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Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants; or, Serving Old Glory as Line Officers


Word Count: 1813    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

an dress, and do it tidily, woul

and Noll, their swords hanging at their left sides and

en," called Major Tipto

ttalion adjutant, was

jor Tipton. "Captain Foster will be here presently, and then w

rders were

icers practice in handling their men I am going to send the second platoons of F and H companies, and you, Foster, will command. You will take one wall tent for the officers, Captain, and the men will each carry their half of a shelter tent. You will take kitchen kit for one company

illage an American headquarters for the insurrection. It will be your duty, Captain, to see that no armed parties or cargoes of munitions of war get across the river. You will very l


ts of F and H companies to turn out the second platoons of


withdrew. No word was spoken as the three cro

of them looking decidedly drowsy. But there were no

u will be prepared for assembly and roll call within forty-five minutes. Immediately afterwards t

way toward the quartermaster stables, to see how ne

"We want to know which platoon is ready for duty first. Sergeant Ra

l also look up your miss

d served long enough in the ranks to know that some drowsy men

reater speed was shown in assembling the men. Five minutes later all the soldiers had t

l, stepping over to his men. "It is a warm night, and

satisfied himself that work with the

re out, sir, and ready to mo

eady, too, si

wagons will be here within fifteen minutes. We sh

ns, each well laden and hauled by a t

ate roll calls. Report as soon as

ne rank with a slight interval

toons," called

rs left, march,

rs left, march,

latoon, and the two lieutenants on the flanks. Captain Foster noted the start with approval

" murmured Captain Foster, going p

. In another moment the men of the leading

e first halt," said Captain F

of the highway, in sight of the Rio Grande. After ten minutes the column started again. There were frequent halts,

were soon blazing briskly, and over these coffee was made and bacon fried. The next meal would be furnished by the company co

wake for duty, and relieve the men in two hours. Let the men not o

Mexicans were engaged somewhat in trade, but most of them belonged to the floating class. They were cowboys, sheep-herders and laborers. Few of them represented a high grade of Mexican citizenship. Many were "wanted" in Mexico for m

successful revolution in Mexico may some day start. It might happen in this year as well as in any other. A few thousand rifles and enough cartridges could be shipped from this point, across the

for us to have to interfere in su

f nations, we are obliged to see to it that all caution is used to prevent the shipment of arms to revolut

ever is reverse

d project an armed force of Spaniards over the border into Texas. The Spaniards had a notion that they could slip over the border, do a lot of harm and get safely back int

ople of Texas th


ort. The Texans were just aching to have a few thousand Spaniards come over the border and start things going. None of the Spaniards would ever h

big trucking concerns that handled freight from the nearest railroad point. There were also several Mexican teamsters in the place; these latter could h

stored in Pedro Guarez's stable, if what I'v

ses, do they?" inqu

d. Mexican teamsters have been bringing

barn of this f

e road many a dark night, and these Greasers are a bad lot, especially just now. And listen, Captain! Don't get so far into Guarez's barn that you couldn't get

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