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Snitching My Bestfriend's Billionaire Husband

Chapter 6 Repeating my mistake

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

past mistake? I dive into a ho

I felt a wave of conflicting emotions surge within me. How could he act as if

him when he wasn't looking. He look

. I struggled to maintain my composure as I tried to push away the guilt and shame th

o use dwelling on the past. But it was hard to shake off the

h a warm smile as if nothing

a while,

as," I replied, my voice sounding a bit too forced for my liking. I

es, trying to tell me that I should not tell Lilia what we did

om within. I was the intruder in their perfect world, the outsider who stumbled upon their happiness. Sh

I replied, choosing

me, perhaps sensing the tension. But then, she masked it with her rad

d, facing Lilia. He whispered so

coffee. Would you like to join us

d pretend like everything is fine? Or should I make up

e filled with warmth. "Yes, Mollie, it would be

ment, my mind a jumble of conflicting thoughts. But then, realizing that there was no escap

anaged to say, my voice betraying

. Lilia chattered animatedly about their recent trip while Sean nodded along, his

ing like an outsider intruding upon their private bubble of happiness. The gui

ately?" Lilia's voice broke through my

sual," I replied, forcing

ps me pre

ary before turning back to Lilia. It felt like he was trying to convey something to me

te for a moment alone to collect my thoughts. The walls seemed to close in ar

door creaked open, and Sean stepped inside,

ising within me. I looked at his back to see if

anced towards me, trapping me against the sink. He

whispered, his brea

uld we?" My heart pounded in fear as I realized the

He brought his face closer to mine. The distance between us vanish

red. His hand roamed my hips as he entered my nightdress. I tried to push him away, but his grip t

ed with possessiveness and malice. My mind raced w

t you re

this," I pleaded, my voi

k, his grip tightening on my arm.

e to look into his eyes as h

contract to anyone, I'll make sure y

in. He couldn't be serious, could he? But the st

whispered, my voice b

n sneered, as he gent

waltz back into our li

sing my neck with fierce intensity. His grip on my

ed, his breath hot against my skin. He turned me to the sink and

ke sure you will live in hell," he whispered between his teeth a

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