The Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
Author: Victor G. Durham Genre: LiteratureThe Submarine Boys for the Flag / Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam
equipped with a telephone, the young Army man was in touch both with Fort Craven and w
nd Ridder, for the boy had felt i
s quickly as this?" asked the young lieut
ew things," repli
et us hear what
nt Ridder, when he heard the news, was
rmy officer. "No policeman in sight! No
ropped from the automob
ly a glance, and his
etch again, jump on
followed him, he might lead me to the place where he kept his maps and his other stol
y to get Major Woodruff
. "He may have so
ome. He heard the message a
yet, and do our best to find Millard, either in his own garments,
e other boys here," mu
t was Hal, reporting, and inquiring wh
you'll do well to get here as qui
word-" began
atter had received his orders, and his next concern was to o
adventure with Millard, Eph Somers came in. He stood in the background
o the fellow?" asked Lieutena
"and I guess I have been enjoying
nded the Army
I'll bet a cookie," gr
anded Lieutenant
for her-carried it
ied Jack Benson,
on second thought, tha
Lieutenant Ridder. "Tal
orted Eph, with a slight flash of his eyes, "
on Ridder that Army briskne
tell?" demanded the youn
maybe, I was eight blocks or so away from here. I
hotel, anyway, after yo
oke in the A
to ran along slowly, and we heard no row behind, so we guessed that maybe Jack had been wrong in his guess. At least, Ha
fast, to your latest adventu
nued Eph, placidly. "You asked
eting the woman in a
er," ret
see through
you know it
ll as Millard. Besides, this one had rather a long foot, and wore r
eet her-or him
I picked up 'her' dress suit case. It struck me that the one I supposed to be a woman was on the point of speaking to me when he-she-seemed to see my uniform and then get a look at my face. Then the party, whether it was he or she, made signs to show that he, or she, was deaf and dumb. The suit case wa
ady'?" asked the Lieutenant Ridd
cks," re
ou lef
ind her again. And I guess it's
ck. "And we can'
er, he saw that these submarine boys were used to acting swiftly, and he began to belie
ll hope to have a r
straight to the hotel desk, Jack asking, bluntly, whether any very ta
the clerk, v
he "woman" having stepped inside the hotel. She r
a driver, got into his cab, and
he driver, did
the porter. "You didn't thi
same "woman" whom Eph had so gallantly assisted. They were equally
whose cab she engaged?" Jack asked,
" was the quick answer.
ied out, transferring t
driver, after Jack Benson had slipped him, also,
eried Jac
t there was something peculiar about it. I wondered, at the
ou to take her," Jack
rnam S
her to any a
my pipe, and I saw the woman, if woman it was,
o do," hinted Jack, "suppose yo
re gazing out of a cab window upon the square.
u say, that took your last 'far
has a regular stand here. It
n that particular drive
it here in you
ng, as well as drivin
er if it would not be better to give up this present clue to th
w and his rig, coming b
, "drive us over alongside. Don't say
n the sidewalk, talking earnest
t," guessed Jack, noting the
nodded the
taking the tall woma
it 'somewhere'? I'd
was it?"
emanded the Jehu, looking with su
same place that you took the w
llars. I wouldn't go over tha
ome money. "More than that, if you play right fair with us, we'll put an
young gentlemen right,
fellows, and t
I took that last party?" ques
note pays you for is asking no questions," re
teen minutes to rest and wa
dded Jack. "And now, Medwa
onded the first driver, t
tioned Jack, while the new driver got
ast. Know where the Cobt
cupied by fishermen, and some ain't. There's three or four coves down that way fishing craft
re to any particular
, in sight o' Cobtown, an' wal
of a 'gri
rownish s
he one,"
s team, the submarine boys drew asid
g to be too late," g
ou think so?"
g, reckless lot of fellows. They'd take a craft anywhere, in any kind of weather, for mon
chase any smack on the Atlantic
ch craft to overhaul, and
e matter with the people a
got through the red tape, and got started, any smart smack, in a
long drive, then?" asked Hal
mptly. "Hal, old fellow, any tra
n, now, gents, if ye wa
to meet whatever might be before them in Cobt
ne of us po