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City millionaire


Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 02/06/2024

tal, lab test were conducted and when results were out they were called to see the doctor " congratulations the doctor said both of them were silent and wondered what he was talking about, " your wife

y she knew that he would stand and support her t

t, he hurriedly got into his car and rushed to see Jane , Jane was asleep when he got there he rang the doorbell she opened the door and went to bed she had not eaten anything that day, Dan had brought her French fries with chicken, she tried eating but She couldn't, she took a glass of water, Dan tried to convince her to stay at his house but she wanted to visit her parents first, Dan promised to accompany her,Jane packed her clothes and drove to Dans house,the house help was there Jane's mood was something else, she greeted her and went straight to the bedroom Dan followed her with the briefcase, the house help knew something was wrong, but she didn't know

nd drove back to Dan house, Mary the house help was still home , Jane requested her to take some boiled water in flask upstairs, mary did as she was told by Jane Dan was not in the room When she went there, she politely asked Jane if she was ok , Jane looked at her and smiled, yes am fine Mary ,she said, Mary on hearing Dan footsteps she started walking out . That evening Jane did not go downstairs for dinner it was only Dan who went, Jane was so unwell she had terrible headaches, she was afraid of taking any medicine she didn't want mess up with the baby, Jane

come and take her to the hospital and he drove very fast he came and picked her from the court she was unable to go back to her office, Dan drove her straight to the hospital. A check up was done test conducted and she was admitted, by this time the contractions were severe , Dan was n

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