The Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
Author: Victor G. Durham Genre: LiteratureThe Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
z Holt, from one of the two office wi
the office, that other man guessed
as well-dressed, and looked like a prosperous a
e calli
n," nodd
me is Herr
ng in his wrinkled old face. "Hair professor? Barber, eh? Why, I t
ng himself up to his full six-foot-one, "it is
u are arguin' about your dignity!" muttered Holt. "And t
rgetting his outraged dignity
to the corner," nodd
back with you," directe
ned old Jabez, with a shrewd look at his gu
hat, Professor Radberg made for th
e German soon came in si
lard Submarine Tor
r Benson!" shout
, Jack Benson tu
ot?" demanded Professor Radberg
ame," nodded Ja
ack to the h
n't you?" asked Jack, sur
lied Radberg, in a
from what country you came. But, in this country, when
err Pro
Jack assured him, his laughing eyes resting on th
Benson, come back t
essary. But why do you w
e are there, I shall have muc
or to you?" asked
berg the air of a man who expects his greatness to be recognized at a glance, and who demands o
what more anxiously. "Besides," added the German, with a now really engag
t your demand," nodded Jack, goo
k at my side," pe
usiness. The German had announced himself as a professor; probably, therefore, he was a scientist. Being a scientist, the Professor had very likely invented, or nearly invented something intended for use in connection with submarine torpedo boats, and wanted to interes
arine Boys on Duty," how Jack and Hal drifted into Dunhaven just at the right moment to fight for an opportunity to work themselves into the submarine boat building business. How th
in, after diving from the surface of the water. The attempt of shrewd business men to secure control of the new submarine boat company was also described, together with the manner in which the submarine b
ize detail of going to the Naval Academy at Annapolis as temporary instructors in submarin
e young men successfully foiled the efforts of spies of for
enson" and "Hastings" were entered in official government tests in which the submarine craft of several other makes competed. The desperate lengths to which the nearest rival of the Pollards went in order to win were told with startlin
y increased, two of the submarines had lately been finished, and four more were under way in long construction sheds. Work o
as the task of the submarine boys to take her out to sea and put her through all manner of tests in order to determine her
ed Jack, as he and the tall G
e Professor's name had been the only new one in a week. The old landl
ofessor Radberg. "Ach,
s he followed in the stranger's wake. Up the stairs they went. The Professor unlocked a door, admitting himself
rected the Professor. The door of this in
hooses to follow and list
mysterious," laughed Jac
chair near the window and then waited until he
egs, "what's the business about? I
am ready," came, stiffly, from the strange
or whether you're just amusing yourself with me, we want to have one thing understood. I came here, sir, as a matter o
hich warned Radberg that, in his rather
well, perhaps what you would call a rather distinguished man. At least, my neighbors are good
erican barber gets wound up and started, all a fellow can do is to listen. It's no use t
sor Radberg, in disgust.
joke. And I beg your pardon, Professor, if I am wasting your ti
speech that caused the German's brow to cloud for an instant. Then, af
Jack shoo
suggesting severe disapproval of one who hadn't master
g enough prize goes w
Professor Radberg.
speaking in his most impressive voi
going to take you i
ned back to watch the
it when I'm awake?" a
o not unde
ce, or wait until you catch me asle
not be si
dly, "but we'll let it pass. How are you going to get me into the Germ
ou a very handsome sum of money, and we are going to give
ed forward once more, lower
ks. Well, we are going to take all three of you into the Ger
ted when I tell 'em what's coming
o? Of c
ose to do with us in y
g to make off
Our officers are, as you will understand, very-what is your English word?-aristocratic. They could not be q
a slight tinge of sarcasm in his it was lost on the
e sums of money to pay you for entering our service. We in Germany know the rank which you young men have
looked. You tell me that you are authorized to come to Dunhaven and kidnap my friends and mys
moment. Then, as he seemed to begi
already told you that
e as sober as that of a judge. "Come right down to the points of the comp
dded the German. "Of co
his kind, I do not trav
your two companions on
as well as any time," r
hall take you to our German Embassy, and one of our officials t
fine of him," agre
et you must bring your two comrades here. They must understand just what is wanted of them. And now, Herr
mighty important-if we g
the Professor. "Why,
ely enough," murmured Jack. "I shall have to sit up straight
you not
anything," replied Jack, looking astonis
se, to Washington?" uttered Rad
. "In fact, sir, I may as well tell you that it's was
smiled Professor Radbe
be, too, for you are a
anks," murmure
to see some money. Quite right! I should, were I in
dberg brought up into view a big roll of money. He held this up so tha
this-you, who are such a young b
ocket. Young Benson brought up into the light a very comfortable looking handful of banknotes, rolled
an, regarding Jack's mon
d you get
ried the young submarin
you where yo
ess!" cried the German Professor,
oo," agreed Jack, follo
bad form,' to go to co
handsome sum of money, and what excellent wages, the German
Germany?" interrupted the
ny?" demanded the Profe
o tell you Germans whatever I may know about submarine secrets, to dri
Radberg. "Now, we are beginni
Captain Jack Benson, "we'
? I ass
arine boy, "I wouldn't sell out my count
Professor's face was a
roke fort
ou are
resentment. "That's just the kind o
aces to realize that, at all events, there was n
"You can go. I shall se
with 'em you'll think
n Jack
g to lay down his life instantly for the good of the Fatherland. Yet he couldn't understand that men of other nations could be just as devoted to their own co
turning the key to unlock it. "I'm sorry you had all the trouble
the other. "If not, your comrades will, I hope, p
en to you," smile
last words before the door of the outer room clo