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The girl next Door.

Chapter 2 : Mia

Word Count: 1561    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

that showcases her sun-kissed legs to their best advantage. Alyssa has been taking

te the effort. Alyssa needs to move on. I'm thinking a twel

you'd let me." She grins before doing

smile quir

to the ground and nothing could be salvaged. Even with racks of space, my wardrobe is bursting at the seams. Three-quarters

takes a hard look at me. Wordlessly, she spins around and races b

s, tossing two garment

ed-up napkin. The skirt is cute as hell, but I would strongly advise against goin

still dangling from the pocket. I have no idea w

thes at me, I point to the sm

a look that says-duh before clapp

ine with going in my pajamas. It's not like I'm loo

ld my arms across my c

points to my T-shirt. "Is that

ot marring the fabric of my right breast. My guess is that

fuse to go anywhere wit

f movie night does it feel like to you? Romcom? Horror? Psychological thrill

he wails at a decibel that could shatter eardrums. A f


on't th

I ever promised to do anything. Reluctantly agreed? Yes. Browbeaten

owing exactly what's about to happen. "Mia Evelyn St


th grade because Xander Rossi asked me to the movies instead of her. After months of Harper's mean-spirited attacks, Alyssa waited for the girl after school. My bestie let it be known that if Harper

ter, not appreciating the directio

wists her lips upward. "Harper Hastings is only the begi

raighten before scooping up the skirt and top and shaking them at her. "It's only beca

ty face before she blows me a kiss. "Lov

emind. "That's

hand. "No worries, that's more th

ile hooking up with another girl. Part of me almost wishes he would sleep with Alyssa. Maybe

aced with the gold tank. Then I slide off the comfy shorts I've been loung

and stare at my reflection before attempting to tug the skirt further down m

ng when she picked this up? Was she mis

mirror. It's just as I suspected. My thong is on full display. Actually, it doesn't even look like


ntion unc

My gaze slides to Alyssa's in the mirr

e wearing panties guessing game you've got going on." She wink

in. "Believe it or not, I'm pe

ecause you don't realize

of an unplanned pregnancy?" I flutter

rap up her legs, giving her that whole Grecian goddess vibe. She looks amazing. But then again, when doesn't she? Al

e that Colton refus

ell is wro

checking her reflection i

fore rising to my full h

of the Hollingsworth mansion. All sixteen thousand square feet of it. Needl

ing beat of music grows louder, assaulting our ears. As soon as the


s antics to the next level. He's not content to have a low-key get-together where people sit around and chill. This party is moments away from beco

are holding a guy upside down

, chug, chug p

ese drunken idiots is found floating

sion. He might be eighteen years old and technically an adult, but he needs an a

der brother, Ari, is out of

Beck throws a huge bash. Depending on the amount of damage, he gets grounded anywhere from a few days to a co

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