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The Motor Boys on the Wing


Word Count: 1872    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ngs of the wind until it was more than a mile in the air. The

achinery was running almost at the limit of speed. "W

ght as well hit it up to see

eled so fast since we were after Mr. Jackson. But then I guess

nother is, that I'm going to try to get

en't had a chance to try the hydroplanes l

lared the tall lad, "but I do wa

d back again-especially when we have

You're always thinking of eating. Forget it once in a wh

ng to see what we have got in the galley," and despite the laughing objections of

" aske

d tones. "I forgot that we stocked up the othe

ne day, and he wanted to try the hydroplanes on a large body of fresh water. He knew, or was practically certain, that

ng swiftly along, when Mr. Snodgrass quickly arose from his seat amids

e of the upper-air mosquitoes. L

. Buzzing just out of his reach was a large insect, and so intent on

enclosed it, but, in order to make some changes, this railing had been taken down, and had not been replaced, though Jerry intend

y likelihood that he would hurl himself off into spac

r! Stop! The railing

did not hear or did n

if he falls!" cried Ned to Jerry. There was little doubt

ry, who were looking with horror in their eyes at their friend, reckoned without Bob. The stout lad was on the after part of

th, and lay there. There could be but one result. The professor, his eyes fixed on th

n a heap, about four feet from the end of the platform, hi

eath was knocked from him by

rt you?" exclaimed the sci

h," gasped t

! And the insect has disappea

lared Jerry half angrily. "You must not take such chanc

with a curious air. "Very much obliged. I wonder where I can g

escape," commented Ned. "Say, he'll give

hip where the professor had fallen on him. "I'm glad he didn't

ed, and shook hands warmly with Bob. Then he forgot all about the matter, in the

ded on the hydroplanes. Then, setting the water-screw in motion, he directed the motorship about on the lake, to the no small amazement of some motor-boat enthusiasts

y," observed Jerry to his chums, as, toward the c

proud," declared Ned. "I hope we

b, who was feeling very fin

gh I must say you keep us up to the mark on grub," and

eir speed, and coming down on a long slant, when Ned, who was

aeroplane down

" deman

meadow. See, it's

the white planes o

how white the canvas

" put in Bob. "Maybe Brown and Bl

" answered

ndy Rush, who, strange to say, had been rat

. "I shouldn't be surpris

owly skimming along over the big meadow, at no great distance above the ground. There were two figures in it,

ey had come near enough to make out the occupan

let some gas blow from the compressor into the big bag, so that the Comet floated in th

ce and, probably to show off, they increased the s

re afraid,"

nticipated they would have prevented. Leaning over the side of the

afraid! Be sports! Come on up, the a

or boys calling thus mockingly to him was no

, are we? I'

friends could tell by the more rapid explosions, and the

do!" cried Bill Berry. "Go r

ointed the nose of his craft strai

ng for us!

it us!" a

ied Jerry. "He ought to be able

g alarmingly close to the Comet, an

e up a bit, fellows," decided the tall lad. B

levolent faces of Noddy and Bill could b

all right!" boasted Noddy.

more, as Noddy shifted his rudder. It seemed as if the new craft

he motorship was slowly moving to one side the Winner to

ng sound, a hissing as from compres

elled Jerry, as he leaped toward the motor room. "Ned-

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