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The girl next Door.

Chapter 10 : Mia

Word Count: 1419    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ng from my mind. Maybe I didn't plan this, bu

to hurt,"

imagined he could be this way. It

as I mentally prepare mys

a burning sensation. He leans down and takes my lips with his own before carefully thrusting against me. Wh

perfectly still, balancing on his elbows so the full weight of his body doesn't p

th, and he gently withdr

be all ther

as to b

out all the way, he slides back i

y insides stretch around his gir

himself above me. "I don'

adly around inside me is long gone. My insides sting with the int

ain before glid



subsided, and a tiny ripple of

ontinues to flourish deep inside me until I'm g

s body stiffens, he throws his head back and groans out his release. As his thrusts become deeper, it sets off my own reaction, and a firewo

ser. His harsh breathing fills my ears as I

s elbows. He stares at me with eyelids at half-mast

o a tentative sm

I hur

"It wasn'

resses them to mine. "

rs through his mussed hair. I've never felt clos

ter tha


sible. It's something I've never shared with anyone else, and that makes it inf

back. The loss of his warmth and closeness is staggeri

hing more th

t mean s

a deep voice cuts through

ckett Archibald

rs as my eyes widen. I screech at the top of my lungs


n that, he looks unfazed. As if his father hasn't walked in on us. He th

that his erection has deflated, it's nowhere near the size it was earlier. If

ckett Archibald

eeds from ev

staking that booming voice. I've heard those very words fly out of his mouth dozens of times. That's Archie'


and swiping the thin silver rectangle from t

r the line, but I can't quit

he locks, the movement only ruffles them more. I'm so

" A smirk curves his lips as he


t not be able to hear every word being spoke

s. "It'll be cleaned up by the

Beck hits the disconnect button and

ressed against my breast

bit concerned as he collapses aga

ming over perfect pectorals and six-pack abdom

ke that, and you'll wind u

gant smirk is ba

probably not a good idea." His hand drifts under the covers until he can cup my heat. He squeezes his fingers, and a trill of pleas

answer tr

ases me and rolls off the bed be

to stop myself from

aven, he i

er his shoulder. "I like the way you look naked in m

ther than a pounding heart and the bubble of

t's dan

s dang

ynicism creep in at the edges. I'm reluctant to throw caut

d s


, nonet

d grab his T-shirt from the floor before slipping it over my head and down my body. I search for my tho

r, Beck strolls ou


nd can slide into my hair. Gently, he pulls my

e whispers aga

r w

g me your

y cheeks as


ly, I mee

es, his voice dropping. "You kn



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