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The Motor Boys on the Wing


Word Count: 1533    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

orced to slacken speed. His youth and fleetness gave him an advantage, but the professor was used to chasing after flitting butterflies a

you?" Jerry and his chums heard

e?" gasped Andy. "Didn't you-?" Words

"The little beauty didn't get away.

ght something that had been perc

carefully put the insect in a small box that he took from his pocket. "You have unconsciously been

gasped Andy Rush. "Is tha

you think I was running after

I was-Oh, I guess it's all right!" exclaimed the small chap

y when you had a valuable red ant on

scalp you; didn't you, Andy

g. I thought he was making a joke, and I was going to say some

"If he says there is a flying frog yo

hear what the professor has to say about his plans for catching the flying frog, and th

about the curious frog, which he stated, could glide from the g

asked the professor. "I must not be

and also mentioned meeting the

m going to give them a wide berth," d

er," agr

e an aeroplane?" asked the professor, that fact hav

ter his craft in the meet though, but we haven't see

to get some duplicate parts for their motor, which they had ordered from the factory, they saw several large pa

e that Andy Rush was telli

s see if we can tell where it's from. T

pe of aircraft Noddy was getting, and they had just located the card

e! What are you trying to

nprepossessing countenance of Bill Berry

ine?" murm

it. It can carry two. You needn't think you're the on

ng to see where it

n the bully's crony. "Just keep away from our pro

f, as he came quickly from the direction of the freight office, and mounted the pla

ing around

so!" cried

d!" threatened Noddy, with a bluster. "I intend to make a l

ay," said Jerry significantly. "Come on, fellows. And th

remarked Ned, when they were on their way home. "That

plenty space to fly in. We'll go off on a little trip, and take the professor with us when we get the motor fixed."

rious insects in Cresville. He had agreed to go to the aeroplane meet with the boys, and later they planned to take a shor

ome on to Cresville to assemble it, and also to give Noddy lessons in running it. Noddy knew som

t past yesterday afternoon, and Andy and Bill were making a

up high?" i

-regular grass-cutting work. Afraid to go up, I guess. But say

ke the professor, too. He has

ble food along, and stay

et before we enter her for a prize, and if we go scooting off around the country we can't get them done. Besides, the

company with the professor, they started off on a day's

the information Andy Rush brought when he appeared at the big

uess he won't go far. Come on now,

th which he hoped to capture insects of the upper regions, entered the cabin of the

fly wheel that was connected with the big propellers. They whirred around with great swiftness,

Up in the air! Never say die! Never come down!

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