The Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
Author: Victor G. Durham Genre: LiteratureThe Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
the Jehu pulled his horses up, got down
where I put the last fare down. An' now you
come was well outside of the city, and in a dif
, their racks with nets spread, the rickety wharves-all looked dismal. It seemed as though here m
to you, driver, and here's
s. Will you want to b
. "I reckon we're going to
at's the course?" d
t his watch, the
ater you don't see a craft of any sort headed away from here. From this point, looking down, we can see if any of the boats in port get ready to put out. So M
wait here, keeping out of si
idedly. D
tedious wait," growled
comfort," retorted Captain Jack. "There's something
that way!" grumbled
low a rise in the ground. There were trees and bushes about to aid them in concealing
. Dark found the boy
ything to eat," uttered Eph, disgusted
lied Captain Jack. "With only one of us to each village, it will be tough luc
oing to start?" as
ung submarine skipper "If Millard has taken refuge with anyone who lives in one of t
look into each of the
any in any one
of finding him out. You two will know what to do when you're on the ground. If Millard i
hernmost village. Hal took the ne
Benson, sharply, as they parted, "t
overcast as the submarine boys
Jack, as he strode along. "I don't believe I'd balk, just now, at the
eared the village, proved to have open windows. Lights shone
the principal street, looking into each house without much
street Benson came upon a tum
n you put me up?" queried t
the man behind the cou
had any other stra
ed the man, a shaggy, unke
ack, taking out a half-dollar a
dy very special," rep
e about the kinds of sa
ine, young feller. Cheese
Jack. He seized the first sandwich t
" asked the
d; "for want of any
he sea, d
ll of sandwich. "When I'm going before a br
ch. After that, the fellow got in slightly ahead of the submarine bo
o wash that all down with," hinted Benson. It
y strangers here latel
ut to sail to-night or fi
ce," laughed Jack. "Must be a lot
fishing club'd be down this way to fish, once in a while. That kinder minds me," went on the storekeeper
re, that ought to make business go
t tradin' as soon as
ishing club hired?" wa
nd going to the front of his establishment. "There, if yer eyes are good, you can jest make out a building over
very information for which he had been fishing, nor did h
ving along, now I'm fed,
o is some distance fr
ne stood still in that street and stared after Benso
ing to the part of it that interested him most. Cautiously he stole out along
bmarine boy. "If Millard was really there, I
closer. At nearer range he made the circuit of the house, only to
"Yet he didn't escape, by sea or land, while we were watching outside the village. And it
. From the opposite side of the house came a sound e
an coming out?" wo
e corner of the building. Dropping to the ground, and lying flat, th
the gloom. It was Millard, and under his left arm the fellow car
and fortified harbors-the very stuff that we want to ge
ing low, started after the long-legged one as soon as the distance
were here!" muttered Captain
help o
succeeding ridges of laud. In a way, it was easier following here, for there were oc
other quick leap. Some one else was coming stealthily beh
h joy, as the two chums clasped hands
d will be out of sight. But I'll tell you what-while I tr
ed Hastings, nodding.
ever, by moving forward quickly, Benson was soon
dy rather sharply defined against the sky, Millard began the asce
the sea, Jack now crouched low, stealing along
bushes. Though his game was now out of sight, Jack
he noise came from a s
em in this lonely spot until some other time when he'll feel safe about coming back for them. Talk about luck! Why, Hal and I can pounce on this
of curiosity, Benso
ed that Hal was on my trail. Ther
Jack craned his neck eagerly, trying to pierce the darkness of the night. He could
e of the shovel on
Jack. "He is burying-what? The maps and records? Hidin
uckled no
ne else will do some digging over yonder
d, at last. Now, Millard
ed Jack Benson. "And he isn't bringing a shovel ou
he good judgment to follow the long-legged fellow away. As for Benson, he didn't mean to do another thing
nk off into the darkness. After three minutes or so h
, that had just been tu
ut the fresh earth sh
a blind man!" chuckled the young submari
illard couldn't be such a very clever fellow! Jack had no difficulty in find
out the implement
n here by this time. Good haul-rascal and records in the same night. For, if Hal goes on Millard's trai
d grip on the shovel
ntly moved, this di
re came a new note
unded in Hal's fra
"What's the row? Come here
come he
n, leaning on his shovel, trying to
he sound of Hal Hastings panting, as t
antic voice, though some
hustle, it wil
ound, wheeled, and ran down the s
" quivered the submarine
k the ground. The air seemed fu