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The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds


Word Count: 1998    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


Dick! Don't t

rom Captain Colby, who was watching

Rover the sole occupant. He was up about fifty fe

" cried Sam. "Just loo

m. "Hurrah! Who says Dick can't fl

ain Colby. "If only he keeps his w

nswered Sam. "He knows wha

ield. All expected Dick to come down, but he did not. Instead, he made anot

e folks in the house about the trial flights for fear of scaring them

that he went directly over the barn and the wagon shed. Then he shut off the engine a

Tom, rushing up and helping him out of the machin

in Sam. "You made th

as well in the future you will have no cause to fear. A

to be up in the a

e older brother. "But I knew I had to pull myself together and I did

turn, isn't it?" as

al to it," answe

e th

, it looked as if Tom would have an accident, and his brothers gave a shiver. But then he managed to steady the machine and over the cornfield he flew, and arou

murmured Sam. "Always

ed those in the house to rus

, that aviator?" q

m," replied

er. "Impossible! Why he doesn

r. "Oh, what a daring boy!" And she

and then made another turn and ca

ed Anderson Rover. "The e

ird!" exclaimed Aleck Pop.

e ground, landing near the barn. All rushed

d coolly. "Wasn't that

'll kill me with your daring! Ar

," he answered. "Oh, it was immense! I coul

You took a risk in flying over the house, but as no

my turn!"

n up?" querie

ight too," answered Tom. "Oh, d

ul! Don't try to fly so high at

dad," answered his

tle pale, but just as determined as his brothers had been to succeed. He looked ov

ess a shudder, for Sam was very dear to her, because he was her dead

ot fly very high, but he kept in the air nearly ten minutes, which was longer than had either of th

omment, when the others gathered

asked Aleck, who had watched the

t started. Just when I went up I had a li

ain't nuffin wot you Rober boys can't natually do, dat's w

. He turned to Anderson Rover. "You can be proud of your

losely, Captain," answered Mr. Rover

l I know myself," a

ny were their plans for flights in the Dartaway. All wanted Capt

the aviator. "It will carry tw

wo men it ought to carry

n with care, nothing can happen to you because of the extra load. Of course if t

e old Putnam Hall pupils, Hans Mueller. He sent word that

ho scented fun. "Maybe we can

scared stiff,

l the starch out

uld he be scared stif

d the other boys got out the Dartaway and prepared for more trial flights. Then Dick went up and remained in the air for t

ng down. "I believe everybody will be getting a flying m

ating oil renewed, and then Tom went up. He flew around th

ns," said Dick. "I heard the train go throu

nly takes chances,"

hinks afterwards,-but he usually com

just as the train came in. He immediately espied Hans

xclaimed. "Glad to see you."

in this country quite some time, still found a difficulty in mastering

ey couldn't come down just now, for

is dot, some kind of

you can look it over." And Sam led the way to the automobile, threw the dre

they started off. "By chimanatics

n't k

, den a steam yachts, und bicycles, und now it


er sky in him?" cried t

you can go up

m Rofer! I got too much regart for my neck alretty y

easy when you k

nk, Sam-put I ton't vonts

ers and came out on the highway leading to the farm. Looking up

am!" he bawled

red Sam. "Yes, it is! Dick or Tom mus

h. "Of Dick or Dom be in dot he preaks h

watch the flight of the biplane. Tom was making a graceful c

e noise of the engine drowned out his oral salute. Then w

y frightened he ducked his head, although the fly

approached the automobile. But this time he

me reason, the biplane refused to respond to the rudder, and with a

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1 Chapter 1 THE BOYS AND THE BIPLANE2 Chapter 2 SOMETHING ABOUT THE ROVER BOYS3 Chapter 3 SAM BRINGS NEWS4 Chapter 4 AT THE TELEPHONE5 Chapter 5 LOOKING FOR THE LOST FLYING MACHINE6 Chapter 6 TWO OLD ENEMIES7 Chapter 7 THE RUNAWAY HORSES8 Chapter 8 TRIAL FLIGHTS9 Chapter 9 THE NEW ARRIVAL10 Chapter 10 FUN WITH OLD RICKS11 Chapter 11 OFF FOR BRILL COLLEGE12 Chapter 12 A GRAND ARRIVAL13 Chapter 13 SOME INTERESTING NEWS14 Chapter 14 THE BIRTHDAY FEAST15 Chapter 15 A PERILOUS FLIGHT16 Chapter 16 DICK AND DORA17 Chapter 17 CAUGHT IN A HAILSTORM18 Chapter 18 TOM AND HIS FUN19 Chapter 19 STARTLING NEWS FROM HOME20 Chapter 20 GRACE'S REVELATION21 Chapter 21 FOLLOWING DORA AND NELLIE22 Chapter 22 OVER THE BIG WOODS23 Chapter 23 AT CLOSE QUARTERS24 Chapter 24 AT THE SWAMP25 Chapter 25 THE TRAIL OF THE TOURING CAR26 Chapter 26 THE MOONLIT TRAIL27 Chapter 27 THE CHAUFFEUR OF THE TOURING CAR28 Chapter 28 AT THE OLD MANSION29 Chapter 29 THE ARM OF THE LAW30 Chapter 30 I Original text several levers for controling31 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 III Original text spelling 'gattling guns' left intact33 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 gun like' retained35 Chapter 35 IX Original text not be suppposed36 Chapter 36 XIII Original text Powll37 Chapter 37 XIV Original text anything new developes38 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 XVII Original text Thy got nearly40 Chapter 40 No.4041 Chapter 41 XX Original text waving franctically42 Chapter 42 43 Chapter 43 XXIV Original text rate of speed44 Chapter 44 XXV Original text spelling 'gatling guns' retained45 Chapter 45 XXVII Original text unuseable46 Chapter 46 XXVIII Original text possesion47 Chapter 47 XXIX Original text Would't48 Chapter 48 XXX Original text boys wants us to go