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Resisting Him

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1573    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

d remembered and asked Ash earlier,

that. What do you know ab

f the members and head of the team that studie

heard a sound. We both frowned and

re you hungr

t's coming from," I said, tr

us to the lower room. We looked at

owed. When we stepped into

papers and things here

the source of the sound. I saw what l

also here that the sound gets better. I looked

ator. Shit, it's a tracking device! I'm stupid! I sh

d. I looked for her, but I was about to turn

!? / Who


d I'm stronger than her. I can fight her if she does something bad

just cursed because I felt it sink in a little. It hurt, and it was o

our throat!" screamed thi

so I have an idea. Couldn't she be Kalab's boss? It's poss

we found this small cottage house! We just planned to stay f

it!" screame

ith me after our plane crashed. We also have t

of relief and touched my neck wound. When I looked at my finger

ut help me first in bringing all of these fucking files

if I don't do what she says, she will stab me all

rs, I stared at this woman.

of Arabians. She is also tall, reaches under my chin, and has a slender body. S

looking at?" s

k familiar. Have we me

. I don't have time for chit-chats,

all opened and a long pathway appeared. Seriously, this cottage is so unique. In Russian

sh? We need

with my friend at the end of thi

She's like the foreign version of Olivia, but hotter. It seems

ne greeted us. I was amazed and stared at it. Awes

what?" This woman g

amazed at the advancement of their technology. I thought it could only be seen in action mo


papers I was holding on the side and hugged her back. Hey, it's a good thin

b's owner. She will help us get

eemed to be carrying the whole wo

seems that Ate Olivia and I have misse

eating an apple. Ash and I appro

e. They were safe.

their camp. We're lucky because they saw us. After all, if not, Ate Olivia and I would have had our heads cut o

hug. She smiled a

is Aya?" Ca

e prepared ourselves because we were going to c

ded sad things. We might

long time, but they just couldn’t find it. Kalab needed to be rescued. It's said that

the journal with Kaleb. Why is she so hot-tempered

she under

me to feed you to the sharks!? You fu

t me in the nose, so I massaged it. Shit, what a sadist! Sh

d, and I gave

oached us. She handed Kalab to Ash a

arin, and German, so I understand you. And for your information, I was not conceived out of spite. I'm just rea

e she is fine. Pitiful Amazona woman if she stays

g to explain something to us," A

re important. There is even a projector behind her, and it looks like ther

I am the leader of our research team. I will contin

our parents?

y parents. I grew up loving our ancient history because of its beautiful treasures. But then, someone thought that we were making a threat

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