Roses and Rifles
at your man stole the deal from us, just when we were about to seal it" My man? My brows furrowed in confusion. I looked at Jeff properly for the first time. "My man? I don't... I don't have any man" "We know you'd do anything to protect that bastard, but your life is at stake here, honey" "I swear, I don't know what you are talking about. I haven't been in a talking stage for a year now let alone having a man" I blurted rapidly. I was sweating profusely and my eyes stung with tears. Jeff ignored me and turned to Limpy. "Has the video been sent to that son of a bitch?" "Yes. We sent a video as soon as we captured her. But I don't think he has viewed it yet" "You bone heads, why didn't you say so?" Jeff Hedwick flared up. He brought out his phone from the pocket of his coat and dailed a number. It rang for a long while before the receiver answered. "What is it, Hedwick?" A rich husky voice boomed from the other end. " I bet you've received my message.I'm with your fiancé, loser" Jeff Hedwick roughly held my chin up for whoever the Aleksandr was to see. "Cancel the shipment or I blow her brains out!" Jeff Hedwick threatened. "No, please!" I screamed and started to cry upon hearing that. Jeff Hedwick held my head tight, His fingers dug in the sides of my head to keep my face in check. "I don't know that woman. Kill her" The receiver mumbled leisurely. The call ended after the man called Aleksandr said his part. "He hung up on me. That cocky bastard just hung up on me!" Jeff pushed my head so hard that I feared my neck would snap. "Fuck!" Jeff Hedwick snapped. "Fuckkkkkk!" He smashed his phone against the wall and pulled out a gun, he fired against the roof repeatedly while I cried with my eyes tightly closed. "Shut up you fucking bitch!" He pressed the gun to the center of my, "One more sound from you and I'll blow your brains off!" When he said that I used everything within me to suppress myself and not cry, but I couldn't stop shaking neither would my tears stop seeping. "Clean her up and bring her to Ambrose. Aleksandr will know how serious we are when we send him a footage of that oldie screwing the life out of his bitch" Jeff Hedwick chuckled. "No... no... no please. You can't do that to me, I swear I don't know who he is" I started crying all over again. "What are you losers waiting for? Take her!" He yelled at them. *** Just like Jeff Hedwick had instructed, I was cleaned up and strapped to a bed in just my bra and panties, a ball shoved into my mouth to gag me. I wriggled with every strength I could muster to break free, but nothing seemed to be working. I