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The Motor Boys on the Wing


Word Count: 1527    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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one under the lo

ry fat lady, making her voice heard above the others who had gi

t. Meanwhile there was considerable excitement, for the professor continued to kneel besi

on the air brakes with a suddenness that brought the train up with a smashing bang. Then, as the

here? I didn't see hi

ving wheels and lifted something out. "It was a narrow escape. If you had run over this b

ou mean to say you made all that fuss, a

s part of the country. I saw it on the track just as you were about to run over it. Fortunately I stopped

a kid under the machine. And all for a bug-a bug! I guess that ain't the only bug around here, either," and he looked significantly at the professor who, how

in. "I wish there was, but I will have to be content with this one. Now boys, I'm glad to see you," and he turned to greet

u!" exclaimed Jerry,

ways have good luck when I'm with you b

ee," obs

our last trip," remarked Bob.

erfly net," declared Mr. Snodgrass. "Ah, there is our li

eat excitement-woman nearly fainted-slam on the breaks-blow up the

looking over the top of his spectacles

the way to the waiting car. "You came in good season, Professor S

"for the specimen I am now after is not to be found at sea. So

after this tri

end my entire vacation looking for it. They are only to be found inland, however, and, so far as is known, such frogs only exist in Java. But I have m

ts color like the chameleon. Ordinarily it is light green on top, and white on the under parts, but it may become orange-hued, or even pin

frogs," said Jerry, "but we are going to an aviation meet, and aft

o, and started toward Jerry's house, where the little scientist was

here in some time, and it might be well to make

ame from Jerry, as he speeded up the

The long-handled butterfly net was thrust down behind the lap-robe rail, and the cloth part fluttered in the air like a flag

d somewhat," begged the scienti

uired the

ough his powerful spectacles at the shrubbery that lined the roadway. "I must lose no chances of getting specimens," he innocent

before it had ceased moving the professor was out,

he net in his fingers, looked closely

had a seven winged dragon fly. Go ahead Jerry. I hope

h he fidgeted about on the seat, and the way in which his lips mov

se, and as he and his chums and their gues

ails through the air-like an aeroplane-over the trees-'ro

s. The professor looked curiously at him, and the

xtended toward him. The scientist took another forward step. Andy leaped back still more, and

nce! I want you! You must not

, each one runn

his legs to their limit. "I didn't mean anything! I

" ordered the prof

y at Andy. He thinks he's been making game of him.

n't hurt a fly unless he wante

wants of Andy-he's so

y, for the scientist was now almost up to the small fellow, who wa

say! Come back

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