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Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

ses of wealth and power, danced seductively in her mind, tantalizing her senses with the allure of financial freedom. Yet, beneath the surface,

s lips were really pleasing to her ears. But on a second thought, it was about her only daughter, so

ides, money is not everything"

d, and grew

t this. And of course your daughter as well, that's when you have told her, making us

nings in her ears, a primal instinct urg

ak, but suddenly stopped, p

really in need of money. But can I really put my

fter a year, I will return her to you with every part of her body inta

behind Edwin's statement, which was actually the ma

about this", she requested, still

you that I'm a very impatient man, so

, Edwin's gaze flickered to his accomplice, a silent exchange of malevolent intent passing between them.

lion”, E

ng beckoning her towards the abyss of temptation. Two million is a sum that

frizzed i

he screamed

ng about after all. She remained quiet and slowly began to walk away, hoping to be called back, or for

whispered, his words a poi

prestige." His

motion", Edwin kept up

look at Edwin who was calling out price

t?", Edwin asked, as aunt

Two million is really a huge amount of money, and a promo

g in her thoughts, u

ousand six months into our wedding, and one million the day this deal comes to an

e kept smiling at her as if he k

end up being my mother in-law?. It will be the beginning of power for your family, don't you think so?. And im

ing so real to be true, but she wanted to verify s

over, you will take away my promotion", she

d of my marriage will solely become yours. Your promotion remains yo

r?", She asked over and ove

and sprang up

ten in the contract if that would

aunt Nancy and s

h, what do you say?"

ancy s

cept", Aunt

Aunt Nancy made her pact with the devil, her con

he has also decided to show off her greed a bit. A

nded, her voice a defiant

ade that statement. He really wasn't e

e conditions",

er saliva, and began l

f your wedding, a million six months into the wedding a

, a glimmer of strength in the face of overwhelming temptation. Ed

am more than willing to indulge your avarice

second condition be?", Edwin

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