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Mr. CEO, I Can't Be Hidden Anymore

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1270    |    Released on: 14/02/2025


in the kitchen, I stepped out of the ho

apartment, and it was

oad, I saw a bus and got in. I sat beside a m

ed my smiles with any man. It was very painful that Joseph would break up with me.

I became a laughingstock among my peers, who hadn

sed on the road. The man who sat beside me

looked at this man's face, I gulped. He was very fair like me, and he had short brow

don't need any favors from anyone," I said as th

your beauty. Do you live around here, or where

never a guy poked his

le easily get kidnapped, and trusting a stranger is a risk," I said, my voice l

at in mind," he said,

down?" the driver of the yellow bus

k suit came down too. My brows furrowed, wondering i

onductor, but he told me,

he conductor, who gasped, "Oh! Sorry, m

ly made my way to the company

with me. I believed that by the time I go

ity, and the security let him in. I was surprised that the

I replied, "I'm here for my interview." I showed him

pany was very strict, just as Maureen had told me. I didn'

the boss to arrive, and it was al

d whispering from the other new members who came for their interviews. I think

with her folder to introduce herself to us, a

d with a quick introduction. I am Anita Edward, your new coach. I will give out this consent form to each and every one of you. Once you sign it, it shows that you have agreed to our company's terms. Then I will assign you to your partner, who will me

ould see clients coming in and going out of the building. I

entering a bus like I did. Although I had the mone

now, it would seem like I was trying to compete with her. I didn't know if that's how Maur

easily, though, but I

turn to go in for your int

e, rose from the guest chair, and adjus

ith my handbag?" I asked, u

levator and we rode up to the fifth floor. She showed me a safe wh

," I told her,

waiting," she said, pointing at

and walked to t

on the fifth floor, and my eyes landed on the black-

this new company. Why didn't I do my research on him? How did

leave his office. He appeared in

?" he asked, pretendin

d he not recognize me just after

o him. "Jo... Joseph. You own this compa

etending not to know me, then I would pretend that I didn't know him either. W

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