Annie I wanted to surprise my long distance boyfriend Dave by Transferring to his School Glorious high school as a international student so we could finally be together which I didn't inform in him of me coming It wasn't only because of Dave I was transferring to his school I get to meet his friends that we are on group chat with The main reason was that my late mom schooled in Gracious high school I get to meet her friends and get to know her better But unfortunately on getting there I was met with so many surprises What did you think are the surprises ? Carry on my dear readers
Annie:[on call][Dave,Dave Hello can you hear me] Summer in Poland Everybody got their person I'm still trying to get a hold of mine it's not easy since he's 16 time Zone and 5,000 miles away [Dave]: Annie are you-there,?Annie [Annie]:hi I can hear you now Dave: finally my reception is so bad here Annie:this is so hard Dave:I wish I was there Annie:if I was not enjoying this pool floaty, I would be at home in my comfort socks missing you Dave: I hate we're so far away from each other Annie: I hate it too, are we ever gonna see each other again? Dave: Annie Annie: Dave [I said ,
are we ever gonna see each other again? Hello Dave:yes we will I'd give anything to be with you now. Annie: I gotta go I will call you later Bye [incoming call] Hello This is she , omg yes , Twenty-four hours , I understand yes I officially accept Thank you so much yes ! [annie House] Annie: Annie and Dave , love against all odds [Annie Dad ]:what is this about Annie? Annie:There "ii be time for questions at the end. I know when two people are meant for each other it's a feeling I get I felt it Laura, Jean and Peter I felt for you two and I feel it for me and Dave Destiny Remember when I went to grandma and grandpa's to help clean the attics well I found all this stuff of mom's and I realized she went to Korea for Boarding school in her junior year of high school and grandma told me she got this cool scholarship for Koreans living abroad to help them learn about their culture [annie Stepmom]:That sounds lovely [annie dad]:The best.she told me all about it Annie: But no one told me all about it my whole life I've rely on other people to tell me about mom Annie Dad: Annie I mean I was – Annie stepmom:Honey, you're interrupting her flow keep going Annie: so there I was trying to make sense of all this pieces of mom's life. [Who's this ] [love song]? I thought dad was your first love Then suddenly something clicked the school mom went to Glorious international school of Seoul Korea [Giisk] one of the top international schools in the world is the same one Dave goes to! [annie dad] wow! That coincidence Annie: it's more than that dad this is fate I applied for Gissk and I got in I got the same the same scholarship as mom Ah! [annie dad ]: so this would be your junior year of college Annie: of high school just like mom Annie dad: high school , honey classes start next week Annie: it a crazy timing –wise but a spot just opened up today which again fate dad I miss out on getting to know mom and I miss dea all the time and I miss Lj and margot and they are busy because they're own thing Annie dad: that different they went to college Annie: No it's not that different to me cause am the only one left here at home with you two of course who I absolutely love spending time with. But I'm ready to stop missing everybody . Am ready to start experiencing new things I want my own adventure. Annie dad: I get that but boarding school,that's not like going to our vacation we had a travel agent doing everything Annie: I know I've Dave and he 'ii be my guide and my translator and my person Annie dad: uh, I don't know [Annie stepmom Kate] ~ honey I think it great that she wants to know more about her mom her culture . I spent a summer in India with my cousin when I was about annie age and it's life changing Annie dad: when did you get to be so big? You're supposed to be 9year old forever . Annie: dad , focus this is important no part of mom has ever belonged to just me this could be my chance to get to know her in my way I feel like if I find this pieces of her. I'll find a pieces of my self Annie dad: your mom will be so proud of you Annie: so can I go? Annie dad: you can go Annie: I can?I can? Oh my God, thank you , thank you I love you! Annie dad: ah she gonna have a great time Kate: she will have a great time Annie dad: did I just let my youngest daughter go to Korea and have sex with her boyfriend ? Kate: No no Annie dad: maybe Annie: Annie Cho Jason [passport] Ann to my friends and I'm on my way to Seoul.Korea Attendant: yes I see that in the system . Dear lara , jean, and Margot I can't believe operation G.I.s..s.k is actually happening Margot I know you still don't believe me this isn't about a boy this is for me Xo ,Ann Whoa Annie:excuse me wait, do you go to Giisk ? I am going to Giisk too Brett: No English! Annie: okay, rude Hi, me again Okayyyyy so I'm partially go to korea for Dave Good guys are hard to find oh by the way, I decided to surprise him he has no idea I'm coming I'm gonna show up at the welcome party and Boom first kiss pretty soon these lips will no longer be virgin XO Ann Seoul [ incheon airport] Annie: oh shit I miss the bus oh wait that my bus oh![falls] Hi excuse me um...... hi do you ... Choi yuri pov [Shopping for clothes ] Yuri personal assistant: I heard your dad opened a new hotel in Dubai Yuri: love this is for me Yuri assistance: oh I think your dad won't approve of this
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