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City millionaire


Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 03/06/2024

her in hospital, Dan was still with her, he had promised to be by her side in every step, he has been so supportive, her parents knew that he the right man for her, they stayed in the hospital for 3

was well arranged by Mary , baby bedroom was decorated with colors blue, Jane had

g towards the hospital, Jane had already parked her belongings and that of the child, when Dan got there,he went straig

em, it was lunch time and and table was set, Dan pulled up the baby cot close to where he was seated , they both had lunch

years old Elvis was taken to school he was very bright pupil ,he wanted to make his parents proud,he always topped in his class, when he was in fourth grade Elvis behaved so well he was the most well behaved, he understood what was required of him,making goo

versation , Elvis was waiting to hear from her when the bell rang, they both went to class , Ann was unhappy, she promised herself would talk to him during lunch break, Elvis had become very responsible he had learned that from his parents , the head teacher was planning on making him the head boy, during lunch break he was called at the head teacher office, they talked at length about his performance and achievements in school, he was surprised about the news of him becoming the head boy he had never thought of such a thing, he went and joi

well, he was a proud father, Jane was pregnant with her second child, she was going through mood swings nausea and vomiting she did not join them for dinner, when Elvis was done he went upstairs to check on his mother,she was in bed Elvis sat on the b

m and Mary, he went close to Mary and whispered to her, but shdid not hear him, he pretended to take a glass of water and touched her buttocks , it was strange Mary had never seen him beh

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