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The girl next Door.

Chapter 6 : Mia

Word Count: 1524    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

aking decisions for me, "I will have anothe

his teammate. "What the hell, dude? Why did you


his guy th

me-me, for God's sake, who hasn't gotten so much as a tardy in he

I want to cut loose for once in my life and have a few drinks, I'm more than capable of making

lone is enough

," I add belligerently wit

is trained on Landon. "You've been relie

fine. We're just talking

ry, and I don't understand why. Normally my neighbor and part-time nemesis is laid-b

ly look in his eyes intensifies


omeone who needs

ment. The muscles in my belly quiver with une

going o

missing a key pi

before turning to me with a forced smile. "It was good talk

is having a hard time reading between the lines. That's usually something I excel

the crowd of rowdy partiers and disappearing from sigh

at did Beck say

uts to the six-foot guy at my side.

ng, he tilts his h

brows, he says


to be pissed off

ed state, I underst

e. Using my arms for balance, I carefully straighten to my full height. "Let me remind you that Archie

ward and grabs hold of my arms so I don't

uld have done that if

ow a raspberry with

Beck hauls me closer until his warm breath can feather across my

ignated driver, but that

I have. Al

es in his face relaxing. "You have

d that I like the feel of his hands a little too much.

ow and you never to

. Now this is the Beck I know a

he parties and from my count, you've only had fo

runk off my ass," I m

houlder a little shove. I stumble

state, I focus on what he admitted. "Ho

en keepi

s consumption?" There have to be at lea

the edges of his lips. "

heartbeat picks up its tempo. Refusing to dissolve into a pudd

, he shrugs. "That's me, the c

e their left tit for Beck to show interest in them. I'm probabl

seem to be doing me

per," I tell him. "

I was thinkin

ance between us. "If you'll excuse me, I'm

ake a step away from him. "I was serious, Mia.

or the

oing to do?

ithout Alyssa." I glance around for my friend. But that's a mistake s

irl. She can take

that w

my wrist, and a little pop of awareness shoot

serious about

a steel beam. He's all hard lines and powerful strength. On the football field,

" He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm tak

hat's a


ng to budge. "No, I can't

diving board. "She's right there." He pauses

ut her being busy. Colton has her backed up against the edge of the pool. Al

borrowed earlier

these people are. There are plenty of them standing around, watc

Alyssa will lea

y not,"

und and watching people get it on feels downright pervy. I suck m

pting to distance myself. The scent of his aftershave mingles with t

here. The last thing I need is fo

k. That's not

at does it matter if I slee

"Who said anything ab

open, a slow grin sp

le too vigorously, and the party spins.

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