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Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants; or, Serving Old Glory as Line Officers


Word Count: 2457    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

escorted their parents homeward at s

ake that neither felt at all like turning in for sleep as yet. So they met immedi

go?" asked Hal,

red. "One set of streets w

Hal proposed smilingly. "It wouldn't do for two poor, lonely sold

we'll do then

o walk around with us an

a little while, Noll. I remember someth

cott," Terry int

nts since-well, since four o'clock this afternoon. So I a

somehow, it seems hard to realize that I am suddenly an offic

both feel as though they'd gladly give their left hands for a chance to grip Anstey's paw; yet since leaving West Point Prescott and Holmes have not laid ey

Terry looked a

't thought of th

you and me drawing up a request, both signing it, asking that, if in accordanc

ould such a

I imagine, since neither of us as yet

s down as the two original, very

uest, and in a wholly respectful manner, I don't see how the adjutant general can find f

n it with you," agreed Noll, with

morning," promised Hal. "Whew, but I wish we had

country' means the United States), replied Noll. "I do

et as the hour was late for a small city. Indeed, the two new lieutenants paid littl

low repute. Bunny's companions were the human fruits of his father's peculiar teachings. For the most part these young fellows were "professional labor men" of the lowest type. None of them ever worke

ng industrial work, and resorting to it only when there was no other choice as against starvation, these young fellows were always on

tin-soldier dude, Overton. I hear he's been made an officer in the Army to-day. He

orking!" jeered

like belonging to a club. I had to stand around a little, and pass things, and so f

ob," remarked another young "labor" man of Bunny's own s

Bunny feelingly. "And I lost it al

pered hoarsely. Then he poi

-loafer, Overton, now. A

take it out, Bunny!" p

r all of us to take it out of that pair! Think how often

tion Bunny refe

guns or bayonets this time," Bunny Hepburn co

nother, "not counti

game of lookout," muttered

bright pair of keen, fox-like eyes. Many a time had he been lookout against the coming of the polic

ed and fled to the next corner, whe

elves committed to a new deed

abor. We'll sail into that pair like a ton of brick. Use 'em up! Don't be gentle, or turn faint-hearted! Remember, there's enough of

et, devoted to business in the day-time. Neither of the Army boys distinguished Bunny, who kept himself well

me thrown out of me job, wi

!" cried Hal, reco

e ex-waiter. "But you won't know what y

tly. "Step aside. Don't block the sid

out of it that ea

let me by," requeste

th. Bunny, with the strength of the gang behind

obliged to fend off the blow.


t take Noll Terry an instant to see that this was serious business. Withou

some hard-hitters, and t

kill with their fists in many a brisk garrison bout with the gloves. Moreove

took some blows, yet they managed t

angerous. Watching his chance he let fly a b

behind one of his companions. "The soldier-loafer is try

ough the line and caught Bunny over his left eye with

ou cur!" o

the gang on Overton's side o

dragged the fellow to his feet and instant

ssly. "Come on, the rest of you hyenas, and

est, a low, trilling whistle sounded from Skinny Carroll's lips. Only two of

t came a pair

ed Skinny Carrol

arms. The blue-coat stopped another by drawing his revolver and commanding a halt. When the policeman came along wi

about?" demanded th

me you got here," wailed Bunn

ust right to me," g

!" insisted Bunny, in a shaking voice. "They'd have

nded the policeman. Then,

rights of

lie like a house afire. I was going along, minding my own busi

man who had just come on the scene. It was Bunny

enough I'll soon find out

the elder Hepburn, "

quiet," retorted the policeman, wi


e had time to look into this thing

elder Hepburn, running his fingers thr

he prisoners," retorted the policeman grimly. "Disobey at your peril. Here, take charge

ad to play the part of a police officer or take the consequences. Hepburn, like his son, was n

far as the next corner when they encountered Chief of Police

is?" asked

hile the two Hepburns and Bunny's companions wer

charge, chief," Hal added. "This c

Chief Blake, taking in the extent o

rrest these two soldier-loa

ed the elder Hepburn, with what

l of rowdies like these young fellows. And so would any judge in his right mind. I refuse to arres

ally, "you have no right to take the word of h

cried Chief Blake, dropping into the language that Bunny and his companions could b

troll along with him, Chief Blake

test outrage shall not go unnoticed. There are ways of getting justice, even under such a miserable government a

ound to do it. Moreover, Mr. Hepburn was an expert at

the two Army boys discovered

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