea
ent turns its
ning torr
same crad
same moth
arkness and t
he Peace
thy gift
ght fancy wit
look and
thy trea
arest memory,
ng year
ins on ev
its show
ercy choosing,
or glow
ly deed
tain of
ay-star, that sha
its curr
es thou has
ll their
angel with th
and watc
hou dost
's sprin
lent thee wilt t
hou shal
his lips
rs that soothed
d thy Mast
ightly call
t happier ch
ed with bap
want and w
with thy
the whirlpool'
trong yet tr
h Saxon eye
woman an
ncrowned I
greet us,-spo
t sweet sad
shame, all
sunbeam s
s through a
s Avis?"-H
ced matrons
own through
and her sis
t children r
the hand of
ne little r
ss in its p
mark is o
still her h
thout the cr
suffering o
at the ric
living deat
our beauty
turn in sel
ipped nurse
ead Angel! B
reed and ma
escended f
swered, "Sh
at dainty m
ng girl has
l teach, her h
the duties
Death in lin
to face fro
ng for the s
low seasons
s Death; the
joyous bo
daughter o
gainst the m
done; no v
er deeds with
see the a
r brow with h
s holy page
woman's lo
asped her Sa
eyes and st
of sorrow,
f that eart
ine image
this unstu
world of
built his bl
lone in e
seas that
isles of s
Maker's g
n thy wondr
sdom still
ft air with pu
ng through it
of brighteni
new and liv
their burd
current s
Nature's fl
m fountains
throbbing s
ivering o'
and wide a
to fill th
numbered cr
f burning l
ing each de
o find the th
ith that unc
outward m
marbles joi
ng band and s
o reason's g
ngs in tremb
with the t
it as the m
beam of se
out of seve
se lucid g
ce shall br
rolling sur
spirals cir
hed spirit th
it is hea
e cloven sph
in its myste
nsation's fai
forth the so
stormy worl
dim and clus
g gleams of
hollow gla
grant thy
se mystic t
age and wea
the leaning
ess gather
tottering p
or dust thy
t into heav
R. L
speak of yea
have year
loods of lov
ter song
drown in w
p own one te
it in o
waste our sc
his notch
if my way
ed in artl
him the s
s us hand
s our cir
his hours of
his starl
like the fu
s to keep f
hine on
at sees the
ure's las
ry 22,
F. C
shepherd se
es green, the
ess "Israel
lock may wat
manliest s
f gentlest
light and g
flock, or w
Truth the
tied for it
right in al
l to the li
meed of ea
o earthly m
man, through g
ring, "God
nother's gr
lends joy a
he saint, if
y,-such an
hepherd! tho
nd burden
, bright with
l shows thin
fragrant l
t April hal
born angels
ir opening hy
ur faltering
know their
reathed their
e love than
l 4,
to fight our
with hon
chief, who st
of bett
true and
ing heart
e touched with
, Guide, a
nd faith l
honored t
ngth and wi
tamed by toi
ur front
light, the sh
fted in
though its
s of ringi
e honors th
d's twice-
not him
son which his so
nd brave,
no more
ame-that dear
ur lips u
with poet
the minstrel's
not die
d his love
bondage of hi
sweet soul
ife's sur
stormy seas, h
hile temp
we sor
him whose heart
gh its le
nlight on a r
en, hal
t his b
shadows that hi
above hi
s uncurta
tural tears ar
ot for
green t
urs before the
he last G
a clear
unds which hold h
but no
him sle
ight watchers sl
ul of sweet
gentlest o
im we can c
ere was of o
h spring-ti
dear Mary,
it was a b
f her whose
ce to her d
twilight i
e earliest m
trains our e
r plainer mo
he lip with h
he soft and
ust! the li
poke to che
ands lie whi
om sorrow's
peace; he w
tears we
o earth the
shape his
weep my heart
love that fal
rowned, my l
path to w
e who bore
d and Maste
g silent t
speechless gri
laid him?" "C
where the lo
e sister le
g Mary, "J
thee, with a
wipe thy st
l sorrows,
word; thy dea
rtha's dea
bell! tol
ands their
oor Martha,-s
rtha's dea
bell! tol
year has
rtha's dea
bell! tol
no more, by
full of l
rtha's dea
bell! tol
ng she shou
e sheet of
rtha's dea
bell! tol
, sleep, to w
robes are st
RESIDENT, you've k
s be the first,-I '
with a screw that's
has played away u
Mother's side, the b
r Juno breasts whos
half-grown boys, a
on her lap, and cli
stately door, and i
of red and green she
adiant youth, her che
s we go, hers flour
many an hour, and f
cheerful sun, some li
nd laid them down wher
voice may be, they
lled since we shook the
classic green, so
joined the game, ho
ning up and down, an
book and brief, and o
els on the pool,
es on change, one pl
annual flowers well k
on our way, and clas
e legless kind, that
head we've seen pu
back again to yout
met our eyes, and bro
midnight lamps where
t flap the sky with f
hunderer's hand, Though
s of Empire fly beyo
he Western wave, they j
into paths that tr
's vertebrae and s
d chloroform,-and both
the photograph, we r
er sages shared the
the clouds, ours brough
e tricks of life, it
of character flake
the brownest hands wil
"perfect brick" bene
f deathless name, as sch
with the trump, held
played our game, she
something grand,-you'
e had their day, the yo
ays to forget, and so
old or young, the tap
led her fount to Po
shman once, just fre
ettle-drum, as
with the boys,-the
go to church becau
and of age is not
A. M. must prov
racked the son, balloo
to the old,-go th
and reverend youth,
only get one ann
o simmer down thre
s mighty short, and
ith long ago, it's
it to shine, and I
e blaze of day a m
and fading ray the l
ne echo rise to sha
whose throne is here
commencement-day on
ll mankind, to take
f summer s
rd's hol
calls, th
er smili
d young tog
hine and
heart, and h
opening door
every st
echoes lou
elcome on
and you
hrough her p
life's s
ur anchor
er green
and you
ft its lengt
d us fas
ings grow br
on turns
and you
ered ere the
when wild
here, our he
les forge
and you
the Healing
drug we b
scorch, the bl
leave, the "c
y glories, h
s that ador
triumph's m
weakness stan
arms that He
ong battle w
ur various
t weapons,
Science dro
shelter pro
r snow-white
tern minis
ng o'er the f
r heaven-ano
ved the glit
s all its cr
ful to her
aside her
g juice, or c
em till they
gracious h
d scum of ea
counting al
e sighing su
field that D
e stragglers
le acts of
our tempered
f life from a
ised by weigh
creatures l
s open to
im in a sti
why his br
pitying te
rear the sh
eeds out fr
we planted
e glory of
our sacred
tatters fr
flag of slo
e starry f
d truth we
better tha
s nobler tha
RY 25
.-Nay, we ne
ach heart
ing eye and
and flame
one tumul
of wild
through the
the Weste
cloudless, q
each stor
breasts of
reen wavel
shrivels lik
ecomes the
face, and
the monar
e strained in
ydon and
s climbing Abr
the Bourbo
he wailing
eneath the
earth's sta
like ince
g lay of fri
or's anv
, not for s
ver tone
m, even in
ful self-
m, not for g
was born
breathes in
heart m
praise him,
form an
and want, throu
s fellow-
d sink benea
n angel
power coul
that all
had set one
e pedant'
s them al
pebble on
hough dea
s nursling, b
her dais
suns, the w
the minstr
s weave his
T 29,
! God bless me! and
forgetful, as old
in 'forty-I woul
tter over, I and
old fellow, I'm thin
er people, shall b
ht blue ocean is smo
ne of breakers to fr
ghty easy, but that
f thirty we spend o
s the forties, as fast
or payment, we seem
"old fellow; you sp
a hundred and like
years coming shall s
en be forty; of cou
ows heavy and tire
ive-and-twenties and
t forty, no pinchin
nd flannels and good
ust morning I fo
, I'm forty! Yes, fo
ery milestone, I t
had come to, a fell
g folks' nonsense; t
me at forty,-I see
wrinkled, and ma
t fifty, in spit
er August with mist
owly counted and cr
tern summits the fa
sy fingers the las
en and women whose hea
one of fifty that lo
son that strives t
at a table and try
at fifty, my ju
of silver, but not
r verdict, waitin
ummers; speak! Is
ing fails him; say th
ng wrinkled and wea
temper, but pleadi
ty summers he finds
wn with bus
g clumps of t
at lean and bo
by the maste
bogs that
ond with m
e shaggy s
low the Sha
e trodden br
off with st
woodchuck c
rises from
is lair a fr
lunges in
old Shawmut
on his br
thronged with
hill is ridge
nd morn the
down the "re
King Street
bloody red
r pacing se
steel, the
all the o
of late the h
deepening r
stamps, the
re dark with
urderous hi
whistling sho
yed belts of
green, in m
nd palaced s
, from her B
ned city spre
waves, they be
e roads with
flash of g
hillside boun
m, Wealth! no
e wild-bird's
neath the no
raised by gr
st memory
sires who w
er 14,
Old Man of the
with that dre
en caught, you wil
ou he must
on by your throat
in the ter
ou tight by the c
ons and butto
of a snake in hi
pus-grip i
back, nor get
t the spot wh
ee his claw on your s
d's Old Man
n, no doubt you b
rtyr, whate
ur past? They must
ffee boils s
ake burns on the g
is done frig
will keep; let it
may worr
-starved go to sc
ink of spar
the train! "Come
s n't a sec
s on.) "Fsht I ding-do
ow on foot,
h a cheek like a p
ng for you in
our side like a le
your lost brid
n a fit,-hurry q
or's as fas
while you stick
of the dread
the face of the B
of the Sim
the Flat at my d
by the side
a lamb by the fri
to my skirt
stale talk withou
r whom nothi
grow loose, and I
of the drea
d quake, and I t
with what v
Old Man of the
ck like the
cold claw upo
hat he 'll ha
our Fath
in hear
ith o
her foe
ave Peopl
er realm
t her
with lov
her kingd
all hi
m his sh
by land
m and da
ng hi
War's temp
whole Ear
thy nat
s beneath
shalt re
King o
sunshine a
your hear
ts have pou
friend, o
ried chang
r flashing g
hosts in t
ame color
's faithful
the whit
ation's glit
he morning
, soaring e
then, VIV
trial! who
us friends
ran mingling
our land
wn saw in b
ering arm
's double g
rs? VIVE
from Heav
e wounds that
to lead t
ne Captain
y's marbl
shall be a
us! VIVE
s baton from
tout Char
e woman's h
d of La
hour of ol
of Bayard
r welcome Gu
s of peac
echo vex
he land of a
, grace,
s warm in al
her! VIVE
has left us in p
ed sister, so l
own star from our
her brother th
Caroline, ch
et that our heart
oth sprinkled i
of blood with th
too ready to f
is hasty,-she do
hen you uttered so
ill whispered, "F
ied out? Have its
at last which the
teach us the stre
nt children wou
the buzzards are gor
grows black as it
the catamounts tro
ks the pirate, the
strife! When it
ust flow in one
hat rush from the
peace through th
river, lake,
he medal, when G
th sulphur, though
ll brighten, the
Caroline, ch
s with Fate that
ing banner must
of light are the
rash sister! a
e sunshine awa
t aches and your f
athway that le
original pri
as-Sol), sculptured on a free-stone slab supported by five pill
spoilers with his
nsides," of
, above their mo
veral of the verses whic
orner-stone of the add
on, July
m, chaste
y Emerson; die
riend, whom Scien
Jr., M. D.; die
s poem, but somewhat disguised as he recalled them. It is n
e Revolution, and its plain, square tower presented nothing more attractive than a massive simplicity. In the front of this tower, till the church was demolished in 1872, there was to be seen, half imbedded in the brick-work, a cannon-ball, which was thrown from the American fortifications at Cambridge, during the bombard-ment of the city
children of the public schools, to the air of "God save the Queen
the 1893 thre
, H. S.,
S (1862-1874) OPENIN
old comrade
n hour from
days when
bright with
days of
re Bill and
ay flaunt a
s brief ap
anter's luc
friend, re
Joe and yo
great world's
u look in pe
O N. an
e letters,
ld fellow! o
Bill? How a
the judge's
your name to
ankind a deat
the dead pas
y call you w
d I are Jo
young folks
d buffers, be
ke fellows i
boys! That's w
ir heads; the
g hearts of
rgets his h
its smiling
spite of tim
d schoolmate
tern eyes tha
ks fondly
scholar, w
ngue of lea
a pinch of
years, and
as Bill and
idol takes
s bruised an
thousands c
seems, thi
once his pul
Joe's "God bl
breathe in ha
t pleased our
et lull of
rn spirits n
ring of the
as Bill and
while our h
name is ha
length our l
at pompous t
hearts that
Joe. Hic j
r dawn is
's tangle
en light
d's ancie
is in
see us d
hine on
the day
r screws
and fea
rs round
ood old Pr
ears stand
assed, and
e Boys
are they
ge halls
f standin
ful to b
ick the Se
econd wee
y stray
ly set i
Der Freis
non bulle
cing down
rs, look
s! there i
noise of
py years
and sunsh
ng wind a
h it side
hear their
dged, and yo
ell tolls
, in peace
a year h
has count
that then
end as w
h year se
he boar
e may thro
tains or
hall ever
nce set
d the yea
aming pledg
claim e
r peacef
s with su
ch the wa
come day
the rid
other toil
ine throug
he Boy
om fate h
t a moist
before he
mate, don'
e the pur
tear upon
ine-it i
r still
al star
ng shall
h encirc
w old men
ber 't is
ass with
y one is
he leaves
ry still
n ring sh
een and gro
waves on
e are the visi
he dews of
nts that quit w
back entr
e are life's l
he golden d
ulrushes roun
d banks o
Marys, and Ann
nd lovel
olumns of old
d dead by
olts and the ten
s triumph
r friend (-Gr
ams of ecsta
young eag
rd-of and end
have fa
e ebbing of Tim
young blos
mooth in his c
last pebb
ck noon; ere it th
d the table that b
h deeper with sh
he banquet and b
his verse is
its rags the full
comrade is bat
warm soul in the
n epic, or
ll love it beca
st song on the
eir lives the las
sunset that gl
at beams over it
drops, and behol
memory shines
last; they are d
that crushes the l
h my heart and they
th sweet summer
hour of y
my twentie
augh, a brig
, a gray-b
spoils of w
e's Wisdom-w
its troph
let my life
od's fount
e giddy, r
all love
angel heard
mly smil
ouch thy si
y wish h
re nothing
hee fond
wift season
he wished
t soul of
hee what
I cannot l
took a s
e in rai
ould be a
a husba
re nothing
he chang
ll their gi
e dissolv
for memory
t bear to l
angel drop
is will
ould be a
a fathe
ughed,-my l
old with i
dream, when m
the gray-h
ll be the so
here need
ar that bri
l an hour
it ring a
a mourn
cast, by ye
nts fli
he first un
e hour
grace can m
s as frien
oozes fro
ness from
ought, a ki
guage as
sh by in sou
eir cease
hear, some f
the bur
s fled, the
will soo
fade to mid
r-and F
l that time
ry hope
ttained, the c
that ca
itter, brood
too har
lame love ha
lties of
n younger,
the seas
ot lack a
th is in
y clog life'
s the a
swift through
e's heart
goblet in
old wine
t skin to
e thing, w
r than the d
der than
veal the "wh
e clustered
r in th
ew, with l
d our pai
hrough the four
il her to
flag, thoug
ying on
on, each wi
pe us al
nd few, the g
r the par
d streamers
e's rain
or sun shal
goes TW
, dear boys, 't is
ike this in your
smiles and to h
me oft in the yea
the grayest old
urn brown at the
as dry as the s
ke the goblet I
des of autumn wh
e all garnered and s
is perch, that wa
et sunshine and
young birds of o
till bright and th
sunshine from
hey sung in the gr
rning! how sweet
ve turned, and the
lives may get
s so fair on its
ur goblet and up
st journal, and g
e fellows should
e a 9 and th
hapes that would
d of shadows, ar
around us its pri
the comrades we cl
r future-a sig
member, we hop
base lies that t
in our hearts we c
stream of bl
d drink to
shall their
through its c
die, the s
host of boy
s magic po
ath this bloo
e purple gra
he splendor
ng summer's
in the bro
still the ba
ir hoarded s
dancing on
te ankles spla
se waves of
tters pris
ng shapes th
nged visions
e crystal's
rends its fl
a bubble fr
e chambers o
Time and fo
r feature m
are scatter
d with this b
tores each b
ing lips of p
e home of sc
stair and wi
by many a t
nitials o
heir keen vi
f voices kn
laugh, the w
of the sharp
n burning ro
omed joys, u
cherished for
ile, and ca
fills the wo
e enchanted
passions w
drops of
e cup of blo
can boast a
a vintage
t chilled, by
he palest
priceless dr
e bride of
ng wine o
d fellow got mix
e him out, withou
s cheat and the C
liar! We're tw
're twenty! Who
g jackanapes!-sh
twenty?"-Yes! w
fall thickest there'
I spoke of? Exc
will see not a
garlands for th
hite roses in p
young fellows, you
public) as if
"Doctor," and thi
e fiction,-of cour
e "Speaker,"-the
young one, how a
of Congress," we
d" What's his name?-
the grave ma
had written a
SOCIETY though
right in; a good
pretend, with a
ess a team with
r our manhood in
Justice," but now
ce youngster of
onceal him by n
song for the br
medal, "My coun
laughing?-You th
ugh, too, at the
gh loud as they
hat knows him laug
lways playing with
have asked,-Shal
e youthful, and l
ar companion dro
ur boyhood, its
s winter, the d
done with our l
e care of thy ch
's the fact,-it '
classmate get
how often I've
raighten my leg
once pleasing, to
s once charming,
e've heard till we
for an hour they'd
iends! Brothers! De
lifetime of so
ch sounds as the
like Plato's,
sweet and what
rm welcome that w
oyhood still brea
ob the answer, "He
our numbers; so
bove, and those
e still mingled
member with tho
life's journey,-ho
humanity's ma
down-hill, throu
-niners! we've s
ves to think, or
it still like the
chills us, shal
ed round in his
ened voic
droops in c
the wi
her once in
er stars
e reddening o
a Coun
to sigh o'e
of sires
eard the thre
d his use
from the ba
d their rag
their angry
he howli
the air wit
ing storm
eech! the tr
t, patie
em if the t
years have
th has sle
-fire is sl
our plough
o lose the b
of Nature
e iron thr
e our web
rusting tur
he empti
arms that fl
s from the
till for tho
h forgot
ir slumbering
ful are t
ave mercy
their fre
brothers er
with Nort
ld his mount
er pace
r country, ea
p us al
at are, and fr
llow wav
form for
ated at
, yet I fe
ur faith
eath itself
of friend
other lips
he veil
ew he lov
t: through my
s the tem
ale, with ta
oes plun
ere bound?-Th
the lou
ip Union, So
her and
old flag
your fat
of white an
d of sta
loft! its f
d the roar
all fly when
k typhoon
of the stor
hy peri
, there are
e alone
r of the r
ters win
at wreck you
e me naug
art thou f
hast tho
stains from
my heart-b
t more shall
the sac
ad our flag
n path b
ls on; the P
w along
d crooks its
the shor
here! it co
his barr
d free the
the whal
l cruis
feel no p
ts the fal
e light on yo
ot, hav
g cloud in mi
es of D
what this
walls that
p embrasu
st claims al
are friend
nts spoil the
roar,-how bea
orous wrec
the blaze that
e Hatter
ot so! I s
e shoals
ight that sh
on Star
p flies to m
more gent
breeze wafts
of Beaufo
this the swee
ed and man
palls these o
s of Bea
you not Port
lack war-
he Beaufort
his emb
s cursed p
from Sumt
rmless o
feels the fr
kes the
point, she th
the Land
last where
p Union's vo
r safe s
clear with
us welco
rah! it sha
ers on t
land, one he
ion, ev
u hate us, and f
hain-breaking, thr
ead morning,-your
Freedom brings m
he deaf for the
t noon that the
easons,-'t were w
menace, our we
to fight, we hav
for us, and we
on, though the
head coil round
quarrel," your s
and wages with s
e quarrel! pro
at fight with th
's temple, the No
h weapon and pray
be answered? Y
e lash as their
shaped in the
se millions that
rong arm to the
bread in the swe
ud planter. What
loodhound is bor
shriek of his v
nheard.-Hear the
dst smother mank
ackcloth, the m
to earth as u
fig-tree that sh
tribes in whose
Sin as she tra
e monster that st
ore with thy 'K
Moab must re
ne Israel, fres
Ashtaroth out
ods for the emp
ye serve, O y
ew shrines in the s
children of li
the Earth and th
oose quickly, for
age in the li
in love, ere the
ng flood that shal
rolling se
fate to th
at leaves the
grows the ea
e widens
r treasures
e stars that
how we mis
ng accents s
fill his sh
rolls of pr
lost the si
d through hi
mute, our s
r sunshine
whence the
s manhood bo
hard censors
em captive
s shaped of
e filled with
t chill him,
th all its
rst throbbing
colder tho
leaping g
melt the I
rchance, we c
ur calmness m
sunset's ligh
lt, but har
all, God kn
rule, He s
laughing c
his prophet
se wisdom flo
re sad, our
smiles to br
hy joyous
eakness Hea
even whil
th's breathin
before they
ough grief's
not watch a
p faltered, 'T
ur boyish y
well their p
livelier fre
old story n
turn our ac
tretch our e
wintry shr
dreary dri
t thus! He l
, hear him
claims his
face we st
gs clear in a
s mirthful
rother's li
, a classmat
North! will you
r freedom, for
blind in his f
forehead will
eyes the blue li
th cannon-bolts
and follow your
ks the wolf and t
our summons, till
the roofs of the f
e signet is stam
traced on the blo
se herald that pa
ay must be soug
ows white with a
of crimson fo
hand, and the m
treason grows
the battle-cloud,
ght hour when the
ace through our
s of tyranny m
roud parricide dow
e broken, the w
health of the
f eternity, e
aithful and t
an wean him fr
screeched in t
's blinding and
t the gaseou
friend stood
h a kind of m
nd choked into
the cradle,
hands till we
nd pulp our fr
muscle and
changing, he
get, but he
us to the c
he for the st
st must pa
old dead-head
h us while we
ach of the s
y season, fro
Classmate he m
aves us,-he
re cold and our
d Christmas, and
members both
this fait
present is
, wheresoe
eepsake from
s us! he pa
re gleaming wit
ys begging one
g crowns have n
will tell u
ur labor on e
must journey
ong, long year
fellow will
boy aliv
ur goodl
down, but n
ss-Angel wil
in the day-b
record of f
health in
t classmate,
st survivo
s wise and as
uails an
nd his gl
hrough the
ven's all-bo
g on Sa
ving pill
the sta
ong in ro
lendor all
ooped in e
doomed S
to God
he loud
hore is wo
ion's trum
's in
ichmond's to
ough old
m every
rag of tre
anner flap
rowns S
s harp which you
of a smile or yo
the echoes it
were unbroken, unt
my boyhood, my w
eart only, shall
answer that look
old harper play
air angel that look
ht glory that gle
ss of morning has
old harp that wa
s music,-each
heart-strings, that
l listen and l
d thrills with the
ar brothers! the
uld string and
strung it, who fa
he hymns of the
e visions of be
t fragrance aroun
the phantoms of y
he from roses your
past lends its
ke a bower in the
e thistle may gr
unfolds there i
careless while
cradle that ro
e fingers the woo
ok bare, but they
se moments! the
our year, is the
th sunshine, w
s lost, and it
the many-hued
e living, how n
rce broken, the
e shores where t
nlarge it nor de
born finds his
freeze us, no
Worship, are bo
's homage, their n
not Fame, is the
conqueror crown
hat limps from th
of battle? Too l
anguish, that
sunshine, it cri
doors with the bl
at last, with her
all hearts as we
Union spreads
rds,-We are on
what we sa
ur charm so
y lightest
heart as frien
e sing or
dearer to
e singer a
well the sil
ate'er your
e to our smil
the myrtle
he marigolds
relong we al
oved of A
st blossom-
rothers, me
oyhood's cov
ennial list
ty wear the
life has brok
eight of '
E Boys!-are
ith joyous l
grasp and chee
unseen, and
uests of ev
no shadow
from the gi
s-we are st
and, one heav
ot when he
ond the nar
ese glowing
ir sleep our l
s in their
morning days
the envious
not grown dim
at loving so
dust where wor
zenith o'e
ove the sext
ond the rea
stoop from sp
e happy ho
omes back in
friendship t
tried in ed
upon its s
s ubique-om
the sky a
ur lives with
golden stre
years have cl
mortal streng
g bolts of n
evening's i
o late!-no g
its cords in
close enci
nd keeps us
pon the f
stars have a
from the br
page of lif
t one mem
y tablet, Gr
dren. Bo
they loved
hat is pleasant!
I carry has ev
he muster-roll-
old comrade who
always, my han
nipple, the h
e tell me; I hee
d bruised, but it
'll bet you! What
the muzzle with
to fire, lest th
that burst on t
remnant of Col
made of forens
fame! what a
s pulled by each
y stars, what a c
rose-leaves and
one verse to go
h sweethearts?" Of c
load! it wall s
our fingers,-fiv
ay sages, for mi
lot like us fel
the staircase the
ssor! Look out
poor Tutor, to s
ghts when the t
husetts" the war
d "Stoughton" r
his head out o
called him,-a
ud, but not qui
nhood, suppose
s prime, as we
look through t
old Morse drove t
ales of the long
round with the r
my brother, r
dealings with
as kicking and
up smoking on F
he Tutors, my b
rofessors, reme
d Grecian of
Logic, and He
old fellows" (we c
e found out they we
you tell me?-but
ce too often. I
m thinking. Is t
so clear. It ad
n dreaming. I
'm certain-it i
friend Sales is a
're dead, but I
're joking; what
,-Isaac,-all gon
ve left us,-no, n
old Prises,-he ca
s leg, as he grow
s nonsense. Joe,
"Dolly," and f
lse graybeard, I s
ld Hickory!-
e with us (how c
youngsters and s
ur guidance au
took to the
y load was un
t off with a c
ne off, I shall
at ease, for my
utorem cui nomen est "Noyes"; Et floreant, valea
old cruiser,
she 's cross
sts and sai
ough and as
rbor she br
done for thes
or goes, spla
ls drop, rat
ssel out o
pry as a fi
sails and spu
of the cla
as fine
ok and prou
long on e
at with win
t the old s
looks down
ame that's
Skipper Ki
Flying Dutc
over must
swain that wa
happen you'r
ther have c
dodged by r
lifting one
reeches and s
s it? Who 's
swab, I 'm a
ellow, what k
u jolly old
of vessels a
the salt of t
ew from ma
ng by on a
vessel that
rouder than
zed in an a
ost in the
ags and so
rished and lo
ng ones, you
ur secret,
ship as go
w to keep
ar the youn
Boatswain stra
rew be sure
ne of your
s you, chang
lose and fet
hauled him
flipper and
onged him, sp
orry and mak
nged you, w
ee what 's pl
rld goes har
d to help
ckings have
dge him your
r ship in
ands and r
a taste of
other through
oser as ag
blow and clou
ur ship till y
Boatswain of
oys" as they cr
abin sat th
urse with a th
e judges, gra
he priests o
e lord of we
ood fellow in
, from twe
dsires with si
ol-boys all
orges and B
blets the wi
gathered arou
the side of
vered-we al
s Power, who
home, the smi
flock thine
peaceful d
t hear us wh
cord of sol
that have m
low of mirt
lessings life
orrowing hour
mourn, for
clasp, the lo
e sunshine
bright moment
t gild our da
ray from ho
e, Father! l
ng circle s
hed its hea
be with us
, it must be,
o mortal
e beggar Wint
's burden
heir of all ou
eth well
urned to shore
t need
od his claim a
res over
find no heaven
its fee
that fill its
all care
t be,-yes, he
that holds
istened in th
my car
ds and stole their
aught ru
le from the s
the locu
-crying child o
om its l
lion of embo
hose shad
ranist tries
e song-bir
choes listen,
no answeri
istened in th
adly tu
re burns low, t
ed our bl
rs and its hal
s stretch
er and fresh-
is not
inger of our
gh with lu
for he bears
sper hi
ods their autum
eir birds
inds unbuild t
with patie
ky is dark, th
him sing
! if words s
ng ear mi
hears the mus
ic waves
eams of fire, a
the dee
pearls no calm
ening on t
nown the passi
rough heart
e a pang his h
is throbb
smile is life a
his pul
re! can say fa
nd must
e, in many a s
y bards h
le robes
minstrel loves
may cal
easure of the v
his pul
mnings of the l
I do h
ls her warblers
btle draughts fro
heir souls
ow the graciou
dgling of her
that witc
overhead the
the thru
uous chirp, an
th-we kno
kness of the
all harp
rly, must I s
hening sh
stars of twilig
ring whisp
fire no evening
s outlast
carols of the
est suns
gs the seed an
s furrow
ves the stalks
ith circl
s careless serva
an the be
resher's floor,
with ocea
umbling rivulet
the sea-
of the green an
t he long
ve its chilling
d the mill
ne its task tha
rets els
n its errand; t
d the fl
f the morning
eate fin
ld or would n
ew choirs
tch the fadi
l my sof
l that listen
m a bri
ummer's noon. Ah
all gath
answered.-Yes! t
red here!
see it. You a
too sad and a l
faint smile, you c
r ribs, and you d
feast of the cl
he stream of our
white breakers o
ood pull in the
a fellow cann
ike this does n'
and plate he m
ss Committee wil
old friend, th
nd recited you v
f the empire of
to the brim and fe
think of,-how
his pocket he wa
s missing, the
s manuscript,
stop writing?"
riefly, "He can
h his foolish old
ll in spite of him
im with patience f
as bright o'er the
too bad-it 's
ripe ear till he'
e beaming-it
ome music yet l
soul is not thi
broken, one frie
he sunshine of
our tender and t
ve on an ice-g
you hear me?-He
of Nature's be
ard of hearing
delight which wou
s prolonged unin
row dull, and the
w a classmate-they
to tell us, "That
in the dark for a
his snuffers i
d fingers will s
or us all in eac
the tallow and
ssini-you 've b
re-endings kee
t 's all over-it c
h and the bang of
e mistaken; there '
re screeching of
ast ending is f
orse when the win
e sung to you
en they called me
ou more rhymes than
till left, like t
be frightened-I
anapests' cla
u say so, reti
I left, on a p
help it-perhap
e poor singer you
ould stand him fi
old times we rem
the music can
e chords that awa
an find echoes o
the minstrel who
gan tune that I
old places and
e light of the
have faded bloo
s in eve
d eyes, in mi
w stands
ce, that che
od's marc
breath of he
y seems
pictured ph
ing heart'
d harp, the
nt unstr
s round us w
d in eve
chimes the
the pas
dream! Our
must hav
good ang
smile, the
ter's gay
he children b
that Heav
that reful
s not sun
n saint migh
e of "Bo
hrough the s
's unclou
ecall the
The sky i
mile when th
f summer w
of wint
not leave u
thy song
he banquet-g
f's untim
wintry win
ng bird h
I not that r
ar celes
ese pallid
this tink
through my
el voice
m asks a s
rs on my
vainly st
dst thysel
. H. S.
ed, the throbbing
oiced req
e urn where
of rustling
g hands h
have strown and tend
lled the air with
y blasts
r whom the v
t choirs thei
those cha
den lie, unheard t
all in memor
ning stem
shaft, and
one, the nam
owing hea
and tried, and clo
amps of life g
our su
ng, as alo
saddened g
e we vai
ecedes, the starr
pier to pier
n keel w
we left alo
less, while
stas o
streets and case
circle of our
ring heave
dream that
ing in the
ing as t
o well of friends
t made us hu
s dissol
deem the b
nd gay with
ls have t
ire of song may c
arth may peri
shall fin
here, our s
l throbbing in
let flower
y forms, we count
h my verses-I t
rst time I have
in rhyme, they we
re so large that t
o tease you with
I did in the bl
him with the Br
least as three
meet judges so
shoes while they'
ong merchants who
o enthrone him th
George-Yes, I thi
ke these I could wi
ee one whom we u
oh, don't I wa
grow young-on m
I detected a ch
he Boys" will re
or two I expec
I've come for,
ear Boys I could
u know, but it's
t I came for; m
ose bank we dep
always wants gu
is customers s
minutes and char
rolls round an
before us to pa
arks he has cha
e hands and beg
l lend us, how
tell us, no mo
fourscore, at t
account with a
know,-amid so
n easy and kind
e and will have an
m good-natured e
ets us, as ot
ws me, and I thi
r foreheads a ma
emembers to vi
a classmate (a w
nd ledger laid
us yearly, a g
good health of o
e must own, but
ss gently and
e green leaves tha
the sunshine as
ay ravish the wo
n song, as they fl
others now we r
te cap takes the p
and moaning and
nd moping and s
were thumping like
d steady as meet
ition, loud soun
g blast, but the
are past, but n
have landed far
robs us, we kno
d a charm in his
he remembrance of
and hope, and th
twilight! how c
fall soft in the
he toiler his
s heard with its
he wrinkled old
his bills to th
he moments no
s account with the
ut so it has been, so it is; The purple vintage long is past, with ripened clusters bur
ave wept since last year's snows were flung about; The beacon flame that fired the sky, the modest ra
chiming measure in; Who knows but something still is there a friend may find a pleasure in? For who can tell by what he likes what other people's fancies are? How all men think the
abaster box th
ked so sternly
y wrought as tho
d daugh
of Judah's li
's wat
t filled the room with fragrance so deliciously, So oft recalled in storied page and su
ll the mighty d
d loud
ashing jewelry t
how Mary loved,
inful woman's t
are gli
may shape the song, his heart in tune must sing with it; And so we love the simple lays, and wi
nderer throbs their softening tones are tremulous; The dead seem listening as of old, ere fr
of crippling years the halting feet of rhyme may show, We look and hear with melting hearts, f
cious powers abov
earl of friendshi
a wreath of flow
nit und
ace, nor chance,
elf shall
e vire
cta solvatur f
skies get ch
e sought a pa
opes to fi
e changing w
have it st
p kittens cha
be never sho
Boys" that
ring with n
ged laughter o
with its thu
ouths with l
feet unwrink
s reach tradi
f prehisto
e knew,-but
ht serve for Pl
artyrs, if
of the di
e knew-can t
h morning's blus
e Harrys, Ji
once were wel
hey, we're
e, why then t
eighbor What
-What's the
e George, or
urself-there 's
now-I kne
be your youn
e all our o
ear a warni
e hour tha
Roman's sa
me back! we'v
or your word
your wings i
et the lids
s cup; its
lip has e
g, flowing,
orgot his
hour-glass do
imself with
he chalice, n
e rounding
d with its
days with
again in rob
freshness s
birds and blo
e torch of p
here in all
her anchor
and shows th
well as m
stings through
kindling p
curls our f
beauties sm
wn lilies of
hour! we
rhymes, its son
e loving e
hall gild the
eart to eac
nshine's ray
orrow's bli
d, shall help
were, "The B
ree, as two,
to him-ah!
l all the res
tranquil c
health, the ri
give that ea
fourscore ye
s, to hear the
ghts impressive
too, I rather l
ic of the sleig
ll the deep re
phonies with
too, a song of
n storm-blast
ls the well-wor
player shuffles
ood may do
ing from Carl
ind,-say Watts
h at first they
same, but just
ve or six tim
imes when mel
eches sober d
true, quite ofte
ests perceptibl
st (in proper
ictly moral)
hen these old thr
ep our souls fr
rap from memor
eirloom from a
tear that has
gh that ere its
gh; ah, life i
joyous as a son
bare as funer
s a female
ke you cry I
en smiles I'd li
ugh, as well I
ghter have a sk
ink we may be
edom's banner
ed, because th
ing its own pr
ed as if we
as preachers
ies because
ve; 't is time to
t can make th
assmates, thirt
ough, we've lived
ation gave it
read like that
k the leap the g
years, good frien
ople split on H
, 'See! the cho
ore as stoutly
nife to save th
vivisection o
mass that monu
cried, 'give us, gi
nt!' exclaimed
ebels and the
side, the comb
nced are their
ll a tear-drop
their obsolet
n, the sanguin
oe against Tom,
air its own ac
down or one s
ight raged furio
teger was mad
know what hist
of the above
four; stray fragm
tacles; a deaf
efs; seven pocke
ewith the owners
s; old gloves of
aid,-and sever
harm by some p
with Smith's
claim no very
others chiefl
rings, and othe
recks, capilla
g,-'t was noth
e it bore it l
ue, but rent all t
' torn to shre
well not one w
rgest share of c
t, both sides a
like cars in r
split that baf
ost the lives of
that know the
st as well by
so. Not worse,
ound the Natio
slain, the in
oint they fough
true, as I ha
f mutual ex
d with threats of
rnish food for
ats to help them
ay, worse-as
hat would scare
liveliest mon
re, as I have
our Tildens
ht, then, Libe
ballot-box an
d-red flags, you
s of Paris, fi
tock in Plymouth
akes and migra
irs tell sadly we a
trangely o'er me, who w
ury's sunbeams climb th
s burdened, will he gr
rd's nurslings when they
g are gathered in th
summons when they ra
hioed marshal calls
column as its len
he morrow of the nin
creeping, winding, by t
ich totters at the lo
nt graduate of fours
what name he bore am
ous question; its
sixty classmates of
ut dimly, his face
hat reminds me,-it
y whisper what wrink
that circles our l
ran minstrel, left t
the glories of our
less brother in whos
in silence, like a
ld Emeritus, who
him lecture have hea
preacher, holding fo
colleague whom the youn
d merchant in a squa
a village in a
be a mansion in a
hillside where the
survivor, sitting
oks round him, ranged i
rliners" filled with le
riorum, quas rece
ics, logic, matheed octavo he has m
d professors standing
f shadows which their
out in vision with it
ered arras in the c
's morning when firs
ul moments of our s
ws darkened our
oughly from us that l
ly onwards; the dead
around him-lo, there
before him, some
manhood, some worn
all greet him on cheeks
are folded, the ple
me dreaming; ala
iar faces we ne
footfall I think
t opens I say, "At
unbroken when ang
levelled and all it
of manhood, undaunt
ing snowflakes, who f
phrases their vary
remembers our man
uroral that laugh
m broken on the r
nd sources, a fount
ls scattered of di
t him, mould him in
he only-the one
are darkened and-yet
anks together and
one only, to mourn
their memories to hi
l much older; I'm a
young folks; I m
e particular in wh
s with culture; that is
n read it like the books that once we had. Are you quite as quick of hearing? Please to
e I need it,-no, I
upon it, 't is as we
ry, I'm lively,-I can
ke walking, just as w
ometimes, but that always was my way. Don't you cry a little easier than some
etimes happens that y
of people,-but my me
y's failing! Why, it's j
grandma! She's been
le trembly? Well, it
as ever with a goo
ke the trouble,-not a
looks shaky when I
tle, walking? It 's a
ound-shouldered, eve
your shoe-strings? Yes
d stories over? I
ireside, with your slippers on your feet? Don't you wear warm fleecy flannels? Don't you
ll it late at nine o'clock and go to bed at ten? How many cronies can you count o
how high is it above the level plain? You 've drained the brimming golden cup that
uty fade till every petal dropped, You've told your thought, you 've done your task, you've t
a tussle, as you
e ready yet,-don't th
s lusty prime when
be if I live to b
ermit me, please, I beg you'll take my arm. I take your arm! Why take your arm
gone?" was the
ight ring of it
ften the death-
we ask is, "How
e wine; there were
slipped and had
and sung, how they
of boys from thei
and toasts, there we
sides with their
d lived over the
ept their old na
ed on in their
ke maidens that
the leaf and the
s of Time in his
that gathered whe
silvered, some li
f the laughers
he singers rose r
years; there wer
e still, and they a
s of care, but the
ng loud through t
ved on, and they
that joined in the
song-bird we l
tones like a ser
circle that hol
ved ones that g
e stragglers that
s flung from a w
he twilight for t
between us, and y
ered by those w
nsplanted, its
us still-is it
proudly their
come-they are cro
the Shadows! room
he Archit
r planet's
s unknown to
r vision r
earth he wa
ht path ho
m not so w
yes his soul
untrod realm
breathe thi
that cele
es gild our
workroom wh
s implement
subtle, ho
's tangled
h the cloud
planes of
e sovereign skil
care, the M
wandering s
in their c
frozen sphe
r, zoned wit
t rolls in
g round its
ania writes
it on her
not? Ah, w
oul, so bra
heart that
ke silver-b
tireless tho
ea with gol
frame I the st
ch where tho
e spirit nee
tenant of
t home all
God, whose
yet! The nigh
e out,-full
e is on
f ice and c
lips that w
dren, it is
ul couch
wakeful hea
yet! Come,
your dear
Earth we l
nt stories
hear the c
the burni
e yet! We l
s time has
n years sh
e Arctic pol
Science wai
there are l
ems yet
we ask; and
e falls on
l's king
ughed with ha
s coupled w
sh telegra
would ha
Sheba's cu
see,-and t
hing new
as ladies s
hrilled her thro
as she was
rushing r
ed out alon
id's lof
moke that b
the eagles
cars that
f leagues
y fiat l
lumbering fir
-it bursts
portrait fr
nd to! the
ld tricks,
g moder
ve spectrosc
se mothers
el and
d tender, ol
e,-you're right,
Judea kn
rize th
of time our e
few brief y
der if t
ages doubt
years wil
all should
o see wh
gs have been
ot like to
n may so
ndreamed of,
that roll
ng beach may
the mist-
to pagan dr
m misery's
ave hope h
Church and P
f Ages vai
ss gone, its
,-in depth
the trodde
ansata we
with fol
a naked, l
Nile rolls
n slopes that
e drifti
nobler Fa
a purer go
ier anth
that our tr
the peris
sown for l
ing years
he present
ur Maker f
ur way
ll dressed in
unshine, flowe
better tha
the gr
yet! The full
year-this e
ship's flam
sweet, the hea
are brown and
joy is le
e say Go
r cheerful e
ng waiting, c
her lap
nature's sw
th all her
ll murmur, e
t! and no
the fagot
eerful heart
another bl
e black and sn
as logs lend
rom summer d
e from su
e Loving-C
blessed mem
hene'er we m
will hold a
only well
ound and swe
t sound a
o pin upon
s twain I l
and a pink
shall nestle
d breath shal
alth we dri
g blossoms s
I see the
bluebirds s
on lusty o
years, yet l
h every spri
with ever
s rusty scy
d grass is
sheltering s
e crazy d
n out? Is l
ly answer N
ravely a
bright tape
of old wit
s own altar
n every c
mute and hea
d love are s
and love
d at her sl
eous robe
golden bel
-hued ge
hrank; its l
t the shi
flowing lo
rous d
still the c
a glitte
te diamon
white col
d set; the s
ened link
in a brace
ond, on
he round of
ng years c
arkles i
ink, our frie
, break,
zone; the
eless throu
el of the
and wine
the finger
ed the reb
e would fai
us and
e jocund e
s of love
! I would fa
her fancy
ccents find
but not the
t and twa
m arrows dr
with his j
in blind
th spectacle
ty, silv
h frosted loc
re thatched
chilling win
and hearths
aintance, Ti
the runn
n thread un
his fro
hours, too sw
this me
miss, from
to old aff
he narro
ur hearts,-a
s that y
touch awai
s the roc
year they bre
k, but ne
note of hap
-out harp
at trembles,
ory lent
n Fancy clos
n quenched
till echoed f
of song you
d from fan
e lips forg
ful heart
he wings of
or dallyi
rands of la
their cunn
igh, and lo
c breath
ong vista th
core summ
e years alo
are young
eir way to s
ilent rec
is ours. How
to know
re the note
hey know e
ng month of
s our live
ur year a
its wintr
eet as eve
matures a
whispers w
, my dear o
Sarum's tre
at careless
s of her bl
and gray the
n many a b
ke, naked
g flocks went
raves of frie
, Roman, S
desert roam
se mighty b
none that li
buried, sl
listeners, b
ge tongues of
wave they g
, giants, wh
d ask in b
cepts thei
as are you
rpheus wrou
cks their spo
s Titan l
s in our m
h still and s
and treads a
loosening ke
down the cru
nbuilds the q
e wrecks that
ey stoop, they
turf their pri
altar's wre
th morning's
e dead, the
the many sta
had wander
Memory's ou
all our go
l find our
h coward li
t lean, and t
e Druid's
d flame no
chilling dam
nchanging, s
broken ci
remnant, ye
st, loving,
to feed its
who leaves his t
ight, he vani
otsteps, but we
broken, massive
are left the
wedges and t
ve the soft-shod
ch open, rifle
ols which Heaven
st has clenched o
gel-thief that
ramping fetter
y for treasure
el of hoarded
are those impl
ck his ruthless
t a casket's h
t, and lo! our
me Open Sesa
cade drops i
to year we cou
less, and large
paid in more tha
wels, but we b
over. Whil
in the dar
say a last
e final E
once, a jo
toasts went
laugh, and sh
floors and w
h feeble st
and of fou
he wrecks o
d to find ou
living, t
ies it is o
ong table's
a ghost in
ng form no
lender gro
till remained
presence w
ever loved
hand which k
ffection's cl
ss on the pe
eye, the che
o life a ge
meaning sa
hear, no
ms darkened
wed features
weighs the
shoulders he
hat we, the
g Time so lo
t illusions
lot of age
se of Friend
unfelt a th
st rend its
n years have f
. . .
Boys,"-a li
hear the Pro
cenes and b
let the cu
p of pearl, whi
ous bark t
ummer wind its
nted, where th
l reefs
maids rise to sun t
iving gauze n
s the shi
y chambe
reaming life wa
nant shaped his
ee lies r
g rent, its sunle
ear beheld t
d his lust
s the sp
t year's dwelli
step its shining
p its i
st-found home, and
eavenly message
the wande
her lap,
lips a clear
ton blew from
mine ear
es of thought I hear
e stately mans
wift sea
emple, nobler
heaven with a
at lengt
grown shell by li
e isle, o'er its
ws of foam-c
afar in the d
ng, my eyes
shadow, she sc
in the stroke
sea-gull, she f
ming bright
s thinking of d
that white
cares, if in
who gaze fr
beacon that loom
that is un
he blast, like a
lfs of the
afar to the di
nd its ventu
o gaze while we
in sunshi
ourse, though the
ur broad sai
e rudder that g
we look fr
uty!-hast tho
s of mor
those i
s hurrying to th
his mound o
our fie
of youth plunged
ading in these
ers are si
t loved t
lips have often
aven-tuned ear w
thou ye
ued torch, and bid
will flood thy
oul's sac
thy mar
-trees waste thei
nds walled wi
ed in Or
ery palms toss, plum
u shalt feed on
han song
g bulbul'
ulcimer's me
idnight wave it
ed sense m
d-soft, with strai
ecked with jewe
those bowe
the clust
-clinging dul
aydew where the
er's fru
s shorn from Autu
fting on the
d by grass-
ames Life's time-
otted, o'er the
bering whe
grim watched to s
y couch thy v
me dream
that wind
ardinals bloom-
heaven beneath i
tering n
rored blue like go
balms the linde
e the ros
e-eyed Su
ipples round y
oon-wave warm f
the sul
d their palms like
rning lips to
s of wild,
s autumn
ves, youth's passio
ee, we love th
y new-dec
the voice that brea
L. M
t lose him,-though
n leaves with the
at parting, we
of love when the
t rests with the
hat sleeps in his
stands with his s
is toil to the g
et slumber unbo
hall breathe and thei
ry lengthens the
ur sunsets the sta
f death, in the
unt spectres of p
s untold, there a
yet silent to spe
oud story which ti
warm with the fre
s tyrants, and te
black past like Van
. . . .
es by, for the
rairie, o'er mo
t bark, like a se
stole from the r
cup with the su
er's jewels were t
LEARNING,-the wor
oy crown him, God
s older onc
f locks un
on the you
ake love and
ne had a he
with those "
s came with
s with a s
sister, wif
f women" ea
-boys ever
e grandpapas
this our so
that our liv
ome seaso
ll leave us
groan with a
ailment of
s think the m
is "a pecu
e babes with
ne bitter
ll the world
e wiser th
e sob o'er
s hoverin
pitying drop
for the te
stand with
e beggar fr
approve us
but one tho
s crowd the c
truth's et
s bold with
s dumb to w
eyond, all
g pile nor c
blot it: G
s, lost for
my pane thei
hwesters col
ws in its th
snowdrop's b
gainst the s
s horn of
s dark unf
chaliced cr
eaked hyac
whistling l
winds of g
leaflets lig
g by the t
robed their
wn flower and
he clasping
cloud their
d tulip's fl
in glory f
forest mona
he violets,
he elm-buds,
blossom, S
roses! Spri
blush with f
e May-dew o
all its blo
urora's f
flood of ligh
changed coro
re gay as b
f many-peta
shell-fish c
barrow where
proud of str
ard from his
e dealer's aw
rope and ta
with careless
lk or slou
. . . .
from the mo
close and ch
long, unti
thee thy we
hispering vo
trill, the
or bird with
d sings, but
spot of liv
ot where leav
lamed, to w
bove, to s
l, of course th
bts. No matte
logue? Let ou
ehand; logos st
harper's prelud
na's courtesy
metre are t
ockings are t
age,"-as Shakespe
rld-was what h
ld's a blunder,
d that Nature
ndling finds i
pentant, melts
he spendthrift's
taken in the
the troubles
act comes right
ouple, old folks
happy at the
g virtue ever
d ruffians alwa
amsel, with a f
hueless as a
nd Heaven!" and d
ze,-beneath the
ide avenging
w! Now, Terraitor
hero flounde
uncle turns u
g scapegrace wi
k, "My boy! MY
friends, the rea
onquers in dis
! While woful
passion in th
cowl, though pru
rtain: Love wil
ion, whom your
masters, when you
f moral of our
ill,-but woma
spirit toils in
stinct threads t
let stretched b
giant with his
ers confess you
master, but
ough you ere you
icture what h
tory, made as
ssor of the he
ous for his a
isoner Justi
ock to test the
-visaged, gaunt,
adsman rose ab
lighted with
armor flashes
blade; he turn
t, still waitin
ot? Perform thy
. (His voice was
truck," the artis
moment, and yo
f-box,-"Now then
ffed, and, with
mbled,-bowled a
steps;-the pris
lchion is a g
in it, oh ho
arts as Rudolp
e, and never dr
lators kee
spense with b
-whortle, ra
ownwards thro
t selleth h
n roof or fl
ashers choo
hath the br
rs tell us a
eaders all
pay for, th
rape and co
take what the
ive what they
fathers ea
fast for cons
at hath a h
his merit
lie for
the iron on
e usual pl
stitched with
well the w
weeds have
of suction
as would ho
shers no l
what they st
rst locomot
the Hoosac T
et Cumming
saints blow
u see that
your asce
ad led her
ad killed
d flowers, t
ith one
e cunning t
the race
on its wi
of light
leepless li
t least a
lowers would
from eve t
prairie, fie
wy eyes
ill watch from
rn skies a
hour of day
shame so
white as sea-
are alway
patient sta
eir light
smile, the mur
of lyin
shut their s
he vain
hey wink
er of the
el of the jo
the noblest w
af of Ayrshi
by!-Our hear
honest Sax
with him, ti
ong the Eng
we part;-fo
, the flutter
arms that plu
foam, the s
fs waving f
pillar glid
e desert, lo
above and ho
he Western
e spotty glob
speck the Br
nd all his p
cataract roars
tretched fro
y crack their
blushes a
urns with f
, leaning o
r than the l
is a world
with its dus
n keeps he
seas and skie
h swinging
stout in dea
ed foot to hea
life-blood r
r brothers
g in their f
soil has wa
eroes, mart
e clinging b
fringe to mo
oak with r
handful hold
f white and b
arrowing to
threaded str
other isle,
oad temple wh
eastern gales
e missal i
e lines our Mo
s blazoned
g links of gi
tained in cr
speed a par
like to spea
ese feeble a
ight from eyes
ce more,-an
ace the young
sides, we l
soil, our f
o more, we sti
s dear del
of life to g
boyhood's lin
woman's wi
th Goethe's s
Holy Fath
moothed the
bids us s
heart of s
pon those
well the to
f Egypt's
at Youth and
iolets fil
er lord's Ol
loving Mem
daughter o
d hair and
t share one
autumnal bl
rown, clingin
d kiss that
eaves, rem
of that bl
e flower of s
y raptured
her eyes of
ith its le
loop of lar
d spirit, hea
to cheer m
n, waited f
uld seek the
e magic bre
s! Ah, rel
u rouge the t
ood's yield
eat Leveller'
rms!-love he
e bud of pa
this my fr
hind me ut
r smile,-but
woman loo
ur foolish h
is walking
but little
sk; my wan
sh a hut
in brown st
ay call
at hand is
reet that fr
is quite en
es are as g
can subsis
ven for t
ught cold vi
would be v
much for go
ortgage her
k-stock, some
ng railro
k that Fo
re than I s
silly toy
are but e
erhaps, be
near St
ure I shou
r Gubernat
such unfruit
zed diamond
so large,
nd a pear
r me;-I la
ld dress in
silks are n
haps I mi
s of true
y crapes of
d skins on s
have the h
folks must st
; I do n
r just a si
s less woul
, I should
Raphaels thr
ch their sty
er, and
painted wit
t few,-some
se, and bou
pon an upp
tle luxu
rocco's g
rich as cou
gems,-such th
s often sho
their powe
sh churls
ums, I would
ful tricks I w
glittering u
rved tables
must be
g pomp its d
one recumb
e let me l
r Midas' go
ore generou
ot miss t
l for the b
astes and m
e the solar s
ueseent, pend f
t the Give, an
erring on vent
vive occult t
erb with none
berries from th
flow from lon
no verdurous
uous pool's c
ast repeats
milk-jug with
et me curr to
bid hausts, la
le to some umb
of the wonderfu
lt in such a
undred yea
a sudden, it-
what happened
he parson
people out o
er heard of
undred and
cundus was
rone from th
e year when
h open and g
's army was
t a scalp t
e terrible E
n finished the
g of chaises,
s somewhere a
felloe, in s
crossbar, or
where you mu
ow, or withi
he reason, be
eaks down, but d
on swore (as
vum," or an "
d one shay to
y 'n' all the
built that it co
e Deacon, "'t
' place mus' st
t' fix it, u
lace uz strong
inquired of th
ld find the
be split nor b
spokes and fl
ancewood to m
e ash, from the s
ite-wood, that c
iron for thin
s from the "Set
mber,-they cou
e had seen
flew from bet
ds frizzled li
op-iron, bo
, axle, and
finest, bri
asher, from
pit when th
way he "put
he Deacon, "nao
you, I ra
onder, and
orses, beard
deaconess d
d the stout ol
on Lisbon-ea
NDRED;-it c
asterpiece str
ndred incre
idge" they ca
ndred and t
usual; mu
forty at
e fifty, and
ovember, '
the parson
oys, get out
e wonderful o
all we v
morn of its h
feeling and l
's nothing that
now, but a tr
oral that ru
re welcome.-No
MBER,-the Ear
s of age in the
flavor of
local, as
t be,-for the
so like in
n't a chance fo
ere just as stro
as just as stro
just as stron
e-tree neither
rossbar as str
and axle an
whole, it is
our it will
at-tailed, e
d the parson.
working his S
fthly, and st
the horse
ver, and th
g decidedly l
n was sitting
ne by the meet'
r of the Ear
think the
up and sta
chaise in a h
been to the m
urse, if you '
to pieces
e, and not
bles do whe
wonderful o
gic. That's
cting an ol
Is kept in the
ttle the wor
n President
boys, perh
e hundred,
gings for r
n bed-clot
mbridge? Ho
Don't say so
ouse with a
l, if you mus
at a horse's
angle abov
ambrel; hence
e that ever
ed and Com
ownish with
pot beneat
st, that so
outh and ea
et slumb
shape of
refoot chi
harbor it
flow of a b
ray old T
rocks abov
ath them, so
tide of bri
waves, three
the spark
bbs to fl
ff from sho
reight of
ace for boy
ep your g
rolled as
ss fingering
lassic beac
ed pebbles of b
neither he
about an o
no doubt, of
ford he use
of the Mat
s wife a ch
air with sea
d and broad
oddest of h
ver with kno
wide, and dee
worthies o
Sewall a cau
ather to si
ll bequeath
he terms, as
aide Chaire to
graduate, t
Youth in ye S
"-(naming a
hom ye Chair
oldest Se
er,"-(thus ru
lesse then he
is Debte for
red it to one
money,-five s
vered it u
s plain, not f
over the ch
crowns of s
eyed it
ayment, of co
up the cha
, as you s
sed the ch
e bargain no
assed to a s
nd likewise c
conveyed it
ne crown, to
wo crowns to
g honest, (as
OTTER, who to
rimus dem
sum kept ga
e battle of B
money becam
t count it, bu
HARDS,-the bo
0? I've look
Richards, was
ounds, but w
k, was the s
rtain,-but s
the wars w
d altered the
m-chair wa
ith such a mo
quite too
ums to get ri
s fingers hol
the will in bl
h for a chi
be done no m
was a kind of
eason but m
sort, to cle
ame with his L
d truckmen, al
ittered and
whinnied and
s whistled betw
bee bass-drums
e with al
ident met him
hefted" the cr
ill, and the P
hefted the cr
r p'int. And
he terms you
itions I BRE
entioned what
inute and then
prayed. Then
nor rose and
onditions?" We
ll you, and th
, on Commen
ly take the p
he President
Governor si
rises; both
speech in a f
whereof, as
I keep this o
his Excel
to say that
. next is ca
' other, which
officers r
to say that
parchments ab
witnesses th
e lawyers h
r is safe for
, Gentlemen!
lleges whil
lly and thi
e colleges,
this, and c
may starve whil
was pitcher that
ays a flaw in a
esh bumper, for
wood) still reddens o
ces (decoction) still
crystal the rubies (
ers (half-ripened apple
h (taste) of the fragr
(rank poisons) lie hid
idens who laughed throug
g long
we 've some of it here! (strychnine and whiskey, and ratsbane and beer!) In cellar, in pantry, in attic, i
e cold; her
r pulses c
shut to lif
te vesture,
where the
neath a gr
r tears wit
cross of
that here a
eath the pea
d trees of
heir circling
e greenness fr
r dead leaves
ir boughs the
heir leaves t
ing in the
and the che
at she will
morning choi
from the br
beneath th
her with its
g round thei
mourners, c
sliding thro
for her an
rootlets o
he prison wh
e buried du
d blossoms t
oul that war
rn of kind
What maide
this: A t
to blossom
d where the
e, that stoo
pang, our b
ast each ear
pain while T
the weary
rown each li
shun, no da
ll whispering,
g pleasure t
faith is cha
wind, the qu
tell us, Th
fling our b
vine, for
suffer wh
dying, Th
l being! t
lames from
soul of e
loving hea
life, thy q
r path the
hope, thy so
ong watches
is thy smil
e is thy gr
arch thy m
e clouds of
l life, be
truth, whose
lustre o
y truth to
hearts that b
hy living
ght, one he
t is! the
he old remem
truck our scho
d path acr
road by scho
shadow, no
from the s
t the farm-
compass tra
t bends to l
wayward cu
kept the do
rch, with woo
millstone a
rood might s
hild could s
ross the pa
runk is o'e
winds, we k
s if for tr
me lover t
knees and l
often ru
s sweep or
hance, with
nholy banqu
ur devious s
cross the t
t thus,-no e
trace a fau
steps are h
swerving w
love, we dr
let us trus
he wanderings
n see our F
, HE
the soul of her
ister's spirit
the leaves that
no mother t
ed upon a sis
ght thoughts that
arned the myst
ys that soothe a
eart voice, that
t, suffered. Lo,
leeting day-drea
that die with s
e, yet lived in
lad, a queen of
tongues with ange
seemed, a twofol
ashing falcon
less dove that d
things: Why her
rturing gifts, and
rit fallen, its
rs and anguish:
nd Thou by mort
ave me! Shall
d! But nay, it
ted seeds that
that Nature sha
She longed, and k
thing she might
to say her even
ble shapes that
ulders bare and
ovely to her s
e so! Nature w
ely and unsis
rmless gift of p
ned,-This shall
d the shining
nlight of the
ook is full of
les and laughi
ses twined and
crossing of unc
h some maiden's t
ttle book of dr
ris, who shall
ar her open hear
vision-haunted pa
y thee! If the m
she has had her
aves her memory
t here; in h
g flock had
shepherd, mi
ws on the w
peedwell's a
ayflower's sa
is feet the P
pake, and th
n, sisters, c
ou hence fr
build by Ha
long the
bear the s
named and sh
he lessons
ld teachers
not unto th
or all the
s eternal w
raight the a
g fountain
flock, for
hough angry
s dike or Ca
h lingering,
f love and p
down the cr
isle of
he frowning t
soon with l
shores of
these!-too w
king behind
re set, the
ho! for wor
re they who
ms of the
us this vi
with the soi
slumbers by
arth the e
s graves our
ur noblest
m, and the wo
by the sto
built by H
praise should
w cheaply
homage of
f tasks as
smile may
still the con
ite hands to
ned valor clu
eet song of
placid, s
present's p
istils like
words of li
ke drops of
before the
the cities o
g Hate turns
s half-coiled
through their
and left in h
oved by pois
earth, thy
n peace thy
trust, unchil
bitter word
or clamor
forbids the
ss calls t
eware of m
pride that c
sh fingers,
on thy cro
rn parlor of the hou
and the gable looking
he sunset, with the
ade piano I am dre
member the eveni
voices, what a group
x was opened that ha
stic-varnish and its
l grew fretful in th
h his sister, and the
ed for quiet in his
the tumult with the wo
ew that music was a
over Sorrow and see
r harpsichords with t
spinet with its thld minstrel, who alw
Clementi," and struck
ldren's voices, and
ip and finger, aros
of a neighbor, cu
a widow,-something
of music such
er's chamber and pee
ilate" in thread
t, lady!" the li
a singing creature cag
t, lady! and let
these foolis
crush my br
e southern c
fan, and
m a parchin
is heated;-
y plumes,-the
e roses' fe
med lily fr
coiling wa
eet odors
me up my I
some book n
efore my s
t not,-this
res stretche
at flutters
s seething b
are thy lov
child one h
e hour to
scarf of l
ned by a s
voice shall bl
n dreams, my
r music d
ne cable were sent by an electrical expert, a m
sor Bl
vincial! speak
De Sauty extan
nerges, son of
talk wit
Sauty ambula
e mortals, dorm
ll, hearing, food
mes dail
such a being, O
us,-ancient wor
d about the wolf
s and
woman, this a
roduct of gal
bred in Crosse's
hou Cyan
askest, jackknife
g mortal, pork-a
tling, wheel thine
hear them
alvanic tingled t
focus of the
red a white-fa
imself "
possum held in
nt organ whence t
stranger held t
in the
ngthened, bloomed the
r victual, yet g
o time, in shar
l right!
ation passed the u
nd hemlocks to the
s filled with lo
right DE
ackened, drooped th
ded, as the stre
hadow, with a
scence glistened
is feet the dust
morning, when th
as no D
cloud of ele