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The girl next Door.

Chapter 3 : Mia

Word Count: 1508    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ng weekend in New York, Archie asked me to keep an eye o

that much cont

oesn't listen to an

t am I supp


can get a first-hand glimps

be a lot of things (a rule follower and a goody-goody, if you listen to Be

ose that's the beauty of being Beckett Hollingsworth. H

thal sport

have gone straight to the NFL after graduation, he would have. But that's not a possibility. Players aren't eligible to enter the draft until after their sophomore year

ositive that C's rea

s its way through my veins as our gazes fasten. The muscles in my belly tense with awareness. Once I realize what's happening, I tam

s from the sushi I picked up

s possibl

it's better to brazen out these situations than turn tail and run. Beck's perf

ghter bubbles u

think so

, and I enjoy using it to make good decisions that won't come back to bit

tight line before empha

ekbones that scream his Russian heritage, and thick eyebrows, he's a danger to females everywhere. I won't mention

severing the connection. Now that his sharp gaze is no longer p

er-yells excitedly over the babble of voices a

y minted high school gradu

s and left long on top, so he's constantly pushing it away from bright blue eyes. He's tall and brawny. If I had

is attention. The guy is like a rock star picking

r, wanting to downpl

es are turning brown. He's way b

nch my nose. "

s her fingers in

ull advantage of it every chance he gets. Find someone like," I stand on my tiptoes and pick through the mass of bod

inky-black hair and unusual blue-green eyes. He's standing around wit

tely yummy,"

someone more attainable. Landon is a great guy. He's as hot as his friends, but he's not a total asshat. Unfort

ce guy when you can have one w

no on

st females are comfortable acknowledging. Whether they realize it o

bing on so

continue, "he kno

lton knows I'm ali

certain a

ion who is-surprise-surprise-surrounded by a bevy


The one that tells me not to bother

saying, "Wish me


d lu

a quitter. That girl can be as tenacious and pers

tance, it's

and yell, "Maybe you should take off the panties so you can

d with a grin.

ies out of her underwear an

I glance at the wadded-up material I now clench

"Keep it as


. When I turn around, Alyssa is pushing her way through t

realize that I'm alone at a party I didn't want to attend in the

utes and

rink. By the number of drunken idiots I'm surrounded by, my guess is that the booze is flowin

would probably have a conniption. She's kind of a germ-o-phobe. There's a half-naked girl stretched out on the

iene, but that definitel

s an unflattering shade of green and bolts to the nearest bathroom with her hands slapped over her mouth. All thoughts of a refill are abandoned as she p

er in hand, I head to the pati

he's already been shot down and has

ut I can de

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