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Resisting Him

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1699    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

as sad for Akila. She apologized, to which the

oebe Rosales. The mastermind of al

the country where only women are inside and kill all men who try to enter. They call their government the FWL, or the Federation of Women's League. There are only laws for women and none for men. The

d the Namjul virus or because we are the only ones affected? They removed our rights. They deprive

t? What was their re

y are the ones now who are retaliating, according to one of our sources. The second theory is that it was intentional. "Find the artifact to wipe out the people around the world, a

hair back. How is thi

Where did they take the children? What abou

n will be put to sleep for a hundred years to be used to lead the next generation of FWL. The boys are put to sleep so that when they reach the right age, they will be used for reproduction. All hostages who are 18 and older are killed, while women are

ll alive! This i

both crying. We are both worried about the condition of our two siblings. I don't know what will ha

Akila called me, so

y called you 'The Last Running Man', the last man running and alive in the world. You're now wanted and being hunted down. So if I were you,

I stared at my hands, and that's whe

; I have no more strength to draw from. My brother and sister a

y vision seems to be darkened. I saw the sh

to the floor. When my head hit the floor, tha


should attend to him, it seems you two have something special. It is better if you are always with him.

ed my shoulder, saying that everything

I don't know what's on his mind because, no matter what I say, he doesn't want to say an

y day. Sometimes I'll just see that his clothes are different. Maybe he’s changing; he just enjoys wipi

to his perfect jaw. Kristoff is undeniably handsome. He even seems to be the

his t-shirt and wiped his hard stomach. I even swallowed an

t him smiling; it's impossible. Maybe I'm just imagining it because he hasn't shown me any facial exp

I cooked you some soup earlier. Eat it while it's hot

ith a spoon and putting it in Kristoff's mouth. I hope he likes my cooking. I worked hard to cook this. T

fer. It'll make you lose weight," I said

ulders slumped. I was about to put the sou

e sit on his lap. I gasped in shock

it in my mouth. I took a bite and still couldn't

hich made me secretly smile. Fortunately, he

ila said, I am the one who can help Kristoff the most. Something is also pushing me, and something is tickling my hear

nd the waist. It was not like earlier; it's a hug now. It's so

can always tell me," I whispered

before he released himself. When he looked

ast yet; I heard your stomach. I'm sorry, and because of my carelessness, you couldn’t take care of you

ouldn't help but smile. I couldn't stop hugging

at you're getting better. Are you feeling okay? Does your neck still hurt? Don

g now; he's feeling better. Maybe he had enough days to t

I did that, but let's not talk about it. Let

ortable with Kristoff—too much. I ca

toff? Is this the right time for

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