Roses and Rifles
pping on our conversation answered. I shove my phone in my bag and slid it around my shoulder before storming out of the room. "Winter, where are you going?" "To put that she-devil in her place" I retorted. "No" Miley jumped in front of me, "You'll be risking your scholarship and chances of ever getting into any prestigious school ever again !" "Who cares! I can't let this bitch ruin me for good!" I fired irritably, "You know how much winning that contest means to me. I need to get Jeremiah out of that hell" "I know" Miley stressed, "And I have done some work for you to win. Just give it time, you'll be impressed with the result" "You are talking gibberish just to stop from confronting that bitch.But trust me, I'm not falling for your tricks" "What bitch are we confronting?" Evangeline blocked me outside the door. She wasn't alone. She was holding hands with Derek, the guy I used to date in first year, while her minions, Samantha, Heidi and Lori, provocatively chewed gum behind them. I froze once I saw her, my whole being always stiffen at the sight of her. There was something about the way she sizes people with her lethargic siren eyes, like they were nothing but a piece of trash. On seeing Evangeline the crowd began to double, engulfing us in a circle with their phones in hand. Ready to record internet-worthy moments. "You were saying something" Evangeline flipped the strand of brown hair in my face, "Did a cat suddenly bite your tongue ?" My fists folded on my sides, the strong urge to stand up for myself coursed through me but the fear was stronger. "Speak, little wench!" She smacked my cheek. "You can't put your hands on her like that!" Miley stepped in between us. "Or what?" "Or we'll take the matter to the police" I didn't realize when I blurted that. Evangeline face a cynical laugh and the crowd joined in. It made me feel very little and stupid. "You'll never win that contest. It doesn't matter if I participate in it or not?" She leaned in to whisper, sending a cold shiver down my spine. Tears stung at the corners of my eyes. I bit my lower lip to suppress the rage seething inside me. For a whole year I had to bottle up the hurt and humiliation the she devil in front of me has put me through, but all of it would have to come to an end, today. "Anticipate your loss, loser" She tapped me on the shoulder and turned to leave. Derek glanced at me with a smug smile on his lips as he trudged along with her. "You'll not win!" I shouted out as loud as I could. The crowd gasped. She turned to look at me, surprise evident in her icy blue eyes. "What did you say?" She walked back to where I stood in a slow threatening motion. I gulped noisily, "I said you will not win" I repeated the words in a shaky yet clear tone. M