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Snitching My Bestfriend's Billionaire Husband

Chapter 5 Her Husband

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

lders like a leaden cloak. The memory of what had transpired with Sean lingered

er how much I do to clean my body, th

in her hospital bed, her small form pale and fragile against the crisp white sheets. S

med, her voice ting

e overwhelming sense of guilt that threatened to consume me. I had done

ile onto my face, determined to shield her from the darkness that l

y eyes fell upon a woman who

he has a dark, golden brown complexion that complements her porcel

saw the woman's face. Her piercing gray eyes seemed to see right through me, making me feel exposed and vulnerable.

reement before. Seeing her now, looking just as elegant and confident as ever, brought ba

dden appearance after all these years. The tension in the air was pal

er voice soft and filled with a

ight of our past mistakes hang

her innocent question breaking the si

heart heavy with the memorie

when Mommy was young." Aoife's eyes widened in wonder as she looked

y piqued. I hesitated for a moment. I looked at Lilia, w

answered, knowing that the decisio

ait for me here so that her aunt and I could talk out

time getting straight to the p

r question. Should I lie and hide it from her? O

" I

Lilia's expression softened

. I hope you can forgive me." I apologized for ruining her relation

ready forgave you. I understand we

n the present," she said, a sma

"We can be best friend

too." I hugg

ish our friendship moving forward. It felt li

in the hallway. I asked her what'

checked out. "I can't bear a child, Mollie." She looked at me with tear

elt sorry that at that age she was sick, and I was jealous because her mother was lu

me. "You are blessed to have Aoife

ily, but I can't give him that right now." I squeezed her ha

me because I can't bear his children.

s you and understands your

ildren doesn't define your worth as a woman or a

sitated for a moment. I have a strang

and?" sh

my heart beat faster, unsure o

" she said en

e. When he saw me, his smile faded, and he approached his wife. He kissed h

." The realization hit me like a t

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