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The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds


Word Count: 2100    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

iders. But fortunately the current was sluggish, so the horses managed to keep their footing. T

at," was Tom's comment, as they

in, to get back," said Sam.

nswered Dick, with a faint smile. "You know t

ou see, somebody might lift them from the henroost bef

t in Peter Marley. "Many a chicken I've l

me to a small clearing where was located the remains of a wood-cutter's hut. Not far beyond

r as they drew closer. Would they find the flying machine, and if so, w

om Tom's lips, and he po

g rocks," added Sam. "Is she smashe

can't tell if it's broken

this spot was less than two feet deep. By taking off their shoes and socks, and rolling up

oo poles are merely split I think they can be repaired wit

ne?" asked Sa

it looks all right to me. Of course we can

ck," said Tom; and this surmise was undoubtedly correct, for had the Dartaway come

can get her ash

the horses. But we want to be careful how it's done.

and roll the wheels up on them," suggested

," said Peter Marley. "Ye can tear

des of the hut. They had the horses drag these down to the water, and by hard work managed to get

on the other side of the river. Why not build a raft and float her over ins

ered Tom. "Hurrah for a l

ver with the contraption. You kin keep on shovin' planks an' logs under till

ad brought along a substantial lunch. They sat down in the shade of the woods to eat, washing the meal down with some water from a spring back of the old hut

said Dick. "But what it will be I can'

he raft?" asked Sam. "It

Dick. "The rest of you will

ant any help

o of us got on the raft it might sink

eter Marley had cut for him a slender but tough pole, which


" answered the older brother. "You can carry th

was in water up to his ankles and as the planks were slippery he had to watch his footing. Once h

e poled along with vigor, and did what he could to avoid the rocks and shallows. Once the raft caught fast, but soon he had it loose again, and a few minutes later the sandy stretch was gained a

d Tom, as he galloped up f

ve?" asked Sam, who was

as Peter Marley arrived this was done, and then the biplane was unfastened from the raft an

work at once, drying and cleaning the parts. Fortunately the gasoline tank had remained airtight. Whil

ldest Rover boy, at last. "But we'll ti

and hard this t

Sam. "And drive a few stakes in th

en broken, yet such was a fact. They were scratched and

ook hold of the propeller blades. Half a dozen turns proved unavailing and

engine suddenly responded, and there followed those gatling

!" yelled Peter Marley. "If ye d

you can take the horses up i

ere he could do so one of the horses broke away and galloped m

awled the farmer,

as Peter Marley. Across the field dashed the horses, badly frightene

t's to be did?" asked

he horse he had ridden. "We ought to be able to c

hem critters is powerful runners, I can tell ye thet!

e engine. And then he and Sam watched their brother and the farme

pellers go around like circular saws. Now all we've got to do is to have those bamboo sticks bound up, or

canvas, which had been punctured in several

mment. "You'd think it was half a do

anied by two boys. The farmer had a shotgun in

ng?" demanded the farmer, and he showed his

d Dick, pleasantly. "I was tr

t was a company o' soldiers firin' their rifle

is you

n' has been fo

y from us and landed in the river. We dragged it over here," explained Dic

t to see an airship. Boys, this is one of them airships you read about in the papers," he went on to h

. Snubble how the two horses had become frightened and run awa

aid one of the farmer's sons

I," added

her go up when she

shed in which to store this biplane until

thing out o' sight o' the hosses an' cattle, or they'd cut up

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1 Chapter 1 THE BOYS AND THE BIPLANE2 Chapter 2 SOMETHING ABOUT THE ROVER BOYS3 Chapter 3 SAM BRINGS NEWS4 Chapter 4 AT THE TELEPHONE5 Chapter 5 LOOKING FOR THE LOST FLYING MACHINE6 Chapter 6 TWO OLD ENEMIES7 Chapter 7 THE RUNAWAY HORSES8 Chapter 8 TRIAL FLIGHTS9 Chapter 9 THE NEW ARRIVAL10 Chapter 10 FUN WITH OLD RICKS11 Chapter 11 OFF FOR BRILL COLLEGE12 Chapter 12 A GRAND ARRIVAL13 Chapter 13 SOME INTERESTING NEWS14 Chapter 14 THE BIRTHDAY FEAST15 Chapter 15 A PERILOUS FLIGHT16 Chapter 16 DICK AND DORA17 Chapter 17 CAUGHT IN A HAILSTORM18 Chapter 18 TOM AND HIS FUN19 Chapter 19 STARTLING NEWS FROM HOME20 Chapter 20 GRACE'S REVELATION21 Chapter 21 FOLLOWING DORA AND NELLIE22 Chapter 22 OVER THE BIG WOODS23 Chapter 23 AT CLOSE QUARTERS24 Chapter 24 AT THE SWAMP25 Chapter 25 THE TRAIL OF THE TOURING CAR26 Chapter 26 THE MOONLIT TRAIL27 Chapter 27 THE CHAUFFEUR OF THE TOURING CAR28 Chapter 28 AT THE OLD MANSION29 Chapter 29 THE ARM OF THE LAW30 Chapter 30 I Original text several levers for controling31 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 III Original text spelling 'gattling guns' left intact33 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 gun like' retained35 Chapter 35 IX Original text not be suppposed36 Chapter 36 XIII Original text Powll37 Chapter 37 XIV Original text anything new developes38 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 XVII Original text Thy got nearly40 Chapter 40 No.4041 Chapter 41 XX Original text waving franctically42 Chapter 42 43 Chapter 43 XXIV Original text rate of speed44 Chapter 44 XXV Original text spelling 'gatling guns' retained45 Chapter 45 XXVII Original text unuseable46 Chapter 46 XXVIII Original text possesion47 Chapter 47 XXIX Original text Would't48 Chapter 48 XXX Original text boys wants us to go