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Mr. CEO, I Can't Be Hidden Anymore

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1242    |    Released on: 14/02/2025


the day working and felt Si

king at me? I pondere

e one calling me. She would have obviously taken Jason to s

and the fact that Joseph was in his of

ou back later," I told Maur

d away. I didn't understand the reason for

Simon informed me,

ir. "I think we will be going to the cafeteria,

he smiled, and I smiled back. "Fine. I am

a deep breath of fresh air as I re

ined by encounteri

ve a child? How can Joseph E

too long to f

ed ahead to the elevator to

d, I entered and looked back, see

from him, wanting to shut the door and le

o the second floor. We didn't speak to each other. Luckily, there was a female staff member and

I saw him. As much as I tried to look awa

o glance at all. H

ered the second-floor hallway. The security men greeted him as he stopped to sp

through all that journey alone. Th

about this, and he cannot pr

y served free lunch, and I requested a plate of jollof

eria, I saw Joseph looking at me. But h

ment, as if he were admiring me. But he looked away and moved away f

but his eyes were on me. Each ti

didn't know they had waitstaff. Most of the staff di

before I confronted Joseph again. He might have moved on, I guessed, as he seemed so obse

ng me out of my trance. I could feel Joseph's gaze

ng in and going out.

him, and he sat

y the meal?" he aske

d, still feeling J

your personal number to call you after closin

y calls," I replied c

heck up on my colleague. Nothin

et back to the office, I will give you my phone

o him and ordered the same food as mine. We sat there eating, a

's gaze on my back, and I

Simon's office to sit in my chair. My

new products online. I finished up with all the new products available,

s and videos and recalled Josep

up to my face, so why co

ned out of my son's profile, kept my phone, a

ught they were just starting, but it was a b

my son in a school and her goi

, but he had paid her dowry; o

weddings, so she wanted to go live wi

and I didn't know if I should t

hed, Simon rose from his de

your phone number," he said, and

ould call tonight. I shook my head, picke

sn't in sight, so I made my way to

hree cars. I sighed, looking forward as I exit

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