The Heiress' Returns
ing place and sanctuary from everything until today. Why until today you might as while that's because my family and my past have now manage to find me and figure out where I live and where I wor
t is something that defin
y home with big yard , white picket fence , cats and dogs family. My dad (TJ) is SSOOO NOT any of that . He grew up in South Florida being groomed to take over the family business which is a Club. Don't get me wrong . They dont do the whole drug trafficing, illegal stuff, or guns trafficing. But they do help out with situations with clubs that do that kind of stuff to stop them or get people out, or they help with abuse and domestic abuse and that kind of thing and they run a lot of businesses from mechanic and welding shops to car dealer ships and lawyer offices and bars and bowling alleys and a bunch of different things in between. Now, my point is he was groomed his whole life to take over all of this . Mainly because he was the oldest. Well, Unfortunately for me I'm his only biologically child and I'm girl. Which means I was trained in all forms of martial arts and weapons from a gun to even a sword . But I love my daggers the best. Umm... anyway not
leman at the grown age of sixteen I took off. Now, how did I stay hidden this long you wonder while most of the training my dad gave me helped me do the hiding and most of the adapting and blending in with regular everyday people I learned from the time Ilived with my mom. So, you see they both equiped me with the tools I needed to survive and learn and to escape the
me .Ugh, I love them the most but I kind of sort of hate them at the same time. I mean what's a girl to do. First, check out the current situation of what I might be walking back into for both home fronts and then reevaluate my current situation and here and see if runn