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Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1122    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

ds hanging with weight as he addressed Morgan

rgan. Your brain is the only reason why you are still h

ery or slight, Morgan reciprocated with a tentativ

ingering obstacle: finding the suitable bride," Edwin

blem solver, venture

ial circle, why not select from

ion was swift

hey all harbor desires for permanence, which could jeopardi

al candidate?" Morgan inquired, sensin

tion, seeking neither wealth nor fame," Edwin pronounced, his

nce at the door. He rose silently, his movements deliberate as he approac

tion, but Edwin's silent gestu

s instinctively caught the intruder

at it seems like", she apologized

r, furrowing his b

ce, Mrs Nancy?", He asked,

that she had almost forgotten what

to pass it to you", she replied, fumbling with her c

pe from her, but stil

", he

t aunt Nancy thought it

sir", she said, turning aroun

g figure, with his lashes lowere

ing sir", Morgan whispered

wledged, his mind alread

as he was the person who initiate

ould keep her lips sealed", Morgan went

apprehensions, Edwi

ion nor her loyalty," he con

", Edwin mused, his thoughts

stence, unwittingly unra

ess she should be around her early twenties", Morgan replied,

win turned to Morga

Morgan?" he posed, his ey

rgan's face, a mirrored sm

sir," he

Edwin dismissed Morgan,

ncy to meet me during her break," he

replied and quic

k to her desk with he

ear", she began mu

married. And Edwin's solution is to rent a bride, and mislead his parents

g on her computer, a bitter tho

avesdropping on their conversation, but he just let me go. Bu

cides to relieve me of my job?, How would I and my

car accident that took the life of my parents. Aunt Nancy could only beg o

rop on their conversation Nancy. Just pray he

r desk, triggering her to look up. Her heart skipped a bit

her hear

s office during your break . You better not keep

watched him as he left

t let you go, Nancy"

it wasn't just helping matters, as she was of the

he stood at the door nervous, as she looked at Edwin who was sitting on his se

finally took

id, pulling the attention of b

in his hands, a soft smile gr

a seat", he responded, closing the pap

died aunt Nancy, who was already looking like a

ice this morning ri

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