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Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Mr billionaire's temporary bride


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

ough to send shivers down the spines of those who caught sight of him, and none dared to obstruct his path. As he entered his domain, his mind sw

door creaked open, revealing a young man with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes, his arms burdene

, his gaze fixed on Edwin, who met it with an icy stare,

d twenty-seven seconds to get here?" Edwin's

mpting to justify himself i

received your call. I hurried as fast as

the excuse, refusing to

repeated, his brow fur

ant arrives after hi

t o'clock. It's only seven forty-nine," Morga

he dismissed Morgan's explan

when my day begins?" he snapped

of Edwin's fury, his attempts a

on't happen again," h

emeanor softened slightly as he re

nts," he confessed, pinching t

s furrowed brow as he struggled t

inquired, his voice l

frustration palpable as he

mpire upon my marriage, but only after a year

dened in shock a

an, unable to articulate th

ed soon. And even if I'm to be, one year is way too long. I really have to become

pt silent for some moments, as

ateo, your father, he would definitely do as he has said", Mor

enough, he even went as far as saying that he would put it like that in his

mpire before the deadline. It's cr

erstanding the magnitude of

o?" he inquired, concer

ly lost, and had n

y next year. I want to be a member of the world club, and I can only be accepted if I own th

stence for over a hundred years now, and I can only get into the Luciano's cooperation, with this empire a

ing to get worried ov

do now?", Morgan asked, hi

point, a new idea

iage, instead of making hasty decision",

m with confusion e

a chair and sat on it, slowly pulling closer to Edwin. Edw

iage?" he echo

the pieces of his pla

in asked, unable to put toget

so full o

ur plans, offer her some money which she can't refuse. And just l

he had done such a thing before, lots of assuran

warring with intrigue as h

ul?" he questioned, his cons

s. This is the only way to secure your futur

put Morgan's suggestion into consideratio

ean a lady, hire a priest, fake a certificate, and then get a contract signed with the lady. Once father must have made me the owner of the empire, we will fake to have an issu

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