The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Genre: LiteratureThe Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
ace resumed he
ed, and valley
l panted on hi
use her heavenl
ng: some ballad
slumbers of the
er, with his th
bles of his bl
t fancy of the
gers smoothed h
ears the statel
Memory her i
outlines of
ndered at the s
ength their too
pinions of t
ng; for stormier
sions deeper ti
tumult and the
triumph and th
rting and the
nquet and the
rama which at
dows through the
eld to echoing v
song that listen
e amaranth in
turrets and A
ncy where the
ardens and C
memory to th
ender and his
dreamer, kneel
records with hi
nes his own
ps repeat hi
fant see the b
eyes, unconsci
ro hear hims
ee, and Ajax
ing through th
ends of the wa
pyramid or Pa
heralds of the
em, for Time, b
ne and wears the
ps beneath he
eptune strews
abric, strengthe
lumns through th
rches of the
torrent, follow
the surges bea
vilion o'er th
atriot asks s
tate our wars
ys, those moth
nation for a w
tery, with its
tyrant in his
d faded like a
s ask for his
, above their m
p the tall ca
isles and paup
beggars whom it
ail, our lowl
shadows on t
inds, that sweep h
rfume from the
vision of th
steeple marks th
reeking and its
prouting on t
indrops from it
hers once have cha
hymn, beneath i
s sweetly to t
ys through pict
ft and tessel
rplice round the
oly where de
l the patriot's
e dust once li
reling shrinks
comes "a new
attles of the
ountain "look
ve; they guard
bastions of the
echoes of the
eedom. England
pher on the
night-dews and t
anner shades it
loaded with the
ended by its t
rattled to the H
floated from Br
rumpets blown t
mmits where the
lage claims its
bosoms met the
rselet was th
mustered to the
ftain curled hi
leader bade hi
ered in the l
fainted in the
now-drifts with th
banners, tossi
ady, faithfu
nd battle, till
hills and Sa
ce the insatiate
pale and history
some new Col
tablets of
ears, which ye
eld, some fanc