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Snitching My Bestfriend's Billionaire Husband

Snitching My Bestfriend's Billionaire Husband


Chapter 1 Matched

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

t the clock groggily, noting the early hour. Dawn was just breaking, casting a soft glow through the curtains. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I s

ce and exhaustion. The thought of dealing with her antics before

Pad. And so, every morning, I greeted these strangers at my doorstep with a fake smile plastered on my face and my he

drive me to work. I don't know where she found them. What if the man she picks to go to our house

on my cousin's birthday that time, and all I can remember is that jerk flirting with me, and then waking up naked in my

ship just for temporary happiness. Now, I am left to raise my daughter on my own and pick up the pieces of the mess I c

help but wonder who Aoife had chosen for me this time. Would he be kind, with gentle eye

thers. He was the person who would grab your attention when you saw him at first g

r whatever because I don't want to enter a new relat

back, all charm and charisma, but I saw through the facade. These encounters were nothing more tha

surely, maybe wondering if

rtainty. I nodded, knowing that this meeting would likely end

allace," he int

ward, but I'm just a friend of the one in that red car,

n he matches on the dating app."

ced at the red car, noticing a man inside

en a misunderstanding,"

ie Porter," I replied with a smi

he stopped me. "Wait?" Ryan said sh

e. "Yes, really, because I'm not on any dating apps,"

while hiding in the kitchen pantry. I chuckled to myself, knowing my daughter's sneaky habits all too well

and sure enough, I found her

. She sheepishly grinned back at me, knowing she had been caught

messy appearance, realizing she h

akfast, even if you already h

the floor. As I started making breakfast, I couldn't help

it up with excitement at the sight of the delicious breakfast spread before her. Despite her earlier sneaky snack, I coul

smile, but as soon as I saw the person standing in front of me, his piercings shone from the sun, as di

on standing before me was someone I hadn't seen in years, and his

t you had already forgiven me." I felt a surge of

you done

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