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Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Mr billionaire's temporary bride

Sylvester O


Marriage was supposed to last for a life time, but mine was meant to last for just a year. Edwin was asked to bring home a wife by his parents, only then would they assign the family's empire to him, but that would be after a year of his marriage. But Edwin wasn't ready for marriage, even at the age of thirty five. Finally getting an advice form his assistant, he decided to get a temporal bride, that would last for just a year. He stroke a deal with my aunt, Nancy, to let her daughter Jennifer have a contract marriage with him, for the sum of ten million as well as a promotion, of which she agreed to. in as much as the Edwin's offer was massive, aunt Nancy couldn't trade her daughter for the money, so instead I was traded for the offer. Edwin agreed to be my husband for one year, after which we will both go our separate ways at the end of the year. As the deadline approaches, we find ourelves struggling with the idea of letting go. Can a year of deception really lead to a lifetime of love?. Find out in 'Mr billionaire's temporary bride', a heart-warming tale of two people who thought they only wanted money, but discovered that what they really wanted was each other."

Chapter 1 One

Edwin Radford stormed into his office with an air of fury so palpable that even the air seemed to crackle with tension. His presence alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of those who caught sight of him, and none dared to obstruct his path. As he entered his domain, his mind swirled with a tempest of thoughts, consumed by his seething anger. With a furrowed brow and a restless demeanor, he called for his assistant, Morgan

A sharp knock shattered the silence, causing Edwin to startle before regaining his composure. The door creaked open, revealing a young man with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes, his arms burdened with a stack of documents. He nervously approached Edwin's desk, dropping the papers with a snap.

"You... you... you sent for me?" the assistant stammered, his gaze fixed on Edwin, who met it with an icy stare, causing the young man to lower his eyes in apprehension.

"Morgan, why did it take you five minutes and twenty-seven seconds to get here?" Edwin's voice was laced with barely contained rage.

Morgan swallowed hard, attempting to justify himself in the face of Edwin's ire.

"Sir, I was on my way to the office when I received your call. I hurried as fast as I could. I apologize if I kept you waiting."

Edwin's anger flared at the excuse, refusing to accept Morgan's apology.

"Kept me waiting?" he repeated, his brow furrowing in frustration.

"What kind of assistant arrives after his boss?" Edwin yelled

"Sir, the office hours don't start until eight o'clock. It's only seven forty-nine," Morgan protested, his voice tinged with desperation.

Edwin's patience wore thin as he dismissed Morgan's explanation with a wave of his hand.

"And since when do you dictate when my day begins?" he snapped, his tone cutting like a knife.

Morgan wilted under the weight of Edwin's fury, his attempts at defense crumbling before him.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again," he muttered, defeated.

Finally relenting, Edwin's tense demeanor softened slightly as he revealed the source of his agitation.

"A new ultimatum from my parents," he confessed, pinching the bridge of his nose wearily.

Morgan's confusion mirrored in his furrowed brow as he struggled to comprehend Edwin's revelation.

"What ultimatum?" he inquired, his voice laced with apprehension.

Edwin paced restlessly, his frustration palpable as he explained the predicament.

"I'm to inherit the entirety of the Radford empire upon my marriage, but only after a year," he divulged, his tone heavy with bitterness.

Morgan's eyes widened in shock at the revelation.

"But sir, that's..." he began, unable to articulate the gravity of the situation.

"Now this is really a big problem to me, because I don't see myself getting married soon. And even if I'm to be, one year is way too long. I really have to become the CEO of their empire, I must", Edwin lamented, expressing immense bitterness.

Morgan didn't say a word. He kept silent for some moments, as his thoughts began running wild.

"Hmm, this is really a serious problem. As far as I know sir Mateo, your father, he would definitely do as he has said", Morgan added, obviously seeing the problem Edwin was dealing with.

"Exactly. Why do you think I'm worked up about this?. As if his words was not enough, he even went as far as saying that he would put it like that in his will", Edwin kept lamenting, his expression grim as he turned to face Morgan.

"I need to assume control of the empire before the deadline. It's crucial for my aspirations." He added

Morgan nodded solemnly, understanding the magnitude of the challenge before Edwin.

"What do you plan to do?" he inquired, concern etched in his features.

Edwin was completely lost, and had no idea up his sleeve

"Something really has to be done about this. I have to own this empire before the anniversary next year. I want to be a member of the world club, and I can only be accepted if I own this empire, since they only accept legendary companies", he took a deep breath and continued.

"I can't join with any of my own as it's not been long I set them up. The Radford’s empire has been in existence for over a hundred years now, and I can only get into the Luciano's cooperation, with this empire as my umbrella. So you see, I have to get married this year at any cost", Edwin finalized, looking at Morgan

Morgan was now beginning to get worried over Edwin's situation.

"So what are you going to do now?", Morgan asked, his voice laced with concern.

But just at that point, a new idea struck his mind.

"Wait a minute. How about you fake a marriage, instead of making hasty decision", Morgan suggested, his eyes glued to Edwin.

Edwin looked at him with confusion evident on his eyes.

Morgan seemed certain with his suggestion, so he pulled out a chair and sat on it, slowly pulling closer to Edwin. Edwin’s brow furrowed in disbelief at the audacious suggestion.

"A staged marriage?" he echoed, incredulous.

Morgan nodded eagerly, the pieces of his plan falling into place.

"Is that even possible?", Edwin asked, unable to put together what Morgan was suggesting.

Morgan was so full of certainty

"Of course it is. You just need to find a girl, tell her about your plans, offer her some money which she can't refuse. And just like that, you have gotten yourself a wife", Morgan cleared the air.

From the way Morgan spoke, one would think that he had done such a thing before, lots of assurance and guarantee laced in his voice as he spoke.

Edwin hesitated, skepticism warring with intrigue as he considered the proposal.

"But , won't that be deceitful?" he questioned, his conscience pricking at the notion.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is the only way to secure your future" Morgan declared, his resolve unshakable.

Edwin thought for a moment, as he began to put Morgan's suggestion into consideration, until a sweet smile ran through his face.

"Offer her money?. I really like that part. You know, ladies can't bring themselves to refuse money. So all I just need to do right now is to look for a suitable candidate, I mean a lady, hire a priest, fake a certificate, and then get a contract signed with the lady. Once father must have made me the owner of the empire, we will fake to have an issue and request for a divorce. Both my parents would remain in the dark about all this arrangement, why I pay the lady off. Life goes on for me", Edwin concluded, laughing out loud

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