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Resisting Him

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1526    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

our mission. You know the return of my help to you.

llway and turned to Akila.

one else to lean on. You need our help, and we need your help. I kn

hing, and providing protection, we will help them. The only thing I need to convince is Kristoff. He can help us a l

ow why only men are infected. Kristoff is alone; we need to protect him secretly. Kristoff can't get sick and be infected by others. He is

ts to protect him like this. Could it be that Akila like

aware and side with the right. He is the last male and the last hope of the male race. If Kristoff disappears, it's the end of th

a meeting. I heard Olivia is awake too, which is a good thing. They said she woke

ause this kid is smart. Also, she doesn't want to be left behind. She said she wants to

istoff, who is speechless and watching the surroundings. It looks li

kila. She still has a bandage on her head an

re any remnants, we will study that sh*t. Then, after that, we will go to Korea to steal the artifact itself and study it as well. That'

osed artifact is in there. But how do we study that? I have a bad feeli


very sleepy, but whoever is outside seems determined

shouted in

ristoff, are you dressed? Oh, Akila’s going to kill yo

st get dressed! I can't choose what to wear.

rry up; you're slow to act at a time li

’ll see my beautiful body—your choice

ol! Hurry up

y shampooed and soaped my body. I even brushed my teeth and mad

d every time Ash knocks in the morning. It's like she's my mother wh

and steel boots again. Then I opened

ess. Afraid to do push-ups and Akila's sermon. That is the punishment w

and I immediately dodged it. Yesterday, it was the shoes that greeted me. It'

ons, as well as the rest that were involved in our mission,

e been late three times in a row! Change your lifestyle, mister!

ept well. Your h

too! Go lift your ass for fucking 100 t

istaken for Satan. She is blushing out of anger, and I can already see the growing horn.

eath afterward. It's so bad, that I feel like I'm sweating before I even

n learning how to do it for three days, and I am the leader. Of course, even i

d at aiming for the target. I’m falling more and

her eye and ear protection. I clapp

u belong to me. So goo

I think there's an enemy, I have to run instead of fighting. Maybe later

f you rush in, so just relax. We always give

I immediately let go of Ash. When we tu

from Akila. I saw that she was about to spew fire again, so I ran away. Because I always

t know why we are wasting bullets. We know it already. It's a shame; we'll run out of things to use lat

owed to be late. Move, go back inside! We will st

of her scream. I saw Ash laughing in

together and walked to the training area. We are

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