The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds
Author: Edward Stratemeyer Genre: LiteratureThe Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds
biplane, walking down to the river, and even visiting Humpback Fal
, after they had tramped through the wood
rther than we supposed possible," replied S
said Tom. "But I don't see how she could-with nobody to steer. H
phone to the villages and towns in the direction the biplane to
didn't you think of that before? I
home a little after the supper hour.
ir on the front piazza. His cuts had been plas
idea," answered Tom, an
Rover. "Then you can do all the teleph
d of Dexter's Corners had been greatly improved and the lines could
all up Tom Bender. He's a wideawake fellow
ly was talking to the boy he had mentioned-a lad
g over this burgh like a streak, too! Was it your machin
"It ran away on its own account, from
am, you don't mean it! I don't kno
ded? Try to tell me a
, near the Spring. That would
I'll call up somebody
say the machine broke away. How was
t when I see you," answered the youngest Rover, and rang off. "Tom would kee
concerning the missing biplane. Then he tried several farmers who were
rship, fer it came nigh onto rippin' off the roof o' the barn. Ef I had the feller here a
the airship g
er's Woods,-over where the
ip come down,
she was goin' to come down. But who w
the craft-she ran aw
so blamed crazy like! Any reward fer her?" An
answered Sam, and then consu
help locate it and get it to a safe place we
we go to
a good road, and we can make the si
aid. The farmer agreed to remain around his house until they ar
?" questioned Randolph Rover. "Hadn't you better rem
ight in the mornin
Sam run the machine," put in T
nswered the el
e Rover boys gathered in Dick's room to discuss furth
at Sobber thinks to come here and
'll have to keep our eyes peeled, and, when we go back
ked worried when he w
id he say anything to
hy, do you thi
ine in which dad invested so heavily last summer. They had a strike, and now one crowd is trying
am. "Uncle Randolph is too absorbed in his books and in scientific farming to pay an
through college, I'd jump right into the game
g to take the
going to take the shorter course. He said you t
rt course for your
re!" came
own and get into bu
ait much longer," remarke
"Didn't I see you looking over that furniture and picture
aybe a picture or two for our quarters at Brill. The old ones are pretty punk, if you'll remembe
er. "By the way, Dick, how much longer are you going to linger
a pillow at Sam. "Now go to bed and don't forget to wake up early, for we want to be in Rayville by eight o'clock, so we can ha
op was a small, framed picture of Dora Stanhope, that had been taken only a few months
! Some day you are going to be Mrs. Dick Rover, and that day can't come any
e picture when there came
u want?" he asked, as
ul and don't kiss all the glaze off that photo. She's a sweet girl, wa
r you!" cried Dick, and started to unlock the door. With a merry lau
that much of the soreness was gone. The cuts, of course, remained, and he bound these up with extra strips of adhesive p
ck here, even if you do find it?" questi
dition the Dartaway is in. She may be so broken up as to b
t to fly in the craft,"
we'll telephone for Captain
they were on a fairly good country road, he advanced the spark and the gasolin
" warned Dick. "This road
loving Rover, who just then felt like "letting out." "
e got to have a safer
on the front seat with Tom, while Dick wa
in the road, and went whizzing around it with a sudden lurch that made Sam cling de
d Sam. "Do you want to
'll make you let Sam
t right," answered Tom, just a litt
ook at it," answer
ed to move along, up a winding hill. Then came a level stretch
And then stopped short, for a sud
t?" cried S
e set his teeth grimly, to try to guide the heavy