My Long Distance Boyfriend
: Annie are you-there,?Annie [Annie]:hi I can hear you now Dave: finally my reception is so bad here Annie:this is so hard Dave:I wish I was there Annie:if I was not enjoying this pool floaty,
rld is the same one Dave goes to! [annie dad] wow! That coincidence Annie: it's more than that dad this is fate I applied for Gissk and I got in I got the same the same scholarship as mom Ah! [annie dad ]: so this would be your junior year of college Annie: of high school just like mom Annie dad: high school , honey classes start next week Annie: it a crazy timing āwise but a spot just opened up today which again fate dad I miss out on getting to know mom and I miss dea all the time and I miss Lj and margot and they are busy because they're own thing Annie dad: that different they went to college Annie: No it's not that different to me cause am the only one left here at home with you two of course who I absolutely love spending time with. But I'm ready to stop missing everybody . Am ready to start experiencing new things I want my own adventure. Annie dad: I get that but boarding school,that's not like going to our vacation we had a travel agent doing everything Annie: I know I've Dave and he 'ii be my guide and my translator and my person Annie dad: uh, I don't know [Annie stepmom Kate] ~ honey I think it great that she wants to know more about her mom her culture . I spent a summer in India with my cousin when I was about annie age and it's life changing Annie dad: when did you get to be so big? You're supposed to be 9year old forever . Annie: dad , focus this is important no part of mom has ever belonged to just me this could be my