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Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1240    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

ionaire at least, a sense of triumph tinged with bitter resignation, Aunt N

not make her fall in love with yo

opposite of fragile, infact she has been in

ughed ou

with me, then I'm not to be blamed. After all, it's not my fault that I was born with charms that makes women fall in love with me. Instead

, it won't be his fault if Jennifer falls

is in great need of your daughter and you are charging him ju

ou are going to pay me ten million instead of four million", she

ence evident as he knew Aunt Nancy woul

reed, sealing the a

s. To earn ten million in a single

w," she said, her heart brimming wit

ted, Morgan leaned in closer to E

und to agree, even before th

d, a silent affirma

a promotion? Even if she toiled for 10 years straight, it wouldn

delicate situation? What explanation could she offer her daughter without sounding as if she was betraying her trust?. With

own my cheeks. The weight of abandonment since my parents' departure weighed heavi

the silence, her scolding cutti

t you working?!" she berate

I rose quietly, bracing

k a brief moment to rest," I defended

. You eat my food, sleep under my roof for free, yet you can't

ores as Aunt Nancy stormed off, her fan

er, Aunt Nancy's prized possession, emerged from her slumber. With lazy gr

fer chirped, envelopin

aving her beloved daughter. Yet beneath the surface, a struggle r

ope you and Frank already resolved your difference?",

pen a bottle of water, of which she drank directly fro

l of her fiancé, Fr

'll find someone else," she de

ly pleaded with Jennifer to reconsider, knowin

we can't afford to loose him, his our golden

Aunt Nancy to ponder her next move. She

. I will look for another guy to date",

on yet another errand without hesitation. Jennifer threw some money at my face instr

nifer her eggs. Finally got the eggs and was now on my way home when a car stopped beside me

cautiously, wary of his

hot and charming, but it was in my best int

way home. Right?, I can drop you

with him. I don't know, but it came as a shock to me when I discovered that

g here?", I inquired as

se my aunt wouldn't like it if I stay out

ouching my hair in a flirty manner,

ur toes screams of beauty. Your body figure is captivating, and your lips is tempting. Don't you understan

trying to come to reality of what was happening in front of me, when Fr

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